20899462? ago

50 Million viewers = World is watching = enjoy the show.

20898302? ago

What was that Q quote? "How do you get information admissible in court?" Or something similar.

20897511? ago

Pelosi is the smart one. She's trying to get the Dems to STFU but they actually think they can impeach and remove Trump. Kind of good news. Most Dems are not deep state. They have nothing to hide. It's the truly elite who know what will happen to them if impeachment goes through.

20897433? ago

So cool ...

20895567? ago

Yes! And, Q+ stayed up late to Tweet us the following: Timestamp 12:16:36 AM EDT, 10-10-19.

Q16...The MAGA Promise. In it, Q states POTUS 100% insulated, with Zero possibility of Impeachment.

20895556? ago

How fitting that Trump moves on the day of Atonement.

20895550? ago

And the atrocities of these pigs in Washington will be shown and beyond Imagination.

20895379? ago

  1. If correct and 2. If McConnell is in on this plan. He has said that he is obligated to hear if impeachment is passed by the house, but that it would be very quickly resolved. Of course, he may just be saying that, too.

20895316? ago

The only counter plsy is to take this impeachment talk as far as they can WITHOUT it passing and hope that is enough to sway votes next year. Obviously it won't work but they have nothing else.

20895207? ago

It sounded, during an interview, that Clapper was already turning. He blamed Obama for the mess publicly.

20895183? ago

And God willing 911.

20894731? ago

Hence why POTUS dropped the word 'CROWDSTRIKE' in the call as he new they'd hit the panic button big time

20894415? ago

Plus every congress-person who votes for impeachment given the lack of evidence for such action is going on record as supporting a treasonous act ... making them implicated, a co-conspirator to a coup attempt to overthrow the POTUS! I think that could be the reason they are not keen on having the vote on impeachment ... IMHO

20894231? ago

Yeah, I had it figured oit a while ago too. As soon as Pelosi had her little impeachment press conference.

20894066? ago

Yep, laid this all out a couple weeks ago... https://voat.co/v/QRV/3440284

20893778? ago

Rush Limbaugh mentioned today that Pelosi did not enforce the subpoena. She did not send it to the courts because it will be denied on grounds that it is unconstitutional. A popular anon (3days3nights) on twitter said Pelosi flipped to decrease her sentence and is now acting her part in the movie.

20894237? ago

That would make a lot of sense, since Trump publicly said he wanted her to be the speaker. The nutjob liberals thought he was poking fun at Nance and thought they'd show him up by actually choosing her as speaker. They really are stupid.

20896765? ago

Yes. It's only right that one of the long-time malefactors should be standing there with the gavel in her hand when the Great Hammer falls. She has benefited from the crimes so she should not be allowed to slink off into the shadows and avoid justice.

20893405? ago

insert trey motha fuckin gowdy

20894243? ago

Yeah, don't they understand why he retained a PROSECUTOR for his defense team lol.

20893378? ago

The Decepticrats are truly in a lose-lose position: Vote Nay on impeachment and wait for DECLAS (PAIN!!), or, vote Aye and watch Trump & associates calling EVERY Deep State Jackwagon to testify in front of the Senate (AND CourtTV!) (Even MOAR PAIN!!)

20893169? ago

Come on Pelosi stop procrastinating an just do it already!!

20893132? ago

LOL. Oh, I'm happy for you. Kind of bummed you didn't get that earlier but still happy you got it now. Yes, fucking A YES!. They are fucking screwed. They have one move left, it's the only real move left on the board and it ends in a checkmate. They finally see it, but it's too late. They can't take back their last move, so they just sit there terrified of what's to come. Trump won't let them make any more moves and won't cooperate with them while they are flouting their own rules and behaving like despots. It's over. Nasty Pelosi has run out of chain and just figured that out.

20892894? ago

A Senate impeachment trail of Donald J. Trump would have waaaay more than 50 million public viewers lol! It would be the hottest TV show on the globe, with the number of viewers likely in the billions.

20892823? ago

IT seems NOTHING can be done in a straightforward fashion anymore. This is 100% the workings of EVIL (lies) people.

20892803? ago

Amen. Best to all patriots in this hour. I hope we will see a triumph for the ages.

20892595? ago

I know the Senate needs a 2/3 vote. Doesn't congress also need 2/3 vote?

20893009? ago

not to indict. simple plurality is needed. in fact till they have the vote Trump can ignore everything and after the vote it goes to the senate. this means everything happening in the house has no teeth of authority till the vote and then the house has no more role in the proceedings.

20893442? ago

Thank you.

20892304? ago

Does anyone have info on it being mentioned that if Trump is impeached and found innocent...he would be entitled to 4 more years???

20901590? ago

No but he deserves 2 extra years for this crap. 2 added on.

20905258? ago

4 more at least.

20893026? ago

not true. the impeachment only removes the president if the senate passes it with a 2/3 vote

20892289? ago

so we should ne reall really worried that they will kill trump.. pence seems like a perfect fucking deep state deep hidimg faggot.. never liked him.. unless trump specificaly picked him because he is a good guy and at least he is not a deep state plant. trump should ne walkong around in a fucking level 10 bomb suit or go into hiding until the shit hits the fan.

20892165? ago

It's called zugzwang, you dope.

20892108? ago


20892021? ago

The biggest take away is that we get to have the house members go ON RECORD wether or not to impeach. So if a democrat chooses that, next election they’re out. Then Trump will have a super majority and then shit can hit the fan.

