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20859566? ago

Thanks OP. I Need to read all of this more carefully but two things immediately jump out.

  1. Been wondering for a long time how (((they))) are making money from the global warming hoax. Was sure it was something but carbon credits and shit like that didn’t seem to add up.

  2. The directed energy weapon thing. I am sciencefag. Am absolutely convinced the fires on west coast, particularly CA, were some kind of DE weapon but I couldn’t see how. Would have to be IR or microwave but major difficulties in keeping a beam focused. Not to mention the power requirements. But if you had a large array of mirrors and towers, you could focus and guide energy. Scary.

20864857? ago

Also, the beams could be focused up to mirrors [THINK MIRROR] in space, and transmitted/beamed down, to start fires or other havoc on the surface of the planet.

Telsa had a similar concept with his wireless transmission of power, reflected off the atmosphere (Ionosphere). I believe it IS possible.

What has SpaceX/Elon Musk, and Bezos Space business got to with launching Space Weapons Tech. and installing DEW systems? Lots. They are CONNECTED. Gotta be.

Hence why White Hats have been fucking with their launches, and are happy to take the rent money for the use of the launch facilities. Trump mentions it often.



20865816? ago

Also, the beams could be focused up to mirrors [THINK MIRROR] in space, and transmitted/beamed down, to start fires or other havoc on the surface of the planet.

Kinda what I was thinking. Or, the source could be on a satellite, beamed to the mirror(s) on the ground for re-focusing and then directed toward a target. Or they could bounce back and forth several times between the earth and the satellite while continuously feeding more energy to build up a very powerful beam. Not exactly, but kinda how a laser works. Set up a resonance condition. Whatever was used in the fires in Paradise was melting metal but not plastic. (Plastic playground equipment, trash cans intact). So it was something that set up a resonant condition with metal, which is why I was thinking microwave. The mirror material would have to be impervious to those wavelengths, whatever they are. Know that a mirror in the IR looks like clear glass in the visible, so if there is any info on the mirrors that would be a clue.

There have been a few posts (quickly buried) on qrv about that Russian sub incident, what six months ago now? Word is they shot down an Israeli satellite. The one that was being used to threaten Trump. (((They))) were, quite literally, holding it over his head. I think the fires were warning shots. Did you see how pissed off he was when he visited Paradise? Have you noticed no fires this year? I live in PNW. For the last 4 or 5 yrs we have had extremely hot and dry summers. There were horrible fires every August all over the west coast extending up to Canada. Smoke was terrible. None this year.

20866144? ago

Electro-Magnetic forces may play a big role in what these things do.

If it were me building the system, I would use not only light and heat, but also magnetic fields to solve the transmission and focus (coherence) problems.

I am just thinking about this out loud at the moment, but I can see how this might connect to a wireless power transmission network.

Maybe they already have all the wireless power Tesla invented in place, and it can also be used as a DEW, with the ground stations (Mirrors) acting as focus points and/or magnifyers (scaler tech.).

Could you imaging a future with these solar farms covering the entire Earth, and how destructive would be for Humanity and the Ecosystem?

We would ALL be dead AF pretty fast; maybe a few generations.

This is (((their))) ultimate plan you realize. The destruction of Humanity to spite GOD.

Population reduction down to c. 500 Million people. Just enough (and smart enough but not too smart) to run everything, and serve as slaves.

I can see it everywhere. Extinction Cults, Antifa, all of it. I can see clearly now, as the song goes. 'o-o' <

Much more coming here my Frien, I am just getting started on this research topic.



20866449? ago

I just re-read the post (but not the additional comments) and went to some of the links. That mirror/tower thing in Israel looks like it could definitely be collecting energy from space (and I ain’t talkin solar). But it’s just a pic and a tweet with words in French. Each individual mirror can be moved to focus and correct the aberrations in a beam. Would like to know the material. One of the articles said 800 degrees F in the beam frying birds. See, the mirrors will only reflect over a fixed wavelength range. That is, visible mirrors won’t reflect IR (heat). Soooo....what are these mirrors? I’ll try later to go to the company website and see if there is any info.