21022684? ago

Does Lindsey Graham have a crystal ball or is he in on the plan to attack th United States that seems like a traitorous statement.

21022421? ago

It’s funny how they are using isis, a group funded by Obama and the fucking Jews as a means of fear mongering to serve their endless war narrative.

21022216? ago

Senator Anon was right. Trump is surrounded by sharks.

21021929? ago

Then We Will Have Another 9-11 Attack

So if the cabal baddies aren't allowed to keep the gravy train pipeline flowing, they will blow up more buildings in NY? Well there you go. I suppose we just behave ourselves and get ripped off, raped, and generally treated like garbage.

21021350? ago

Lindsey Graham is playing like he is siding with DS neocons, all the while have them expose themselves as to who they are. A part of the plan.

21021327? ago

Seems like a threat....

21021208? ago

Kabuki theatre. They get to think that there is dissent in the ranks, but it's all bluff. Lindsey Graham isn't interested in Syria. He is playing a part in an act

21020684? ago

I would totally pee in Judge Jeanine's butt.

21020443? ago

How will WE have a 911 attack if we let the Christian Ausaud have his country back?

21020219? ago

Any links to any video ?

Leftists scum are squatting the JewTube result of 'Judge Jeanine Graham' (filter: This week) with numerous 2 seconds videos (who appear in their thumbnail to be full length 20+ min).

21020047? ago

More than likely this is an announcement of another false flag the deep state has planned. So routine (and evil at the core).

21020029? ago

Lindsey has had a come to Jesus moment after a private meeting with President Trump. Maria Bartiromo interviewed him this morning and he did a 180° on prior statements. I would love to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting with POTUS and the screening of the movie of No Name's execution.

21020778? ago

And note he did not really answer the question about his blabla what he would do in judiciary other than saying: any impeachment to be DOA in the senate.


In the wake of Potus arranging for sanctions against Turkey, he lead the introduction of a bill containing those sanctions.


We need those 50 troops in the autonomous region in the north of Syria. 1. Iran will take the oil; 2. Reemergence of ISIS. 3. Kurds do not know how to keep prisoners. 4. another 9/11. 5. We can make a buck.


Tell me again how cave dwellers were able to pull off 9/11 if not for the Intelligence community?

Tell me again how Syria is impotent with the help of Russia to defend its own border?

Tell me again Who were invited into Syria to help defeat ISIS and who were present in Syria without invitation (that is called invasion, monsoeur)

21021196? ago

Hussein used Brennan and the C_A to create, arm and train ISIS. Benghazi was all about arming ISIS and silencing the US Ambassador to Lybia. The troop withdrawal from Iraq did not create ISIS, Hussein created ISIS. The bombing runs that Hussein pretended were against ISIS, were in support of ISIS or simply wastes of ordinance deliberately dropped in the trackless desert based on ROE's designed to diable the US Military.

21019791? ago

Are you threatening us, Lindsey?

21019782? ago

Faux News

21019672? ago

Graham's panic is noted. He has outed himself.

21019461? ago

Ironic considering he and McCain were the masterminds behind 9/11....

21019389? ago

The Deep State is pulling the old protection racket as usual.

"Gee Mr. Business owner, you have such a wonderful store here. You know, there's a lot of thugs in this neighborhood. Be a damn shame if some of them broke in and robbed you blind..."

"Gee Mr. President, this is such a nice country we got here. Such a great job on restoring the economy, getting jobs for everyone and helping out Mr. John Q Public get ahead. You know, there's a lot of bad people in the Middle East. Be a damn shame if they attacked us and screwed up your chances at reelection..."


21022941? ago

This was my take on it too. Veiled threat

21019338? ago

This is the same guy who went next level MAGA during the Kavanaugh debacle....and now this? This has got to be part of the movie...

21019184? ago

On Judge Judy he actually said US should seize oil fields. Not once did he mention Syria is a sovereign nation.

21019093? ago

This guy was always deep state, never bought his sudden 'conversion'

We Will Have Another 9-11 Attack

since HIS fellow criminals are the ones who committed the first 9/11 this seems like an open threat

21019022? ago

It's already planned and Lindsey knows it. What a fucking faggot.

21018894? ago

How would they parade that cover story? Turkey is going to 9/11 us? A NATO partner? Wow, they are desperate.

21020097? ago

The Kurds.