20891945? ago

I would rather all that evidence and witness testimony be used to convict Deep State, Swamp politicians, and MSM co-conspirators - instead of being used to defend the office of the presidency

20891814? ago

Everyone please send this explanation to every single Muh Arrests shill that you see. Very good explanation. My thoughts are that they KNOW that Impeachment will be the end of them so what will they do? Fake it fake it stall stall... Then there is an election. They can just cheat a dozen or so weak hands out of the senate and they are good to go from that point though. That is what I don't understand. What is the play if they DO NOT do impeachment?

20891656? ago

Impeachment was the last stand. You only get one shot at it. They basically forced Democrat's hand before 2020 election. If Trump wins AND we get House, Senate and Supreme Court, it literally is over for swamp. I was pissed during midterms. Today I am enlightened.

20891408? ago

350 million Americans. 14% are niggers. 19% are spics native americans. (Indians). 2% are chinks. 2% are jew.

Of the remaining Whites that built this nation, half of them don't see any problem with the United Nation's Replacement Migration. Half of all White people don't care if they are replaced by mud people.


20892935? ago

then we have you an idiot. that brings his racism into an area that it is not needed or wanted...in fact talking this way hurts the cause of getting rid of corruption....the Question I ask is . What are you a white supremist, a shil for the democrats or are you one of china's cyber infiltrators stirring up things on the voat.

20892213? ago

Hey shill, the Q movement is not divided by race. Real Q followers know ALL races and humans are EQUAL.

20891353? ago

Exactly, they will have to testify under oath to there crimes and completely expose themselves and all the other crooked Cronies.

20891421? ago

They will lie like they always do.

20891338? ago

Provided fucking RINOs like Collins and Graham (yes, Lindsay Graham) fall in line.

What's her fuck from Alaska is another one.

20891332? ago

this is why I laugh when people ask how come no arrests.... this is a game of poker and trump wont release anything till he gets them to anti up. the arrests are coming. at the moment trump wont do anything till they either have an impeachment vote or till after the 2020 election. I am betting some of the lower level supporters of hillery are talking especially any of those who support is based on black mail.

20891231? ago

Makes sense

20891131? ago

I think we are now witness to the Media/democrat death rattle as portrayed by the Nadless Wonder, Liddie Pencil Neck, and Precocious Pelosi with the merry band of DS Leakers, Jokers, and Clowns. The hearings should be a cross between Get Smart and Honey, I Shrunk the Congress. We can only hope.... still waiting in pain from all the blue ball dry hump from Hannity and Q.

20891033? ago

Did you see the new Fox News poll supposedly saying 51% of people want him impeached. As soon as I saw it I was like there’s no f’ing way, no way, that’s legit. I think it’s a fake poll to encourage the dems to take the vote.

20894681? ago

Yes. Polls are crafted to manipulate your opinion. They do not necessarily reflect reality.

20894201? ago

I would vote Yes on that poll. Enough is enough. An impeachment trial would force all cards to be laid out on the table. I believe the Dems are bluffing and 90% of their support is fake.

20891484? ago

Maybe the poll is right. I thought it was bullshit at first but then I thought "Why wouldn't we want this to happen?". If it brings the shit to the top of the barrel for removal, I'm in. Only question is we know that POTUS isn't guilty of anything but what happens to all of those who are exposed? Do they get arrested? Charged? What?

20895745? ago

A lot of folks are in favor, to clear his name and to clear his name for his family’s sake, and to prevent them from arresting him after he leaves office.

20891175? ago

I think it’s a fake poll to encourage the dems to take the vote.

Not a bad idea.

20890998? ago

This is exactly why impeachment exists - so that the President can combat corruption. Bear with me. The trial is key. The President gets a fair and complete trial in the Senate. The Supreme Court presides. The nation watches. And everyone can can see the evidence for themselves - all of us. And there's not a damn thing the DS can do about it. It's the ultimate protection for a corruption fighting President, especially when the criminals constitute, what, the top 1% of the Federal Government? Pelosi, Clinton, and all the rest, they cannot blackmail this defendant. He's going to put on a show like we've never seen. It'll be YUGE.

20896867? ago

Yes, it will be YUGE, and the world will be watching, not just the nation.

20890916? ago

BINGO.. and whom better to turn that defense of trumps into a prosecution trial of traitors..( TG) WHEN MOST WILL BE IN THE SAME ROOM AT THE SAME TIME...

20891804? ago

basically littlefinger's trial

20891563? ago


20898779? ago

You better get HARDER Patriot. The battle is just beginning

20890907? ago

A little deeper than this. If the Red state Dems vote Yea, they likely will loose their seats next year. If they vote Ney, the impeachment is dead. The Dems can't win either way, so checkmate.

20890836? ago

What about the Military Tribunals?

20890905? ago

The trial in the Senate is just on the question of impeachment. The .mil Tribunals come after.

20891501? ago

God I hope that you're right.

20890765? ago

either way - the Senate has the privilege of investigating.

20890721? ago

It's all perfect timing too. It HAS to be now, otherwise it will be considered taking political opponents out in an election year.

Also, if they simply let Trump do as he pleases and deny their requests it will make them look like weak phonies with no conviction. Pun intended.

It's put up or shut up time.

20890709? ago

Was all this planned out and won from the beginning? Remember you don’t start a battle/war till you know you have won.

