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20835164? ago

Take my word for it, as I actually know what I talking about here.

Can you post a link to such a voat comment that make you write things like:

I have SEEN 'o-o' < it.

I have seen Q's posts on here ...

I have noticed Q's style.

20835176? ago

Do you know what visions are?

Are you paying close attention?

20835193? ago

Just wanted to make sure we're talking about visions and that you're a visionary, not logic or empirical facts.

Now I believe you.

20835264? ago

BTW, I do have such facts (empirical evidence) I have gathered along my journey of discovery, but they are a result of many months of interaction with a lot of Anons. My instincts took over a while ago, and I knew how to "read" their posts on here. It's hard at first, but then all the comms. become clear coded day.

I am convinced Q is here, and that I/we have chatted to them.

Believe me or not.

Fort me it is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE that Q team is not on this board and posting as an Anon.

Prove me wrong, I have lots of time. I'll wait. <

20836193? ago

I am a mathematician. Show me this math.

20869391? ago