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20959601? ago

Yeah, we were taught all this stuff ended when "we" became modern. There is amazing spiritual power in sacrifice. Those that perform these rituals gain power in this life, however their "hell" will be experienced in their lives between death and rebirth. Black magic is very service to self and those that you see in today's world wielding power are all part of this cult. Until man knows that the material world emanates from the spiritual world and that each individual grows through repeated earth lives, those in the "know" will be able to exploit the ignorant. If you want to understand how the spiritual works into this material world the best place to start is listening to lectures on anthroposophy. Start here 1600 hours of lectures. I am 2 years in and only scratching the surface. Here is the main site

20959918? ago Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine?? The Sabbatean Freemasons, the Jesters, the Grotto, Shriners are always trying to get the Children?