Look how all the corruption and cronies, evil doers and players, money lost and children found. The Fed on its death bed, the traitors known, it just all has played out like a plan.

20896977? ago

Yes, and every time he has gouged them, it has proved to be the opening move to a campaign that has moved the Good Guy front forward into their territory. When I heard about him daring Pelosi to take a vote, I thought, "Well, they're ready to start moving forward on that front." And that explains exactly why the Dims are behaving so oddly insisting on moving forward with an impeachment that they do not have the evidence to support. It's all they've got. They are corralled with nowhere to go and no other options. Unfortunately, they are behaving in ways that are totally beneath (or should be) the dignity of our elected representatives, and all of this is going into our permanent, historical record. Very sad. Hope it will be over soon.

20891259? ago

From what I read about two years ago, Trump said he would not take the job unless he was guaranteed to win the battle and come out unscathed. They knew that he would win and (((they))) also know it. That is why they are panicking and throwing all these fits.

20890699? ago

Did Penny tell you?

20890663? ago

Do you think it was planned like this since the state of the Union Address. Remember the weird clap that Pelosi gave POTUS? It was like, Bravo. Those who haven’t hurt kids could plea deal, right? She has let som much go uncovered and out of control in the house and it isn’t much her style. Maybe she had to play a part.

20890657? ago

Bobby Fischer would've been proud of our POTUS!

20892530? ago

I read that Trump beat Fisher a couple times. Don't remember where I read it but it was a good article. His youngest son is now playing chess.

20890638? ago

this could explain the polls for people wanting impeachment. I say yes to the polls...

20890572? ago

yup They can backdown and save their move but if they back down then there FISA and it makes them look guilty for backing down. I love chess. I play everyday and have my whole life. You find your sweet spot on your opponent and many times they make the same dumb move. They can’t help themselves. They don’t realize that one move just cost them all of it. Evil people like democrats think too much about hurting someone else and their minds are clouded. They can’t see the whole picture.

Greg Jarret’s new book “Witch Hunt” is really good. Been listening to it and even though I have been angry the last three years, I am really angry hearing it all in all. These people are so criminal!!!!!!!!! The book is excellent.

20890520? ago

And just imagine... potus issuing subpeona, along with declass of all NSA meta data... not only would it show his innocence... it would show all who are involved and guilty as sin.... BOOM

20890435? ago

I have been saying for at least a month now that Trump wants the impeachment vote so that it can go to the Senate. In the Senate process both sides are allowed to subpoena parties for and against. This would then be public and all the dirt of HRC, Biden, Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, etc. would be revealed to the public. This is what Trump wants and it would be the DECLAS of all corrupt information. I doubt the Dems will go for this because they know the rules so they won't vote to impeach. Too much risk of exposure in that scenario.

So they will probably opt to just keep pulling these public stunts and keep it in the news. They want the people to see the word IMPEACHMENT until election day. Then Trump has to drop the DECLAS/BOOMS in a different way. I hope they vote to impeach so we get to see the process in the Senate/Public with all testimonies against them. To bear false witness in this legal process may result in many more treasonous charges. BOOM........off they go to the electric chair or Gitmo. It would take months though and just maybe, maybe could be finished in time for the election in Nov. 2020.

20890800? ago

Are there enough windmills and solar panels in the Green New Deal to power all the chairs we're going to need to electrify or are they all going to fry slowly at lower amperage?

20891342? ago

lol, I vote for low amperage to lengthen the process and pain.

20890421? ago

And this will open a plethora of worm holes

20890403? ago

Well call that goose cooked!!

20890376? ago

I didn't realize the public trial dynamic. Turns simply losing a battle into a huge embarrassment during a critical time.

20890351? ago


20890343? ago

One republican house member should keep introducing an article of impeachment over and over again....

Dare the Democrats to vote one way or another.....

20890314? ago

Whst is the most powerful enemy right now?

The media.

If , as some are suggesting that Pelosi is under white hat control, could this be one big ploy to prove that the media is the true den of vipers. Once they are fully exposed..red pill TEEVEE starts 24 7..all channels.

20890122? ago

no. it's their deathblossom fren.

20890101? ago

how long can Nancy drag this out for? There has got to be a few built in holds in this process she is going through. Where are we on that countdown again? T-Nancy and holding?

20890097? ago

But if they never make that one move, it ends up just being a smear against the president designed to weaken him in 2020. They're smart enough to know this... and I think the play they're making is purely PR. Can they destroy his reputation more than they destroy their own? That's now the game they are playing, hoping their propaganda will win.

20890059? ago

Could it be then that these DS players would rather commit suicide instead of get on camera in front of millions and have all this evidence played out to the millions who will be watching? Or does hillary have enough hit men to start taking them out in bunches before the truth is revealed? Damn this will be awesome!!!

20890057? ago

Good explanation thanks

20889992? ago

The seditious Dems are trying to keep their donor gravy train going to the very last minute when they meet their demise. Their lust for money and power will bring them to certain political and personal ruin...and we get to watch it all happen.

20889960? ago

No, that's not it at all.

An election is coming. The Dems are trying to brainwash people into believing that Trump is corrupt, evil, etc. That he's been a horrible president.

They can't bitch about the economy. They can't complain about the unemployment rate. But they need a way of forcing people to vote against him.

