21191503? ago

How about this idea reorganize the letters? redi for rg - R.B.G?

21186317? ago

Q has also mentioned "rig" as in a rigged system, and rigged elections. When something is rigged it has an outcome covertly arranged behind the scenes. Red has politically referred to the Republicans. That would suggest the outcome is set covertly in favor of the Republicans.

21185651? ago

A red light (called a Ruby Lamp) is used in photography in the film development lab for the person developing film to be able to see what they are doing. Old style film would not be ruined by light exposure with the ruby lamp because the color of light would be seen as darkness on the undeveloped negatives. When old style negative film is exposed to normal light, the image would be "burned" into the film, and the silver on the film exposed to light would be burned away, then removed in the development process. But, with exposure to the dark red light, the silver would not be burned away. Hence why the red light was always used in the developing "dark room."

21185500? ago

8 Chan was 93 days dark...


The Corn Is Now Ripe for Harvesting



27 Jul 2019 - 6:54:54 PM



Was the corn ripe for harvesting?

It is now.

[ 93 dk]


Rigged for Red (Ability to Preserve Night Vision (Dark) )

21185471? ago

I can remember a time when applying the term Red to a person or entity meant socialist/communist. Then suddenly, and ironically (or calculatingly), networks in unison standardized on the colors Blue to Democrats and Red to Republicans on election maps. I can't remember the exact year -- 2000 maybe with Bush?. This was jarring t me, because it was extremely ironic and a fait accompli. Democrats had been running more leftists beginning, in my memory, with Eugene McCarthy. Democrat should be Red because they are more and more openly socialist.

21185325? ago

perhaps a rogue sub has been staying on the seabed to evade detection.

It is going to run out of breathable air very soon and will be forced to replenish by surfacing.

If the approx location is known this may be an alert that it will be on the surface soon so keep a watchful eye open ?

21185312? ago

Brings to mind..."RED". Rebel Elite Defense from DarkJedi Community...


21185323? ago

or RED Regional Emergency Dispatching

21185361? ago

RED=Redundant (Military communications) Of or involving redundancy in the transmission of messages. With the new 8chan...

21185215? ago


21185194? ago

Another possibility is that red is the traditional color of the Roman Empire and the color worn by the College of Cardinals. With the Vatican raid a week or so ago, and the (possible) treasure trove of evidence Barr came back with, it could be a reference that things are heating at the Vatican. Godfather III has also been referenced.

21185151? ago

Just an aside, but Durham, England is known as the "Red Hills".

21185086? ago

Rig For Red-

Used in submarines, to ensure all interior lighting is red and of low intensity so as to preserve night vision.

Darken ship-

The defensive process of ensuring that no light whatsoever emanates from a ship at night

21184497? ago

"I dont wanna datefag", but here's a new date. GTFO

21184186? ago

21185198? ago


21184041? ago

The connection between "Rig For Red" and "Red October" did occur to me, but I rejected it because it's now November. The fact that it's still October in the "old style" (Julian) calendar system, even though it's now November in our now-standard Gregorian calendar system, didn't occur to me. But I now think that interpretation is a strong contender for what Q was referring to.

2019-11-03 [Gregorian] = 2019-10-21 [Julian]

21186218? ago

Interesting. A 13-day delta. And, events that may have been predicted to happen in "new style" might actually be occurring on the date in "old style" -- i.e., almost a fortnight later.

So, there may be disappointment today, 11/3, if an arrest warrant for Podesta isn't announced today, actionable tomorrow: https://qmap.pub/read/34 -- however, perhaps we're using the wrong "calendar" and it will actually happen on 11/3+13 = 11/16 (a Saturday) and the arrest happen 11/17?

Thanks for this, both you and OP.

21185191? ago

Thank you, anon.

21184356? ago

Just want to say that I greatly appreciate posts and replies like yours. There are too many on here that sound like uneducated children and cannot write/speak intelligently.

21184972? ago


21184011? ago

Anon mind Q724:

Future news will highlight.

Note "The Hunt For" was dropped.

Details matter.


The hunt for red October is different from the Red October string, probably.

21184962? ago

HUNTer Biden.

21197428? ago

I never considered this link. Hunt for red October -> HUNTer and Russia (meaning Ukraine)?