FBI Files Confirm Tunnels And Evidence of Child Abuse Beneath CA Preschool with CIA Ties. The Children Were Telling The Truth! (reddit.com)
submitted 5.3 years ago by 3494026?
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21146114? 5.3 years ago
Thank you for sharing that, I remember that McMartin school.
I remember well how they covered it up and how they claimed it was all due to collective hysteria and interviewers planting ideas in their heads.
I also remember well how they said their were no tunnels under the school.
These people are fucking Satanic!
21146289? 5.3 years ago
What are the Shriners? This Mirth...What are the the Royal Order of Jesters and their Bizzare Acts?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457657/20837296 Royal Order of Jesters, Masonic, Vatican rituals are all over the target
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21146114? ago
Thank you for sharing that, I remember that McMartin school.
I remember well how they covered it up and how they claimed it was all due to collective hysteria and interviewers planting ideas in their heads.
I also remember well how they said their were no tunnels under the school.
These people are fucking Satanic!
21146289? ago
What are the Shriners? This Mirth...What are the the Royal Order of Jesters and their Bizzare Acts?? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457657/20837296 Royal Order of Jesters, Masonic, Vatican rituals are all over the target