So they say that an impeachment is coming. Why should he be impeached? When? They won't say because there'll be no impeachment. They don't want him impeached. What they want is to make people think he should be.

Political parties try to get you to vote for them. And if they can't get you to vote for them, they'll convince you to vote against the other party.

20889941? ago

In that scenario only a few would be talking about the trial, the rest would be discussing the latest false flag.

20889874? ago

Exactly Right Anon. I've been saying the same thing. Trey Gowdy as lead defense who has NEVER lost a case. All the Traitors illegal activity on display for the world to see.


20890622? ago

Plus Trey gets vindicated for what [they] did to him during the Benghazi debacle...That was a pivotal red pill for many Americans. Gowdy had her dead to rights and [they] lied their way out of it...Their must be a reckoning in order for our country to unite. For people of our political persuasion, we need it to heal and trust our government again. For those on the left, they need it to see that crime truly doesn't pay and there is one law for all and in order for America to thrive and help the world, America must come 1st and be righteous and virtuous. There is no other way to remain a Republic...

20889838? ago

I'd go one step further and say POTUS "let" the Dems steal the house with their corruption and election fraud specifically for this purpose. Pelosi is under (white hat) control, and she's not doing anything without POTUS' say so first. Everything is going as to plan. Why else did Trey Gowdy know to retire? And Q hinted that he'd be coming back in an important role?

20895902? ago

Yes I agree. Nothing was really left to chance. I don't think "IT'S HAPPENING!" I think "IT HAPPENED!." What's happening now is for educational purposes only.

20892041? ago

Exactly! Remember Al-anon who told us...https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/152927770

Doug Jones will be declared the winner of the U.S. Senate Special election. He will have more votes than Roy Moore. The multiple fraudulent voting techniques employed to achieve this result are being allowed to occur. They are being documented. The subsequent "investigation" will reveal the entire Democrat Machine. This was put into play long ago.

Y'all are soon to find out the true reason Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III was installed as the U.S. Attorney General.

Who are the Marion three?

20895723? ago

If impeachment trial happens....

And Trump submits evidence of 2018 Voting Fraud....

enough that the Impeachment vote itself is invalid.....

20890636? ago

As apparently he has.

20890608? ago

Yes. I believe Pelosi is under (white hat) control. It seems this will be the trial of the century with normies watching and finally waking up to the mountain of real evidence that even they can understand. This is a great way to reach my Millennial daughter and the thousand of cars I see on the freeways of Los Angeles everyday. We've been watching a show. A very great show. It will be interesting to see how the curtain/veil is removed that the MSM has kept up all this time.

20894387? ago

We've been watching a show.

And yet you're acting like it's real...

20901125? ago

Why can't a show be real? This is a viable education method that is working to wake us up. Got a problem with it? Yes it's real.

20924017? ago

an outward display intended to give a particular, false impression.

Because "a show" is not real. A show is not truth. A show is a contrived presentation, not reality.

20889832? ago

You are a simpleton. The dems know there is zero chance of a conviction in the Senate so they will never vote. They are just trying to sway public opinion to keep him looking like a villain. They were painted in a corner as soon as Trump released the transcript. Since they will never impeach there can never be a trial. Had Trump wanted a trial he wouldn't have release the transcript.

20891531? ago

Very good point on the transcript release. Wouldn’t Trump try to act like he did do something wrong if he wanted them to impeach?

20891592? ago


20889807? ago


Cohen raid by FBI?

Public context: re: payment to Stormy Daniels?

SC & FBI raided POTUS’ attorney to pull Stormy Daniels payment info?

RR signed off?

What other docs were collected?

How many places raided?

Raid on the President of the United States’ attorney for payment details re: private case re: Stormy Daniels?

Think logically.

How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?

Who has everything?

Methods which info collected/ obtained?

Admissible in the court of law?

Insert Rudy.

First public statement.

“It shouldn’t take more than “a week or two” to come to a resolution on the probe.”


Think resignations.

Who has the POWER?

If POTUS was in a weakened position (about to be impeached/indicted) would ‘they’ resign?

Why are we here?

Public forum.

World watching.

Sharing of intel to bad actors?


Not confirming SC is on /team/.

Question everything.

Timing important.


20890667? ago

Thanks Anon.

20889783? ago

Yes AND:

a. If (((they))) actually pass "impeachment" in the house, then as you said it goes to the Senate - all evidence is presented - and D's LOSE (Senate Lock + No Crime). After the Impeachment is LOST, the arrests happen for TREASON.

b. If (((they))) vote but fail in the house, then "Impeachment" is over, and the arrests for TREASON can happen (no excuses)

c. If they don't hold a vote, then their "Impeachment" is illegitimate and they hold their breath and roll around on the floor until they pass out. Their narrative falls apart (people can see the truth - no crime/no impeachment) and the arrests for TREASON can happen.

They will choose C. So by choosing C, the Senate committees will debunk and trash their entire fake "Impeachment" BS will EVIDENCE of actual crimes by the DS, and the arrests for TREASON can happen.

WE WIN! (again)

20891629? ago

Didn't Gonadler already do C? kek

20895703? ago

C is cray cray... funny to watch. Especially the "breathless" media.

20890143? ago

I like your summary best. Fingers crossed.

20889742? ago

Most of the sheep won't believe it, they will rely on the fall back to "fake news"

20889929? ago

Plausible deniability works...until it doesn't. Eventually this evil shit will be shown as evidently implausible. No more deniability.

