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21087081? ago

PART G (i)



Satanic Riutal Abuse - The REAL story - From Fiona Barnett


Michael Aquino’s Last Desperate Attempt to Silence his Victims

On September 4, 2018 By Author

What a month it has been! It all started with a few beers and a click bait heading: ‘Tom Hanks is a Pedophile – Victim Speaks!” Next minute, I’m embroiled in a CIA dog fight with my old perpetrator, founding father of joint CIA / US Military MK-ULTRA mind control operation himself, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino.

Who is Michael Aquino?

Michael Aquino is the most notorious perpetrator of CIA child trafficking in modern history. He has been implicated in every major scandal concerning organized CIA child trafficking to VIPs, including McMartin Preschool, Presidio, and the Franklin Scandal. ALL of these cases involved the CIA training children to perform as prostitutes and worse, using military brainwashing techniques including unethical hypnosis, drugs and electric shock.

Hear the testimony of a witness to Aquino’s involvement in ritual abuse, mind control and child trafficking in the Franklin Scandal (oh, and, like everyone else who speaks out against Aquino, including Max Spiers, – he’s dead now):

Head of US Military Psychological Operations, Aquino was the mastermind behind the CIA False Memory Syndrome project, which he invented to discredit the countless number of victims coming forward with horror stories about being subjected to CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse and MK-ULTRA mind control at the hands of Aquino and his accomplices.

When Aquino’s child abuse activities were first exposed in the meainstream media, he donned theatrical robes, gelled his eyebrows, and publicly hammed up his involvement in satanism. He bragged openly about being a priest in the Temple of Set. This pop-satanism cover was a ‘psyop’ designed to divert attention from the true nature of his involvement in high Luciferian ritual abuse and CIA mind control techniques.

Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey with member Michael Aquino & Sammy Davis Jnr

Along with John GITTINGER and Dr Jolly WEST, Michael Aquino was hand picked by the CIA for a joint US Military operation based at Dulce in New Mexico. Dulce housed a purpose built Frankenstein lab used to train Delta Special Operations child soldiers. Part of my MK-ULTRA training occurred at Dulce under West and Aquino, although most of it took place under Gittinger’s supervision in Australian CIA bases.

Aquino’s victims who are currently speaking up

David Shurter, Marianne Bernard, and Sarah Ashcraft are also direct victims of Michael Aquino’s sadistic torture, rape and murder of children, committed in the name of national security. David Shurter’s father was directly involved in the Franklin child trafficking operation in Omaha Nebraska. Sarah Ashcraft’s father was a founding member of Aquino’s satanic cult. She was trafficked by her family to Hollywood elite including Tom Hanks.

Marianne Bernard was abused by a pedophile ring at Hugh Hefner’s Playboy mansion, that included Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty and Roman Polanski. Her story was published by the mainstream media:

It is no coincidence, then, that Aquino coordinated an attack on us. This attack is backfiring and exposing a group of child abuse advocates who are in fact CIA fronts. Their purpose is to convince the public that they exist to combat child trafficking, to attract victims of VIP trafficking, gather their information, and have them silenced. They may actually help victims of lower end abuse, or showcase a VIP victim, to gain public trust. Their ultimate mission is to discredit outspoken victims of CIA child trafficking which is run as a single, integrated world operation.

Here are some CIA child trafficking leaks that Aquino’s soldiers are trying to plug at the moment

  1. Watergate was Pedogate

My article ‘Watergate Was Pedogate’ continues to receive massive views. This article proposes that Watergate was solely about obtaining VIP pedophile records that were being kept at Democratic Headquarters. NYPD Detective James Rothstein who arrested Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis has publicly stated such on numerous occasions. When I phoned him, Rothstein told me privately that disgraced Nixon’s very close pal Billy Graham was known to him and his colleagues as a rampant pedophile.

My article has subsequently raised some questions about the US government’s involvement in CIA child sex trafficking. For example: Why was Hilary Clinton kicked off the Watergate Commission? Who ended up possessing the Little Black Book containing the list of Washington VIP pedophiles and their proclivities? Why has Hilary Clinton held major political power ever since Watergate? People are starting to conclude that head of Clinton Foundation child trafficking front, Hilary, has possessed the Little Black Book all along.

  1. Arizona Child Trafficking Network

An unconventional dude named Lewis started a charity named Veterans on Patrol (VOP) in response to John McCain and Michael Obama’s false assertion that US military veterans were not being neglected by their government. Lewis knew homeless veterans were scattered all over the Arizona desert, and drowning in the flash floods that filled the dry creek beds in which they sought shelter. Lewis, who never stated he was a veteran himself (his brother is) started a charity service with other volunteers, including a number of military veterans. Lewis had awesome standing with the local police and border patrol who referred to him when they found homeless veterans in the desert. Lewis was also invited as an expert on homeless desert dwellers, to sit on a panel with the local sheriff, at a symposium aimed at remedying the homelessness problem in Arizona.

One day, Lewis stumbled upon a child trafficking camp which contained sexual torture straps tied to trees, documents outlining child trafficking methods and routes, and engineering diagrams for elaborate underground constructions, plus plans for boats and train carriages designed for smuggling people. Lewis was an expert at differentiating between the camps of homeless people – and THIS!

In the days following this primary discovery, the veterans also found a child’s decomposed body nearby. A medic determined it was about 9 years old.

It turned out that the VOP had stumbled upon a massive child trafficking operation involving the Clinton Foundation, Rothschilds, Cemex, and the Brofman family (yep, the same Brofman family charged with NXVIM child sex trafficking!). This trafficking operation has run for decades through the native reserve, swapping white children for dark skinned over the border. VOP estimate 10,000 children are being trafficked over this border area every year.

See news report:

More recently, another child trafficking camp was discovered but dismissed by mainstream media as a terrorist training site. A body of a 3 year old was discovered as having been ritually sacrificed Luciferian style; however this too was explained away by the media as something different.

Traitor Craig Sawyer

Enter Craig Sawyer who worked for DynCorp, was a CIA asset in Seal Team 6, was contracting to protect Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Don Rumsfeld, and now calls himself an actor. Ex-cop Jenny Moore died while investigating Clinton for pedophilia, Marianne Bernards claims, and Sawyer’s whereabouts during 911. Jenny Moore called Craig Sawyer “Deep State controlled op & / or honeypot.” The word is that Sawyer was an Air Marshall during the 9/11 attacks and was possibly in the air on a plane at the time.

Sawyer attended the child trafficking camp that the VOPs discovered in Arizona and publicly admitted it was such.

However, immediately following Sawyer’s visit, the child trafficking camp and all the evidence was bulldozed. Sawyer then did interviews in which he publicly shafted the Arizona VOPs, and mocked Lewis whom he labelled ‘Screwie Lewie’ to discredit him. So Craig Sawyer buried the entire Clinton Foundation child trafficking operation, in collaboration with CIA infiltrated mainstream media.

Craig Sawyer is just one of a team of CIA operatives who have taken to social media in an attempt to sway public opinion against the many CIA child trafficking victims coming forward. But the public ain’t buying it.

SEE PART G (ii) >