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20804537? ago

The writing is on the wall Anons.

Ukraine IS The Keystone. And it connects to EVERY player, and then reveals the VATICAN, which brings it ALL down. Cardinals connected to Epstein and his Island. Child Sacrifice. Capish?

Which also connects to Iran through Kerry and McCain. They are connected to Ukraine too.

Ukraine is the most important Country in all this, and Australia is the second most important Country in play here. The UK has been secured it would appear, with Boris Johnson at the helm during the Squall.

Red October has arrived, as has been signaled by POTUS in his tweet about the COUP, FLOTUS and her red dress, The White House bathed in Red light on the 01st October, and Q drops 1001 delta to POTUS 1 year on, reveals Epstein's island, and ties in the Vatican,.

Ukraine is The Keystone.

Look it up.

'o-o <

20805070? ago


20869419? ago