I can't say exactly how it will work out with the MSM. But the hammer will drop there too.

20889724? ago

They will never send that shit to the senate. They are just trying to do whatever they can to make the libtards get angry and trying to get people angry enough to either NOT vote at all or vote him out of office. There's no way in hell they'd ever let that shit get on TV. They'd nuke a whole city before allowing that to air.

20891491? ago

Unless deals were cut and they are being forced to expose this to the public by impeaching?

20889717? ago

The corrupt media will not broadcast the Senate impeachment hearings. They will provide selected snips that support their narrative. 2 million will tune in to Hannity. The rest will swallow the blue pill. Am I wrong? Seems like that's the way it's been going since Solomon and Carter began reporting the facts back in March 2017.

20895675? ago

Time to start demanding your local radio station to carrying the full trial, live.

20891141? ago

Court TV will destroy the media.

20890467? ago

You are NOT wrong. We're on the precipice of a Constitutional crisis, a National Emergency, and the "news media" is recapping motherfucking Dancing with the Stars after lying about DJT "refusing legitimate subpoenas and inquiries".

20890087? ago

Looks like a good time for Trump TV!

20892318? ago

Check this out. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-launches-real-trump-tv-news-with-kayleigh-mcenany/

Btw, anyone remember which Q post talked about a new Trump tv

20890013? ago

MSM Doesn't control C-Span buddy. ;)

20891729? ago

Isn't trump starting his own network?

20889882? ago

They would keep cutting in and saying, "they aren't telling the truth" or "This is just crazy fox news conspiracy theories"

20891151? ago

Er, except Fox News is now part of the corrupt media promoting impeachment, saying that >50% of Amercians want impeachment which is utterly ridiculous.

20889843? ago

CourtTV is back and wanting to broadcast from GITMO. They'd happily broadcast the impeachment hearings.

20894854? ago

That's why they had another undersea fibre cable installed at GITMO a couple of years ago.

20902302? ago

Omg did you read the thread by StaffAnon re: the stolen underwater cabel? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3419497

They called it an underwater 'observatory' https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/environment/a28928546/underwater-observatory-disappears/

20919359? ago

Ty, i did read but for some reason memory holed it

20923421? ago

So much info being blasted at us it's hard to remember it all...ugh

20895699? ago

Expecting A lot of high speed streaming customers.

20891637? ago

back in the 1970s we only had 3 tv channels for info to be disseminated with. I was only 7 years old the summer we had the Watergate hearings. everyone watched because there was no alternatives. today you just wont get normies watching because they would rather marathon watch Game of thrones or what ever is new on the streaming services.

20895691? ago

And that is why DC can do whatever they please. —- the Internet has killed the oversight needed for Representative Democracy.

20889695? ago

Don't get your Hope's up. I would bet they get the impeachment vote in the house and it gets through the senate.

20890958? ago

I agree...POTUS has been compared to Andrew Johnson before. I think POTUS wants the Dem corruption impeachment bullshit to be part of his legacy. The President that fought the Deep State and won! History books will tell the story of how corrupt the US became, and the President that broke them down and saved the nation. Now, those of us in the know, realize who the soldiers behond the scenes are, but POTUS is the perfect frontman. His acting skills are impeccable. He was the perfect choice for the job!

20889648? ago


20889644? ago

God you're slow. people have been saying this for a week

20889792? ago

Damn near 6 months. Since Nadless started talking

20889830? ago

well then, I guess I am slow too.

20889863? ago

Not as slow as the poster though. You’re a week ahead of him! Sorry bud, just excited where we are at right now. A lot of shit is ready to explode!

20889606? ago

Or...the player with the inferior position, foreseeing their imminent defeat, flips the board - a la a November day in Dallas.

This is my greatest fear in watching DJT drag out this "game". It is not a game. It is a mortal struggle, on which rests the future of the nation, the world, my grandchildren's liberty.

It grows dangerous and it could end extraordinarily badly. Best not drag it out. End it as quickly as possible.

20897313? ago

Pray for his safety

20892311? ago

November day in Dallas 2019 version could be “sum of all fears” when a nuclear tipped “ally” who assisted in the coup attempt needs to cover their tracks. Praying this works.

20890319? ago

Not to worry. They have already tried and failed several times to take our president out. God is protecting him from all kinds of arrows. With the help of our prayers🙏🙏

20893827? ago

God, and a few thousand good men.

20893962? ago

Powerful combination. Literally the combination that conquered the globe and built modern society.

20895610? ago

Just don’t be the food tester in the UK.

20890289? ago

Absolutely right - except...

They HAVE already tried to take his life. There have been 3 failed assassination attempts so far (if not many more, that were stopped earlier).

I also don't like this dragging out, but let's not pretend they haven't been trying to kill him, already, for a long time.

They already went "all in". The worst part is, these fucks KNOW that TRUMP KNOWS they tried to kill him. Like, they are sitting up there, with FULL KNOWLEDGE that TRUMP IS ONTO THEM, and they STILL have the guts to lie to our faces. Imagine the hubris.

20897464? ago

KInda reminds you of their daddy, satan ...

20895503? ago

My anger at the criminal corruptors is righteous.

