20913877? ago

Though we must remember that #MeToo accusations are public declarations with no due process. None of these guys are actually guilty of anything until convicted by a jury of their peers in a court of law.

20913608? ago

Despite being just 1% of the US population, Jewish men are 68% of the #MeToo perpetrators.

I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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20911158? ago

Betcha my "dad" is responsible for the other 32% too...

20911155? ago

Is there an "I hate Jews section" on Voat where all the Jew haters could post?

I thought this was supposed to be the "Q" section, but it's being monopolized by Jew haters. I'm really getting tired of all this Jew hater stupidity.

20916678? ago

Damned Antisemites! May all 6million of their facts and truths be burned in just a handful of ovens!

20911389? ago

hellow fellow white person. yes, I agree that jew-haters need to die, those natzi scum bags. they are still doing it today. i was walking by a bakery and there was an oven going and I was like, oy vey!

20911089? ago

Oy ve!

20910653? ago

Sauce or STFU muhjoo twat

20911655? ago

elie wiesel on this list, died in 2016...

20910546? ago

Jews are sexual degenerates. It is their culture. This has been known for millennia. Jews see white women(shiksa) as animals and think its okay to rape them or keep them as sex slaves.

20910438? ago

And I would add almost all are the perpetrators of “white” hate.

20910413? ago

It's not a crime for them to rape Goy.

20909703? ago

We are dealing with the synagogue of Satan who call themselves Jews, but who are not.

20910549? ago

so are there any 'real' Jews left, or are the all part of the SoS?

20911355? ago

The real jews call themselves Christians, and yes, there are some Christians left.

20912010? ago

Jesus was a Christian, not a jew.

Thank you! I hate when people say he was a jew.

20909681? ago

According to the talmud it is perfectly legal to rape non Jews.

It is anti-semitic to complain about Jews raping people. That is why Weinstein and all of the other pedo rapists havn't been arrested.

20913642? ago

According to the talmud it is perfectly legal to rape non Jews.

I disagree


"We are proud Jewish Americans who reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left." Video

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20913753? ago

It is in that book whether or not you agree with it.

The bolsheviks of old, and the new far-left neo-bolsheviks are led by Jews. The mud monkey only factions aren't but they don't have a media/propaganda monopoly.

If your talking about the working class Jew who isn't in on all of the lies about the Holocaust etc. That is something different. Just because bigots who don't like 100% of Jews exist is no reason for inaction against Jewish pedophiles and ALL of the war criminals pushing for European Ethnic cleansing. Hias aipac splc ADL and the whole lying press are guilty of that particularly hipocritical war crime. I don't see very many "good Jews" who are against European Ethnic cleansing.

20909497? ago


That must mean ALL Jews are evil and guilty.

20909482? ago

They're more than 1%. Stop trying to make people on voat look like ignorant fucks when they recite statistics. Fuck you for being inaccurate.

20910020? ago

It says males.

20909162? ago

No surprise!

20909126? ago

This is so anti-semetic, I can't even. Is this how you goys treat your Greatest Ally?? Now gibs us $38 billion and we'll consider it a down payment towards atonement for your insufferable sin.

20909200? ago

how is this anti semitic. Arabs, Maltese, Tigres, or anyone speaking Aramaic weren't even mentioned lmao

20909243? ago

His post was sarcasm....

20912371? ago

i know, hence the lmao

20909112? ago

Dont forget jew james franco

20912031? ago

And porn actor James Deen

20909105? ago

Well I guess calling out sexual assault is anti semitism, who knew

20908876? ago

Steven Seagal's a kike. FFS, will it ever end.

20910559? ago

For years he had people believing he was an Italian hahahaha filthy kikes. He's also a proven liar. He's a fraud hoax and runs like a little girl

20910118? ago

Well, that was pretty random...

20909079? ago

? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3337198 Epstein Pedophile Horror Island Temple Hieroglyphs Match Mosques in Aleppo (Hat tip 8chan)

20908575? ago


METOO is a limited hangout cover for CHILD SEX ABUSE by these shitbags

-admitting sexual harassment is a far less serious offense

-Hollywood and Fortune500 pretend they're 'doing something about the problem'

-Women ( Hollywood whores ) play the victim, enforcing anti-Male hysteria

-Lawyers GET PAID in settlements

-Nobody goes to Jail except a few sacrificial fall guys ( Bill Cosby )

20911111? ago

Cosby was the pillar of black self reliance and no handouts. Of course he had to fall.

He was guilty, and I am not disputing that, but for his crimes he got the max while others who do worse, walked. All of them should have done the max.

20911886? ago

Cosby was the pillar of black self reliance and no handouts. Of course he had to fall.

I like how you chalk it all up to some spooky conspiracy to bring down Cosby rather than just accepting the fact that basically all niggers are this way, even the ones you thought were “self-reliant”.

20911992? ago

THIS x 1000 ^ ^ ^

20910521? ago

yeah I was never a Cosby fan, but his crimes pale in comparison to Epstein and friends...

20908341? ago

Those Whites are (((White))) I bet.

20910532? ago


20909040? ago

A couple probably, at least a couple.