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20835328? ago

I remember reading an article years ago where it talked about all the state judges participate in a Court of Jesters event every year but I have been unable to find it online. I think it was Providence Journal.

20835639? ago

Are you mixing up court of jesters and krewes?

20848092? ago

and what group or who plays out rituals behind the MTV awards and Hollywood movies and shows ... remember Lindsay Lohan? stealing homeless people's kids as the mother fights her off

20856649? ago

Look for people who talk about Lucifuge. The idea of selling your soul didnt exist before Faust, but actors have such large egos and so easily controlled. The idea of selling your soul for fame and glory so easily handed over by a few producers became . . Fashionable?

Do you remember the Church of Satan when it was fashionable.. you d do very well at looking at Mick Jaggers ex wife Bianca. Who does she go to Scissor Sisters concerts in London with? (Think comets and think pizza).

I suspect strongly that Jim Carey is the actual high priest of the hollywood coven. That he took the place of Scorcese when he sacrificied his girlfriend. Did you know that he happened to be in hawaii when they had their nuclear scare couple of years back. Same time as Hillary and Huma.. on an island that has no nuclear bunkers. Anyway.. if youre implying that Freemasons are satanic.. you re wrong. Theyre Luciferian. They admit so in their own literature from 1890s onwards. You may say that there is no difference, and that should show you that you might have something new to learn.