20800397? ago

Vatican police raid top offices in financial investigation. Buwahahahaha Not much of a Red October.


20800204? ago

You are spot on my fag, keep up the digs my brother.

Panic in DC at the very mention of Ukraine. D5

20800159? ago

FWIW Q701 gives the IP address of SoftLayer Technologies in Chantilly, VA.

20798426? ago

Check out this dig...


20798209? ago

And so IT begins . . .

20799039? ago


20798002? ago

A RED OCTOBER POTUS Tweet decode: >


20797763? ago

Cardinal red?

Red winepress of Gods wrath?

20797606? ago

Get this...I went to like this on twitter....and I was like #700...no shit...

20798150? ago

You must be the new Q!

20889407? ago

You never know!

20889584? ago

Really, you waited 7 fucking days on a post that has demonstrated the stupidity of the qtard movement to respond with that?!

20895651? ago

No not really. In reality, there is no qtard movement, only Q and a bunch of borderline brain dead shills who are trying to debunk reality. These shills really are degenerate--addicted to lies and lying--just like their father. It would be better for them had they never been born.

20896875? ago

So what else has happened in Red October? The vatican fall? Ooooh, somebody was arrested to leaking classified information to a journalist. The whole deep state has been foiled. How many years has it been now? Years. Fucking, years. Trump probably ask 8chan to go the fuck away just to dissuade your delusion.

20797243? ago

Wait did the Vatican get raided?

20797191? ago

RED OCTOBER is an anagram of BEER DOCTOR.

20797449? ago

Wow that is an INCREDIBLE decode! Does this mean that the beer doctor is gonna finally BRING THE PAIN!??!?!? Maybe we should trust the plan and wait a few more years to find out.

20796732? ago



20796696? ago

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that fuck all is going to happen as a result of this.

As always.

20796504? ago

If this was known in advance and this is a q proof then Q is a time traveler or an extra terrestrial being.

20799061? ago


20796090? ago

Q Post #700 is about Suicide Weekend. Read again. Please be a little more careful before spreading fake news.

20796078? ago

Date faggers never learn. October will be come and gone, nothing will happen and you gonna look retarded on twitter with your date faggotry. Good luck anon.

20795714? ago


what is number 700?


what is 700th prime number?


what happens when you substract 5279 days from TODAY

April 19 2005 what happened?


2005 โ€“

His Eminence Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger is elected the 265th Pope of the Catholic Church following the death of Pope John Paul II. The new Pope takes on the regnal name Benedict XVI.


20798144? ago

You are gay and retarded.

20795667? ago

RED October has arrived and i have the popcorn ready. WWG1WGA

20796557? ago


20795410? ago

Vatican raided. Assests seized as per Executive Order (human trafficking/rights violations)

20795180? ago

DJT born 700 days before founding of modern Israel... which was also 70 years, 7 months and 7 days before 45's inauguration date.

Powerful hand in play here folks.

20794984? ago

Are we sure it isn't for Halloween?

20794957? ago

Vatican raided by VATICAN POLICE.

What could go wrong?

20794934? ago



20794667? ago

So did they drag out the baby eating, butt fucking holy father? Pay your tithes, sinners. God loves you and wants you to ass fuck little kids before eating them, apparently. In nomine patris et fili et spritus sancti, amen.

20794640? ago

B-T-F-O initiating

20794540? ago

Uuhhhh Qdrop #700 on the qmap is Suicide weekend NOT red october.....do you even follow Q?

20794441? ago

What an informative post.

Vatican raided - What does that mean?

Who raided it?



How was it conducted?

What buildings did they raid?

What were they looking for?

What is the source of this information?

20798122? ago

Look it up for yourself and donโ€™t expect to be coddled and spoon fed. Do your own research.

20802353? ago

If I looked up every time someone said Red October was happening, I'd have very little free time.

20795853? ago

Idiot? How about perusing what is already public information before assaulting with your uninformed questions...

20794601? ago

Its was raided by the Vatican DA to look into mishandling money....

Its all financial.

