21130272? ago

The real concern is that low votes keeps info at the bottom of the stack.

21130282? ago

exactly... any faggot saying voats don't matter is a faggot

21129697? ago

What is a 'like' and who cares if you get validated by the fangurls?

21129628? ago

VOAT was down for me most of yesterday. It always happens when (((they))) don’t want you to see something.

21129426? ago

No this site is comped

21129206? ago

I know you're proud, kid. Saw you mention it half dozen other times, saw it linked to other threads.

We get it. You posted too. You must feel robbed.

21129258? ago

lol No, faggot.. This is about how delibrate outages suppress important information.

nice try

21129174? ago

Jews being busy closing down embassies is why your post did not get upvotes? Did I come to the wrong conclusion?

21129271? ago

Seriously, you think VINDMAN's place in history right now and his background is not EQUALLY IMPORTANT ?

21129555? ago

He doesn't have the nose. He is only one of those fake Kazarian Jews.

21129038? ago

Most likely because there were so many posts about him. And also because of the cables being cut. Lots of news here the past 24 hours.

21129190? ago

What cables were cut?

21129230? ago

Cables were supposedly found at bagdahdis compound. Cables from our state department. The pic of POTUS in the situation room showed a slew of internet and Ethernet cables that were disconnected. A message to DS that the cables were found and they have been cut. That’s the theory anyways.

21129395? ago

Cool. I just found the Greg Rubini thread about that. Panic!

21129058? ago

cables cut is a good explanation..

Voat crashed within 3 minutes of the drop.

21129103? ago

Yeah voat was down a lot yesterday, I missed this too.

21129173? ago


21129086? ago


21129031? ago

Attention whore not get enough likes?

21129040? ago

shills at the REEEEEEEEEEADY !!!

21129600? ago

Wtf makes them a shill? You do look like an attention whore whining about not getting enough upvotes. If anybody's a shill, it's you.

21129011? ago

Because you’re a fucking Nazi low life

21129032? ago

Trump's twitter page is that way, faggot >>