20894345? ago

Not guts, they have no guts. They are cowards and bullies who cannot stand alone.It's not strength in numbers, either, bc they don't have the numbers. What they have is a really terrific BIG LIE. And that's in the process of getting systematically dismantled. Hubris, yes. But they're also getting turned inside out and are rapidly decompensating. Our calmness will help everyone get thru this transition time.

20893647? ago

Scotland Alasaka LasVegas and one more .... ?

20893702? ago


20895309? ago

Singapore (NK Summit)

20895622? ago

UK, in the food.

20895631? ago

The car that rolled down the hill into the motorcade.

20895640? ago

Motorcade driver had a gun — had to swap out all the motorcade drivers.

20892612? ago

It's beyond hubris and now it's a literal do-or-die...

20890274? ago

Yeah... when there bullshit stops working altogether..guns can be fireed..HOWEVER, unlike 1963, there were no apparent,aka public enemies, of JFK. He had them for sure. But now, a hit on POTUS does not give the opposition power. Yeah shit would get crazy, but the call for MORE investigation would continue. If they got both POTUS and VPOTUS, it would then be in the streets crazy...we gotta trust Q team has all comms. JFK didnt have Q team and the autists. On our part all we can do is visualize a protective shield around POTUS and ask for sacred higher angles for his protection. Know that the spiritual world listens!

20895653? ago

If power were the only factor.

For many, it will be Liberty and Life they will be trying to keep.

20890674? ago

Acute or obtuse?

20893252? ago


20891812? ago


20889614? ago

There is no way Trump's on the defensive here. He did nothing wrong.

20890660? ago

Trump might not be on the offensive but assasination is always an option of [theirs].

20891104? ago

The Wile E Coyote gang keep trying, at least 12 attempts that we know of so far. It's an ongoing failed coup attempt, they'll keep trying and failing as we keep praying and trusting.

20889758? ago

The point is they can kill him.

I wonder how 5,000,000 NRA members would react.

20895664? ago

Imagine, if 5,000,000 members decided to join the Democrat Party and collective vote in the democrat primaries....

20903171? ago

I would vote for Biden, the easiest one to beat.

20891261? ago

Civil War which is what the deep state wants. Forget forming a new trade alliance, the E.U./ China would be free to execute their economic agenda as we fight ourselves.

20903200? ago

Good point. And is it really right to kill people because they are dumb and brainwashed? I guess if their intent is to take your liberty or life, lock and load.....

20890221? ago

The same way they did the last time.

20890186? ago

I wonder how 5,000,000 NRA members would react

Make angry twitter comment. Get banned. Crack open a beer and watch football

20891666? ago

That why guys that are non nra, non goa member, under the radar, armed to the gills, exist in lethal quantities.

20891807? ago

This is a comforting comment - (a grandmother here)

20893663? ago

Rest assured dear Grandmother that there are pack of wolves all over the Great Country and the world

waiting, for years now, ready to take action when needed.

20893794? ago

I have received two kind replies, that I greatly appreciate. Thank-you, there isn't any way I would know this if it hadn't been for your comment. And for what it's worth I will support you all any way I can.

20894467? ago

it needed to happen because :

"When injustice becomes the law, rebellion becomes the duty"

20891878? ago

At your service mam.

20891071? ago

Make angry twitter comment. Get banned. Crack open a beer and watch football

Not this time mother fuckers. It's a new day.

20890371? ago

I don't think so, not this time. Not after everything that has happened and all the info that has come out about previous conspiracies. JFK to 9/11.

I don't think people would just shrug and say "oh well."

20890670? ago

The sad part is when we realize we are the minority. Most have no clue of the truth. Most don't want the truth.

20895336? ago

It's always been that way, but it doesn't take a majority to usher in a new era....they just need to follow along (and they will)

20889921? ago

Many of whom are trained Marines

20890399? ago

Ok...so POTUS drags this out. He keeps poking the animal he has had cornered for a great while and it lashes out. He gets JFK'ed and a number of frustrated Patriots take to the streets, even take up arms, vowing to root out the Deep State. The entrenched Deep State and those still compromised, think, not only polticians, but, also, our "beloved" media, some senior military officers, law enforcement, judicial officials, etc. pushing back. There are enough "normies" and "NPCs" to turn on any attempt we "commoners", the deplorables, make to continue DJT's, Mike Rogers', Mike Flynn's, and others' work. Do you REALLY trust Lindsay Graham? Mitch McConnell? Too many compromised. Too many others unwilling to risk their lifestyle. The days of pledging lives, fortunes, and sacred honor has passed for most. I will die on my doorstep. Unfortunately, I believe, if DJT doesn't finish this "game", soon, I will have no choice, but to do so. War will come and choices will be forced. ...and YES, I was saying DJT has the upper hand, but he is risking his life and all our futures in dragging out the final moves.

20891294? ago

If the worst case happens. Patriots must go after the voice of the beast first. Take out any and all high profile media faces. They can only spew propaganda due to the "fame" of their beloved media. Take them out. They will scramble for new faces, but the new faces womt be trusted by the NPCs.

20891088? ago

^^This comment illustrates exactly why it's being dragged out to wake up the normies.

20891506? ago

TRUE....5 years ago I was a conservative republican and the demacrat lies for the most part did not deceive me but when republicans agreed with democrats. I would trust what was said not realizing that the biggest lies were usually told together by both parties. today I trust know one in politics including Trump....at this point Trumps desires correspond with mine so I support him... My biggest fear is that all of this is just one corrupt group taking out another. so I am on guard.