20794940? ago

Ah, so it was not by the Italian cops, it was an internal raid to see who is stealing the most. Just proves that when you are all crooks you can't trust anyone.

20795290? ago

Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. Encircled by a 2-mile border with Italy, Vatican City is an independent city-state that covers just over 100 acres, making it one-eighth the size of New York's Central Park. Vatican City is governed as an absolute monarchy with the pope at its head.

20795964? ago

Yes, actually knew that but whenever I think of the Vatican I think of Rome/Italy. forgot but thank you for reminding me.

20795694? ago

They have a wall. Ergo, they must be racists.

20797792? ago

They're islamaphobes. That wall was put there, then made even taller, specifically to keep muslims out.

20799649? ago

Duh! Radical Moose Lambs are a dangerous bunch!

I think the wall is there to keep the luciferian pedophiles in the vatican!

20795187? ago

The Vatican is not Italy.

20795939? ago

I knew but forgot.

20794549? ago

I went ahead and did a 1 second duck duck go search for ya

Vatican Raided. 10-1-19

20794777? ago

Thanks, much more informative than a twatter.

20795114? ago

Yep and there's gonna be many significant events over the next 30 days so..red October man. Means a lot of things. Significant in that the banks are in the red and being bailed out via repo market too imo.

20794892? ago

you're a fucking faggot

20796529? ago

takes one to know one

oooo burn

20794498? ago


20795585? ago


20794388? ago

Would be oh so much more comfortable if Qanon were (publicly) on the job.

20794201? ago

What's suicide weekend?

20794630? ago

Suicide weekend is when a bunch of famous people and politicians decide to committ suicide instead of facing the penalties for their crimes.

I CANT WAIT!! I really hope they televise it.

20794177? ago

Red October

20794081? ago

Raging Q-boner!

20793953? ago

HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am.โ€œ. Q#1

Buckle your ๐Ÿ˜ฒ up!

20794967? ago

Could be next year on 10/30 too. Just a few days before election in Nov. That would be fun especially if she decides to run for POTUS again.

20797143? ago

Oh my... lol wouldnt CNN gargle thei tonsils!๐Ÿ˜„

20796383? ago

I honesty don't think so. I would be too short of a span for too many things to happen.

20801070? ago

Given the rapid pace of things coming to light lately I think next year 2020 in October is a good possibility.

20801757? ago

Perhaps you're right!

Things appear to be in motion, in such a way, that things have to drop at a faster pace than they have the past year. The ball has been thrown, the batter has wound up - and we are waiting for the swing. It's gonna be fast - unless he bunts it.

Ultimately Trump wants to be re elected. Stands to reason that shit drops hard over October - with revelations coming out slower over the next year.

This gives people time to process and digest, put the good intentions of DJT in perspective, while exposing the corrupt players that are intricately linked.

I feel there is tooo much shit to drop all at once in October 2020. Bernie just had a "heart scare" and is dropping out.

Things are happening - it's just a matter of when we get from "dark to light". If it's a flip of the switch - we get blinded and I dont think it's going to happen. Gradual lumen output so we can see what's going on.

At least I hope.

20802656? ago

I hope it is this year. Year of the Boomerang!

20795250? ago

Anons expected it last year as well.

Fingers crossed ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

20793793? ago

Im no decode expert. In fact I SUCK at it every time I try but dumb as I obviously am "I" can see that the Q posts were never meant for the year in which they were posted. Are there still people who havent figured that out?

20797503? ago

Project Looking Glass

20796087? ago

Anons will connect the dots as they see fit. Just like sreial no brain, they keep coming up with new Q proof out of their ass.

20795664? ago

It seems to me decode is going backwards and will end with the arrest of Hillary. Lol

20799455? ago



20795755? ago

I think the same thing

20796483? ago

What about "finishing act, CIA dismantled, operations > NSA"?

Why "finishing act"?

I do not think the Q posts are in linear order. There is some means of determining the order in which they become relevant that we are all missing.

20797196? ago

They're not linear because the white hats have no way of knowing when certain milestones will be passed and certain maneuvers become viable. They're soldiers, not prophets.

