Sweden...a government becomes the enemy of its own people & imports foreigners to replace or exterminate the local population? Tax funded national propaganda says they must accept their end (streamable.com)
submitted 5.3 years ago by 3481906?
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21045350? 5.3 years ago
But what if they refuse?
21050875? 5.3 years ago
Sweden, Stockholm - Majority of the city is mixed Anonymous. just came back from a short trip with my gf. ..unbelievable how many Asians & niggers in Swedish capital. Not including mixed mongrels. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3478532
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21045350? ago
But what if they refuse?
21050875? ago
Sweden, Stockholm - Majority of the city is mixed Anonymous. just came back from a short trip with my gf. ..unbelievable how many Asians & niggers in Swedish capital. Not including mixed mongrels. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3478532