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20936498? ago

How is this related to Q?

20936529? ago

How is it not?

20936543? ago

Because it has nothing to do with it? Not all crimes are magically connected to Q. This is just an embezzlement case, those have always existed and were prosecuted.

20937200? ago


How dare you question the Qtards! If they say it’s Q related, you best believe it is... SHILL!


20937910? ago

So a high level Judge being arrested for corruption is not news to you? Really?

You are full of shit. <

20940120? ago

So, where did I say that faggot?

I mocked it had anything to do with Q. Apparently, you’re one of those drooling retards who can’t follow simple English in written form.

20940151? ago

Of course it is Q related. Q is about exposing corruption and draining the Swamp. The Great Awakening.

This is clearly related to that AND relevant.

Thanks for playing. <

20940179? ago

Fuck off retarded kid. You post like a nigger.

20940200? ago

Ok. Well, maybe you'd like to read some of my other work then Faggot? >

Enjoy The Show. <

'o-o' <

20941731? ago

Links to you sucking BBC is not something I’m clicking on faggot. Maybe you can remember to dilate tonight, don’t let that smelly mess get worse nigger.

20941744? ago

Yeah, I thought so you Shill Faggot. Now Fuck Off Idiot. <