20800792? ago

Yes, it seems like the milestones are conditions, which can seemingly be satisfied in any order.

20795760? ago

Think mirror...

20794956? ago

I'm from the perspective that anyone who claims to be a decode expert most likely is wrong.

However, in the sense that 'future proves past', the raids around the world today does make sense as potential buildup.

20795568? ago

What raids?

20795786? ago

I heard about the police raiding a big bank in Ukraine too.

20795751? ago

One that I've heard about is the Vatican treasury I believe. By the Vatican police? Which I thought was odd. The raised themselves? But the oddest part was Pompeo visiting the vatican the same day or day before?

20794708? ago

Yes. All the "head fakes" were markers that are about to blow our minds with accuracy. If I'm wrong at least we'll know soon ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ

20793979? ago

Some were, some weren't

20795536? ago

I know one thing for sure. Any damn person that puts a date on a decode is always 100% wrong.

20793824? ago

A few

20793861? ago


20794823? ago


20798377? ago

loved those chipmunks

20793966? ago

Share blue antipanty nose pickers.

20793574? ago

Q158 mentions Godfather III and Red October.

20793510? ago

more datefagging again

20793887? ago

actually, looks more like a solid read on comms

Did you see the Vatican story? Pompeo in Italy last week?

DATES LINE UP, faggot.

20798176? ago

Nothing lines up but you're fucking delusions. The Vatican is a sovereign nation and they found financial irregularities and went to an office to look for more evidence. What does that have to do with Q? What does that have to do with taking back our nation? You have no facts, no details, no connections, and yet you still furiously masturbate.

20798197? ago

clown hostility noted, faggot.

lol you cunts are done

20805312? ago

I do more to stop clown world then you ever will. What the fuck have you ever done than worship at the altar of the false prophet Q?

20806157? ago

honk honk, mother fucker lol

20806357? ago

Y'all never have an actual argument with facts. NPC in the game of Q.

20793500? ago

https://tweetsave.com/3days3nights/status/1179182997922353152 :

๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ 3Days3Nights ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ on Twitter: "RED OCTOBER STARTED TODAY. VATICAN RAIDED.

Yesterday was day 700 from 1st Q post on 10/28/17.

Q#700 is about RED OCTOBER.

[Next week] 9/30-10/6 VAT

[Next week] 10/7-10/13 OIG

[Next week] 10/14-10/20 CF

Suicide weekend?

10/21-10/27/19 (Sun)

Mon 10/28. Want to play a game?โ€ฆ /TA27nDLwqP"

This has been an automated message.

20794578? ago

No....#700 is about suicide weekend.

"[Next week]

[Next week]

[Next week]

Suicide Weekend?


20796800? ago

And that didn't happen either.

At this rate, can anyone point to any Q post that actually accurately predicted something that any retard couldn't see coming based on publicly available news at the time?


20799445? ago

It did happen, I live on the other side of the planet and I remember what went down, you are commenting without knowing what you're talking about

20797461? ago

no name's death

20798366? ago

"every dog has its day"

20794295? ago

I'm not sure I've wanted someone to be right so much before.

20795405? ago

Until the next time. Nothing is going to happen.

20796522? ago

But eventually something will happen. Do you think this will just go on forever? Kek!!

20795448? ago

sweet blackpilled child

20793466? ago

Plus the White House is lit RED!!! Red October.....

20794966? ago

At 7:00

20795440? ago

Excellent catch. Q700 Red October, White House Red....I feel like a kid on Christmas.

20793873? ago

Yeah, I want to see that pic.........sauce?

20793656? ago

Whereโ€™d you see that?

20796120? ago

Shot out the rest of the gay rainbow bulbs.

20797069? ago

Good ๐Ÿ˜‰

20796506? ago

AHAHAHAHAHA!! Made me laugh. Out loud.

20794997? ago

Wow, extraordinary.

20794401? ago

That's pretty RED. Hard to miss.

20794247? ago

i do love some good sauce

20793507? ago