20891541? ago

My biggest fear is that all of this is just one corrupt group taking out another. so I am on guard.

I understand, we live in extraordinary times. It's not about right v. left, R v. D, or even patriots v. traitors, more and more it seems like a straight up battle between good and evil. This said by a previously moral-relativist-atheist.

20891768? ago

I agree with you this is not right verses left. it truly is good verse evil. The only reason the republicans don't have as many criminals is that the power for the last 100 years has been in the demacrat hands. half of theses corrupt politicians would of joined the republican party if the republican party had held most of the power

20894374? ago

would of

What an embarrassing demographic to belong to.

20895367? ago

Your parents failed you...and now you fail us all.

20894929? ago

LOL the same people who ridicule wypipo for using good grammar because it's rayciss become the grammar nazis the moment they have no valid argument.


20924058? ago

You Qultists are the dregs.

20924684? ago

Maybe so but that's not really a valid argument, it's just your opinion.

20924830? ago

Yes, that's my opinion of people who don't bother to learn their own primary communication protocols.

20925343? ago

My opinion of you is this and it's based on your posts, not my projections because I need somewhere to focus the ugliness festering inside of me.

20930250? ago

Feel free to champion your illiterates and unables. One should stick up for their peers.

20930809? ago

Feel free to champion all the nutters with schadenfreude for the same reason.

20894606? ago

misspoke slightly the republican party has the same corruption problem it just the democrat's have had the advantage of control within bureaucracy this has made it so a corrupt demacrat can get away with more then a corrupt republican

20894933? ago

Perfect response to the grammar nazi! Keep speaking your truth Patriot!

20895005? ago

thank you. I struggle with my writing...good grammar is always a struggle...

20895023? ago

It's exactly how dictation would translate your speaking. All you need to do is know how you feel and be willing to share and articulate it.

It's much better to be aligned with Truth as you struggle with grammar than to have perfect grammar while spewing nonsense.

20924090? ago

Only if you also have pronunciation challenges. Also, I'm aligned with Truth in reality and in grammar. If you believe one can tell grammar falsehoods and be aligned with truth...

20924676? ago

If you believe one can tell grammar truths while spewing falsehoods ...

20924849? ago

If your communications are literally invalid, you are functionally unable to reflect truth.

20925336? ago

Good luck being able to communicate as dictation and AI take over the interwebs, rayciss.

20895056? ago


20889686? ago

Pretty sure he meant that Nancy et al (the inferior position) will use any Hail Mary open to them no matter how crazy, because they have nothing to lose. And that Trump should stop rope-a-doping them, and just finish them.

20889825? ago

Yes AND - FISA works both ways.

Ga-head try it mf'ers, ga-head

20889516? ago

Yeah but thats why the stupid dems won't vote on impeachment at this point. If they do then REPUBLICANS can issue subpoenas and question witnesses, etc. The dems do NOT want the republicans to be able to do this. This is why Trump is taunting them. Democrats are so fucking crooked and pathetic.

20895758? ago

Oh, and as Bongino points out.....Pelosi may not have the votes right now!

20889496? ago

Yeah that’s not happening.

He’s gonna get impeached, trial will be a bunch of dem grandstanding with an easy vote to not convict. Dems will look stupid but it’s gonna be nothing close to what you’re suggesting

20889573? ago

Lol. Reeeeeeeee. I can here it from Kansas

20889490? ago

Not to mention POTUS will be able to subpoena anyone and everyone to come to testify. They sure don't want that. This impeachment is a diversion to try to stop the IG report and the FISA declass from happening. It is already dead in the water. They are toast.

20895568? ago

It is almost timing out that Trump would actually enter the IG report into evidence during the impeachment trial!!

20891999? ago

Where do you get that idea from?

20891581? ago

Sounds like some people will have no where left to turn.

20898816? ago

suicide weekend is coming

20901186? ago

Yeah. I think so too.

20895589? ago

Brennan thought Trump would not get this far.

20890649? ago

Not to mention POTUS will be able to subpoena anyone and everyone to come to testify.

Not necessarily. It is not a normal trial, and it does not follow any normal trial rules. The SENATE gets to decide what the rules are.

The Nuremberg trials had a set of rules that included that no evidence needed to be presented in order to get a conviction.

Imagine what a bunch of asshole politicians could think up (along with their puppet masters) to determine what the rules would be.

THIS is the reason Pelosi is not moving forward at this time. They are trying to figure out how to get enough senators to rig the rules so the truth will NOT come out.

20891396? ago

He still gets to subpoena anybody he likes though, according to the letter from his attorneys, and that's why the impeachment clan is screwed https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/PAC-Letter-10.08.2019.pdf

To comply with the Constitution's demands, appropriate procedures would include-at a minimum-the right to see all evidence, to present evidence, to call witnesses, to have counsel present at all hearings, to cross-examine all witnesses, to make objections relating to the examination of witnesses or the admissibility of testimony and evidence, and to respond to evidence and testimony. Likewise, the Committees must provide for the disclosure of all evidence favorable to the President and all evidence bearing on the credibility of witnesses called to testify in the inquiry.

20895584? ago

Can’t finish the trial when those that Trump subpoenas refuse to appear!!!

20893319? ago

Again, he can try and subpoena whomever. But if the rules are rigged he may not be able to.

20892962? ago

I particularly like this part.