21020080? ago

Maybe he is implying the powers that be will cause another 9/11 to deliver another endless war.

21023705? ago

OP here, yes that's exactly what he meant, but they can't publicly say that. They will have to blame someone else. In this case their left with Turkey, a NATO partner, or the Kurds, of whom they say are our dear friends. Iffy to pull a cover story and blame any of these players for the FF.

21020188? ago

This makes sense.

I think the paradigm has shifted though.

Graham genuinely may have tried to called trumps bluff for optics but now may have something to loose? I bet he knew about No Name and Al Nusra etc. I can’t believe Lindsay didn’t get implicated in what No Name Was doing. Maybe Q had / has him by the nuts and he’s of no value now?

21018866? ago

In other words, what LindsFag is really saying is "If you don't obliterate everyone in the middle east to save all my Joo handlers who give me lots of money, then they (and myself) will unleash another FF and it's all your fault."

21019852? ago

LindsFag has no wife and No Kids. He is about 65. What does he care about 'the future?'

21018970? ago

This Lindsey guys seems fake, a faggot shape shifter who often supported the jihads, some political people ... you got to think of the kind who hang out with Khashoggis, the Epstein filth, Hollyweird shit ... someone has control over certain political elite and can pull their strings

21019044? ago

This Lindsey guys seems fake

did you just crawl out of the gutter? Lindsey Gramnesty is a traitor deserving of death as per the Constitution

21018844? ago

What’s going on here? U know and I know, that all these fucking wars of this generation have all been fake and merely mystery Babylon constructs to cause stress and decision (easier to control you) and oh yeah, for the Mil ind complex to make lots of cash. So why is lyndsay still backing this stuff? His handler who has no name is neutralized so what’s the deal here?

21020544? ago

If he was an 'insider' as theorised by his association with McNoName, perhaps he's doing it in order too show the trail of communication. 'If this happens then this will happen like the last time only this time everyone will be aware of how it happened the first time..' Maybe it also serves to flush out the people involved..

21019147? ago

A multi media market place where gay boy Lindsey sold his anus, ask what are these college uni clubs connecting with blackmail about .... https://www.greekgear.com/pikaph.html Social naughty boy pix and Frat houses, guys photographed drunk and stoned, the clubs connecting to many a mason ritual, just like other Bush, Pike and other Graham skull n bone klans, sometimes gay Saudi would come to town? member of the Pi Kappa Phi social fraternity http://enjoyingthejourney.blogspot.com/2007/11/billy-graham-is-33-degree-freemason-and.html https://www.bilderberg.org › skulbone

John Kerry (D) and George W. Bush (R) were both members of Skull and Bones ....

21019023? ago

either playing a 'role' or needs to face a firing squad

21019696? ago

Lindsey and McCain were 'Besties.' What else d you need to know!?

21020067? ago

That NoName was Lindsey' handler and he was taken out.

21019140? ago

If he is serious, then I’m not trusting the plan. At this fucking point in the game, patriots should be in full control.

21019320? ago

...which is why it seems like he must be playing a role here....making it look like Trump's allies are in disarray (appear weak when you are strong....Sun Tzu). He's not this dumb, surely,

21019483? ago

Who’s not this dumb? If u are referring to LG then u might want to re-think your position anon. He’s was indeed dumb enough to do stupid enough things in order to be blackmailed (controlled) by the cabal, namely, no name.

21018829? ago

So Israel's going to attack New York City again? Why Won't Anyone just say it bluntly?

21020023? ago

Apparently the message got through all right.

21018717? ago

Lindsey's singing a different tune as of this morning

(Lindsey Graham 'increasingly optimistic' about solutions in Syria) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZOUntMtlfo

21018598? ago

Nobody believes that faggot line, Lindsey has as much credibility as Adam Schitt

21018523? ago

oy vey because the jews totally didn't do 911 with their Saudi Arabia lapdogs. Wonder why Lindsey likes to suck Saudi royal cock?

21018933? ago

Cares more OTHER jihadi nation BORDERS than the United States BORDER! ... the same guy who wanted to ban insulting the Quran or fag Lindsey wants to jail people who insult islamist Koranimals ... Lindsey Graham's call for outlawing Koran burning https://voat.co/v/QRV/3455457 Waking Up short animated film by Emily Youcis

21018420? ago

If the government does another false flag.

21019763? ago

Seattle Nov 3rd?

21018610? ago

jewish controlled government*