20751819? ago

Rush said it Friday... we are in a cold civil war.

20748710? ago

What special powers does a president have when he declares war???

20755583? ago

He doesn't get to declare war, Congress has that power.

20745890? ago

Q is a blueprint for the civil war that Jews and the NWO are hoping for. They want us to rip each other to shreds so they can feast on the carcass that was America.

20744941? ago

Bout damn time he figured it out...

20744045? ago

It's legal.

20743157? ago


20742694? ago

Very Notable anon. Ty.

20742687? ago


20742527? ago

Fear of the public learning the TRUTH?

Bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds drink nectar.

20742254? ago

POTUS is CORRECT. We are at war, it's a surprise attack, that is COORDINATED (all sides of the degenerate classes/races/nationalities), and we KNEW it was coming, just not when. It is NOW. This is just the beginning. They think they are smart, but they are not. Do what I say. HOLD FAST. The time IS coming. For now, HOLD.

20745485? ago

War --> Enemy combatant -->. Gitmo?

20748441? ago

Wait until the dems are in charge, you'll see something like that. Systematic "extermination" masked as criminal activity. Guns...ILLEGAL...you're a criminal if you have one...no VOTE...arrest....death in prison (at least).

20751040? ago

I have seen this from Republicans. It's not just NGO or Government ideology, but individual choice against mob rule that becomes centralized evil though blackmail and intimidation.

20751117? ago

Granted. MY view of current politics is:

Republicans = predators = murderer party

Democrats = thieves = parasite party

That's MY view. You? (I'm a Libertarian...no victim = no crime, DEATH to CRIMIALs)

20755217? ago

That the Republican party shifted so far left that Karl Marx is feeling vindicated. Hell, even Benito Mussolini must feel the Democrats are ready to be defacto world leaders.

I never left the Good Old Party, they just left me in the dust breathing Nationalized Industry dust in the form of a welfare check they call a subsidy.

Not all Republicans are warmongers. Just the ones who have Pedo-Blackmail controlling their votes. Like today's Democrats.

By the way, what's wrong with murdering Predators? You think pedophiles can be rehabilitated?

20840443? ago

I KNOW it's MORE than that I claimed, but what I said, I think, is the CORE (sound bite) of the entire situation. No? Do better.

20842750? ago

Democrats = thieves = parasite party (No murderers here, right Seth Rich?)

The Clinton Body count makes your "sound bite" into projection for deflection.

How can you expect another to "do better" if your standards are so low?

20842766? ago

I KNOW, I KNOW. Shit. Damnit, I WISH it was EASY. It's ALL pretty fucking EVIL right?

20842821? ago

All evil? As in new born and innocent children? Projection much?

20842892? ago

My SISTER thought I WAS evil. She MIGHT be right. RIght?

20843327? ago

As long as you protect the Clinton Body count because Democrats are above the law, then yes. Your capitalized sister is right.

20845756? ago

I'm the opposite of THAT though.

20850484? ago

Is that way only the Republicans are the Murderer? Because you are protecting the Clinton Body count like your life depends on it. Well, your life is a valuable as ones overt deception.

20852878? ago

Blah, blah, blah, everyone's against me. You WANT to fight me?

20855218? ago

Paranoid much?

Suicide is not the answer.

Though it has been called the final solution.

20916304? ago

Suicide IS the answer actually. ALL problems would be SOLVED if everyone committed suicide.

20742488? ago

Second that.

20741894? ago

aint it da trufe?

20741823? ago

It took me a while to connect fisagate and pizzagate, or whatever it’s called nowadays. I couldn’t figure out why Q drops dealt with the pedos as well as the spying on Trump but now I’ve realized they went to all that trouble spying on Trump because they wanted to know what he knows and they knew if he got elected, their days were numbered. That’s why the illegal fisa warrants and the Russian hoax and more. They’re fucked and they know it.

20747815? ago

Well said!

20742476? ago

Nice interpretation, I'll keep in mind. Thanks Anon.

20741788? ago

Liddle Adam shit just needs to go I hope the earth opens up and sucks his ass back to his master.

20747753? ago

I don't think that would be a punishment. I think the liddle perv would like to have his ass sucked. Just sayin'.