Likewise, the Committees must provide for the disclosure of all evidence favorable to the President and all evidence bearing on the credibility of witnesses called to testify in the inquiry.

Who are the Dems gonna call to be a witness for them? None of those fuckers have any legal credibility, and half of their potential witnesses have committed perjury, or lied to congress.

20891498? ago

That last paragraph is anti-semitic. It will never be allowed. Israel is our greatest ally.

20893634? ago

I see what you did there



20890610? ago

Mitch McConnell said he would shut it down if the House passed the vote...?

20895603? ago

No worries about Mitch (THEIR insurance policy).

Trump will insist that he needs to clear his name for the sake of his family.

20890456? ago

We were wondering what the ds would use to delay the impeachment until after the election. Endless probes until the last minute.

20890029? ago

This has me thinking about Assange and extradition.

20898811? ago

MUWAHAHAHAHHAHA SNORT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .... PATRIOT... that is an amazing thought... POTUS gets to call ANY WITNESS HE WANTS... If I was POTUS.. I WOULD call Assange

20898921? ago

I would to. WikiLeaks has a strict policy never to disclose their sources, but I’m sure there’s a way to get the information out there without it coming from Assange himself. When you consider the possibility of him testifying, it makes sense why the DS wants him isolated and rotting away in Belmarsh. (I question the voracity of reports about his failing health, but we’ll see.)

20902679? ago

Actually Assange did that this time .. He stated PUBLICLY several times that RUSSIA DIDNOT give him the docs that in fact it was a DNC employee... He Pointed in Seth Riches direction ..

20904126? ago

He didn’t say outright that it was a DNC employee. Just to be clear for Assange’s and WikiLeaks’ sake. He brought up the Seth Rich case as an example, without mentioning Seth’s name, and let the interviewer make the connection. If he testifies, my guess is he’ll use the same tactic and let other witness testimony fill in for what he won’t reveal.

20890753? ago


20895578? ago

As Podesta emailed.

Seth was the example, they did not know who really leaked.

20895100? ago

Did nothing wrong!

20889487? ago

obvious...it's also obvious that fucking rat McConnell has stated it will be real quick and most likely be shut right down (get it, NO public trial)

20889466? ago

Excellent thought process, with Gowdy's move, Rudy's statements, and POTUS's verbiage on Twitter lately, I think you are right on the money. Bravo!!

20889430? ago

Don't hold your breath Bubba.

20889426? ago

Although I have another response in this thread already, I'm going to add --- I don't think Pelosi will actually bring the inquiry vote to the floor.

20889928? ago

What if she is already controlled? Maybe she has to do it.

20890626? ago

That's been my hunch.

20890021? ago

I reckon you're onto it. She's already controlled opposition and is being made to bring it all to the fore. And no amount of alcohol will numb that truth for her.

20889607? ago

There's more than one way to inject evidence. Guiliani to testify in the senate soon

20889397? ago

And if they dont impeach he doesnt have a threat of claiming it is partisanship when he declasses. Its fucking genious.

20889349? ago

This is why the Dems will NEVER make the impeachment formal.

They will continue with this bullshit fake impeachment theater through the 2020 election, while claiming POTUS is "in the process of being impeached".

This isn't 4D chess because the Dems won't be formalizing the impeachment process. Why would they?

20893137? ago


20889345? ago

I'm sure another Anon will correct any errors or omissions but my understanding is that the FIRST vote, the one Trump wants in order to get everyone's name on an anti-Trump list, only allows the House the full power of the House to gather information and build actual articles of impeachment. Then the House will vote on each article and if any article is approved, Trump is impeached and it's sent to the Senate for a trial. THAT is the part that the public will see.

20889794? ago

It will expose from GOP rhinos, who will then be rightfully targeted to lose their jobs, either by exposing their corruption, or during an election.

20889368? ago

There are two votes.

One to establish impeachment inquiry. One to "impeach" per the articles of impeachment.

He wants the process to start because when he's impeached EVERYBODY WILL BE WATCHING.

Republics will watch because of anger for the unjust impeachment, and democrats will watch because they've been gaslighted by their party and the media.

That's when all eyes are on and the evidence comes out. That's checkmate.

20889510? ago

I seriously doubt that "everyone" would be watching. I remember the Clinton impeachment spectacle. I did not watch it or follow it. To me, it was just political noise in the background of my everyday life. Nothing ever came of it and it only hurt the republicans.

With this leftist farce of a pretend impeachment, the only people that are following it are the MSM who are the same one pushing the scam, then you have the conservative talking heads (Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham) that report on the lefts insanity. Most people are busy living their lives.

20890070? ago

Except back in the day of the Clinton impeachment, we didn't have the internet that we do now. People weren't as aware as they are now. Hell, right now even my 14 year old kid knows Hillary is scum. That says a lot.

20889342? ago

Or they could just keep running the clock like they are...

20889633? ago

What good is it to run out the clock when you are down by triple digits.

20891727? ago

DT leaves office in 2024 and the DS picks up after the delay in their plan

20889316? ago

Nothing will happen.

20889732? ago


We will give Israel more of what they want and even didn't ask for. Perhaps a chunk of Iraq and Lebanon will be gifted to them by the White House, to go with the Golan Heights.

20905132? ago

Sure that is why he gave them the pull out of Syria that they are shitting their pants over.

20893576? ago

It seems there are still dreamers in Dimona.

20889266? ago

4D Chess