Bill Gates re: Epstein Visit: 'A very attractive Swedish woman and her daughter dropped by and I ended up staying there quite late.' Eva Andersson-Dubin (
submitted 5.4 years ago by 3469204?
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20930865? 5.4 years ago
Thanks to the other anon who posted the following link about Gates meeting with Epstein.
20933890? 5.4 years ago
So Epstein a foreign agent (Mossad/Rome/Crown?) & criminal clown intelligence source require protecting or b) Other criminal clowns indicted over this or c) entire system corrupt rotten to core!?
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20930865? ago
Thanks to the other anon who posted the following link about Gates meeting with Epstein.
20933890? ago
So Epstein a foreign agent (Mossad/Rome/Crown?) & criminal clown intelligence source require protecting or b) Other criminal clowns indicted over this or c) entire system corrupt rotten to core!?