21041628? ago

Tulsi burned some bridges too:


On her IG, she is doing the triangle symbol with Capital Hill rotunda in background and is a proud member of the CFR.

21039728? ago

lol they are propping her up to split the votes but forgot that this is maga country

21037600? ago

I don't think people understand that no one gets to this level of running for high office by being an outsider-everything is planned for years, decades, Gabbard is the female side of Sanders-all these candidates are designed to appeal to large portions of the populace-these candidates are nothing but actors carrying out a part-they work for the same powers

21035025? ago

Tulsi Gabbards name scrubbed from The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) membership roster

21029812? ago


21029471? ago

Podesta is a niggerfaggot.

21029352? ago

Posts like this are so ignorant and show no ability of free thinking. It wouldn’t surprise me if CIA shills are littering voat with these types of posts in order to try to turn people against Tulsi.

People are capable of changing their minds and evolving. I could show you pictures of Trump hanging out with the Clintons and Jeffery Epstein. That doesn’t mean he was always involved in their crimes, and it is very likely at some point he saw something or learned about what they were doing and then stopped supporting them.

Yes, Tulsi was groomed initially by the establishment. When she first entered Congress, she checked off all the boxes for the left. She had establishment/MSM support. She was a “rising star” within the party. This is also why she joined the CFR and was made a DNC chair.

The point is, as DNC chair, she witnessed the corruption of Crooked Hillary and the Democratic party and chose to step down and throw away her entire political career because she couldn’t stand for it. You know what is also in the wikileaks emails? An email from Hillary’s backers telling Tulsi that she was dead to them:


If you really believe the CIA is smart enough to use reverse-reverse psychology to smear Tulsi 24/7 in the MSM in order to elevate her as the chosen one of the left than you are delusional. I don’t agree with all of her policies, but this kind of close-minded thinking and confirmation bias I have been seeing with all you supposed Q followers here is really disappointing.

You think the military spent years planning a takedown of the Cabal without a single bit of help from the other side?? Sure, it is possible, but it would be idiotic. They need double agents in all areas in order to pull it off.

21029713? ago

This makes sense. I'm starting to think Podesta is a white hat, and he purposely let his emails get hacked so he could take down Hillary. His ties to Tulsi make it even more obvious.

21038220? ago

Get real you idiot. <

21028413? ago

While Podesta is a fucking Pedo too, that needs to be eliminated from this world, notice how there's no muhjoooo shills commenting on this...

While all Q followers acknowledge there's many problems with satanists posing as Jews, the muhjoo shills are only interested in clogging up voat QRV to portray the Q movement as antisemite and white supremacist, strict inside the box labelling

21029499? ago

Podesta is evil to the core.

  1. But does he control the MSM?

  2. Does he control the Fed?

  3. Hollywood?

  4. Was he leading the blackmail like Epstein?

All roads lead back to Israel.

Podesta reported to Hillary.

Hillary reported to Lynn de Rothschild.

Try again, keep panicking.

21030031? ago


21030071? ago

Sauce on that Rabbi?

21029275? ago

Yes! Great comment! So happy to see fellow anons speaking truth about Q and this movement. So many who emotionally throw all Jews into the same group. It's as if they have never read the Q posts for themselves!

They can't grasp the concept that we are ALL responsible for our own actions. No excuses...this includes race, gender, religion/ideology etc.

Good vs evil.

21029089? ago

"..clogging up voat QRV to portray the Q movement as antisemite and white supremacist..."


They clog up other boards too. And if you present any logic like..."It's stupid to hate a whole race or religion for the bad acts of some because....if one is using that reasoning then YOU (muhjooo shill) are responsible and should be exterminated for the bad acts of Hillary, Obama, Podesta, Brennan, Comey, etc."

The only thing they come back with is name calling. Which means they know they lost the argument. Kek.

21029310? ago

Exactly. Don't let them get away with it. Searching QMap.pub for posts including the word 'Divided' gives tons of ammo to show them what Q has said on this matter.

They are either shills or Patriots who need to grasp how deep and wide the swamp truly is. Does it include people who call themselves Jews? Yes. Does that mean every single jewish individual is guilty? Fuck no. That is low IQ and emotional af.

21029536? ago


21027676? ago

"Now, we're even closer to sending another incredible veteran to Congress, to add to the growing voice of today's progressive veterans in the halls of power. "

That says it all.

21027748? ago

What's her position on Qatari royalty, the weird abusive culture with India Hindus, the Saudi and Iranian islamic questions .... has she spoken on the changes in France, Sweden, the utter betrayal of the British people by their own government! the waves of illegals coming across the US border? ... Masons and the Vatican, what is the real religion http://magaimg.net/img/8dvq.jpg ... Mack > Ranier > Bronfman > Rothschild ... what are the elite pay masters really praying to?

