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21079697? ago

How wide and deep does the Rabbit Hole go? Remember Julian Assange? Something, something, the Family, something,Australia, something, MARINA ABRAMOVIC, something, Ulay (Uwe Laysiepen), something...

21082314? ago

Are the Masons going to Turn on Each other?

The Freemasons have already turned on each other. The P2 Freemasons (the a**holes) vs other Masons who disagree with the P2's genocidal plans.

Add to that the Rotschilds and the Illuminati which have split into factions as well.

One part of the Rotschild family has agreed to help Trump and the patriots and the other part wants to kill him.

The Illuminati (mainly H'wood and CEO's) is at war with the Gnostic Illuminati who have returned to their founding principles as established in Munich Germany in 1776.

The "hidden civil war" we are witnessing is a battle of factions against factions, but for the first time in 6000 years one side is fighting with us.

The ones fighting with us are guilty of many crimes and they are forced to work with us to later claim clemency and not end up in front of the firing squads.

One source you can look into on this is Benjamin Fulford

21083922? ago

95% useful idiots who think they know something, but are in it for the worldly fringe benefits. 4.99999% useful idiots also in the Jason Society, who know a little and believe they’ll survive the purge. 0.00001% useful idiots also in the wyrm who know a lot and don’t expect to survive what’s coming. Be most worried about the 0.00001%.