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21109795? ago

r/humantrafficking on reddit was banning any mention of the Finders- considering they point straight back to the CIA this looks to be good; grab your shovels fellow anons, you know the drill by now.

21411172? ago

One ring to rule them all....a Media Company ... Marvel Fox ABC Disney?

21411218? ago

Found this over on InfoWars. The company name doesn't appear in a PizzaGate search.

"It's funny that no one is concerned with the company that was under government contract to provide security for cell blocks and prisons. The company is called CERTIPATH. If you would like to inform yourself, please search away. You'll be interested to find out that they have a "high profile" board member. For a conspiracy theory website, InfoWars is letting their fans down by not "looking into" this."

Found this, in the Huffington Post quoting the Washington Post: "CertiPath’s president and founder, Jeff Nigriny, said in a statement to the Post that Robert Trump “is one investor in an entity which holds a minority interest in Certipath.” Trump is a “passive investor, has no management role whatsoever, is not an officer or director, and his name has never been used or mentioned by Certipath in any solicitation for a government contract,” the statement added."