21027671? ago

So? Left-tards support left-tards, no news there. Both of them are left-tards, so....

21027761? ago

I don't know if Tulsi is pretending to be anti-war or if she's really anti-war. The leftists who call the shots are actually pro-war so if push ever came to shove she'd do as she was told. Of course she'll never be president so this is just hypothetical. I'm not buying her act. As far as I'm concerned she's just another clown in the Dem clown car. If Podesta backed her she's bona fide scum.

21027692? ago

She's still our girl. I'm not worried about this one bit. And look at how Hillary hates her and how Tulsi calls out the corrupt DNC. It wouldn't even surprise me if Podesta is a white hat who sabotaged Hillary's campaign.

21029376? ago

Tulsi Gabbard may turn out to be a mini-Trump card in the next presidential election.

Shirley there are lots of Democratic voters that are not completely unhinged and can still tie their own shoes.

Podesta a white hat?! That would be quite a stretch, leaving birth-marks on my brain. ;-)

"A man, a plan, a canal, Panama".

21027820? ago

too many weird things about Podesta, the many kids bought adopted, a butchered pig saved on his desktop, the family obsession with serial killer and morbid kiddie art ... one might be just some quirky thing but if you keep adding it up, maybe more than just a coincidence @Stonenchizel @sunajAeon ? @flyingcuttlefish @PeacefulAssassin @ArcAngel

21048227? ago

whyd you tag those users?

21027735? ago

Hahahaha.... "still our girl..." Go peddle your left-tard shit somewhere else, Demwit Party shill. Gabbard will NEVER be "our girl" on QRV or anywhere else of consequence. Gabbard is just another leftist shit-show, and I say this as a veteran myself. Once anyone has gone over to the Demwit Party, their stunning lack of common sense (and yours) is on full display. Asshole.

21027435? ago

There are zero NON DS far left dem candidates no matter what ACT they throw at the cameras for votes. It is not WHO(HRC) she is pretend hating for your visual pleasure to gain acceptance, it is WHAT she & the entire dem platform want for America. A satanic cabal of Communist style socialism where borders are fully open to the poorest & criminals for drug & human sacrifice. She is NOT a moderate, she & HRC are big buddies, just like Bushs, O's, & Clinton's. One big sick depraved wicked group of baby/child killers. Quit falling for the MSM/dem playbook.

21027770? ago

"What Does Tulsi Gabbard Believe?" asked the New Yorker...and school in the Philippines https://vimeo.com/327320348 Why did Philippine's Duterte call Obama "son of a whore"?

21031597? ago

Because Obama's mon WAS a whore. Or did porn anyway.

21027414? ago

The key words in that email to Podesta, to describe Tulsi, “PROGRESSIVE VET”

21028711? ago

21027395? ago

Dear Vets,

Hand over your guns and await further instructions.


21027702? ago

Sometimes I think her mind and heart are in the right place while other times I think she is part of the stage show and utterly corrupted also like all other. I'm not an American, I have been in America a time and still have friends there. I don't think America is perfect it has its flaws and did war and killing for the wrong reasons but deep down I think the average Americans are just good hard working folk and if America does good it can spread and the world does good. Why I have doubt? Every part of the world you seem to see the same stage show and corruption. I sometimes believe her patriotism genuine, her concern for troops and needless wars is real but I wonder some times what she stands for, she sometimes has a tendency to shape shift, is she India Hinduism, is she Roman Catholic, is she Hawaii or Samoa, or half-Asia-Philippines or Socialist, what does she stand for, can you really stand for all and everything and shift positions? You only need look at the treatment of Natives in Canada and other places, the pedo news of the Vatican and the utter corruption in religion and politics, the misery and horror from India and Hindu temples to see how deep the rabbit hole goes, and we haven't even begun to address the murder and rape within the fringe Jewish cults and mainstream islamists, the Masons are deep in blackmail through India, America, Europe and Pakistan, high level elites involved in demonic blackmail stuff as some might describe it. I don't know much about this Mahaprabhu a Bengali Hindu mystic but having seen many different flavors or religious bullshit and many politician get corrupted over the years I would be a little skeptical of her.

21031578? ago

She is a manchruan trained from birth by her guru Kris Butler and brainwashed in Science of Identity cult.

21027227? ago

Tugshe Grabhard

21027231? ago


21028762? ago

I’m Indian and I approve of Thugsee.

She is Jewish not Hindu or Hawaiian like she represents herself