20741700? ago

Something has to be done about these evil ...jews ...elite ...satanists ...whatever you want to call them. They have to be removed from power by any means possible. ...for the sake of the entire world.

20742462? ago

Thread carefully around the notion of "By any means necessary". Satanic notion to its core.

But, I share your sense of urgency !

20741231? ago

Thanks for posting this! I heard POTUS say that and it made me think of the many times i've posted vs SHILLS (concern faggots, and Arrests or GTFO, etc.).

The pedo-shills on QRV have not idea how deep this goes. Not only is it a WAR, it may be THE war! This is good v evil, and evil has been working for thousands of years, and were ready to pull it off after 2016 (what is "it" Global Communism with a global religion that is anti-God/anti-Christian aka Book of Revelation). So the pedo-shills try to convince the woke and the newbs that this is just another left/right BS fight, when it may be one of the biggest moments in human history (after creation, the fall, the flood, Messiah, and the rise of Luciferianism / Leftism). And YES (((they))) are sick m'effers.

20747746? ago

Hear hear!

20743352? ago

My kiddo and I had the talk back in 2016.

We both had felt this was The war between good and evil.

Also, if you notice, the climate change crap is being pushed back on and will fail. Too many woke people out there now.

This will get serious soon. like real physical serious soon.

If they can't take Trump out this way, it will begin then.

20743614? ago

Yes fren. Good on you to train the youngins right. That may be the most important thing done after sanity, justice and freedom are restored. Rock on brother!

20750899? ago

Baby sets. These Pedo-Blackmailers are older than this nation. They use fear and guilt to control the narrative. Along with emotion based mobs for divide and conquer.

They are using our emotionally dependent children to control the narrative WITH socialist media. They are also getting desperate to the point this war made it easier to see who are supporting evil and the morally righteous. This is not religion, this is to identify evil and good. Them the war will begin so collateral damage can be understood.

20742424? ago

Well spoken Anon, well spoken !

20741621? ago

This is a great comment and I believe that you are very close to this being THE war. I don't believe that the antichrist has revealed itself yet as there have been no signs and wonders to compare to the real Messiah.

20743143? ago

The AntiChrist is the cabal, always has been. He is the Prince of the world. Many things in the Bible are symbolic and timelines don't always adhere to our interpretation of time. For instance 7 days are like a thousand years to God, or vice versa. We cannot take it literally since we don't have the ability to understand 'Time' with our limited brains.

20747835? ago

Agreed. This topic could go deep and wide fren.

20742180? ago

Not yet, but the good news is that I think we can see GOOD working in the world in a big way. Very encouraging given the past couple hundred years of pure evil.

20750987? ago

This is what has controlled the narrative. Hero worship of church leadership (Jesuits, Baptist, Budda's and the Jews) have good intentions that are exploited and all too easy to corrupt.

I can support my personal beliefs through my actions, not submission to organized religion to follow blindly.

20755326? ago

Who said anything about "religion" or "church leadership? I didn't - but you did. I'm pointing out good v evil, that's all. It's okay to believe in whatever you want, but assuming (or implying) that my post had anything to do with "submission to organized religion", or to "follow blindly" are YOUR words faggot, not mine. Frankly I totally agree with you about organized religion - I think it's corrupt (the ones you listed and more). The problem is your approach is too broad, there are many good churches and many good church leaders, so putting them all in the same "group" is --- well group think. And implying what you did is deceptive and false (you know like the democrats and leftists who just make shit up). Happy to debate this more fren, if you don't imply falseness and talk down to people (except shills, you can talk down to them ; )

20755420? ago

Jewish is a religion BEFORE race. The ONLY one on Earth. I'm not Jewish, yet I've worked with enough to know this. It would be like calling all Gentiles Christians, which is false.

20741158? ago

Nobody can stop what is coming.


20740952? ago

We are at war with the Devil

20740166? ago

They are desperate to disarm and destroy the White race before we wake up and shut down their plan for totalitarianism.

20740160? ago

He's right! The goyim are at war with the jews, and yes, jews are sickos.

20746179? ago

have a bacon sandwich Muzzie

check the bible to see what happens to the self righteous

20746271? ago

So anyone who points out truth about demon jews is a "muzzie"? You sound just like a radical zionist terrorist. Zionism is not compatible with white nations.

Jesus warned us about the synagogues of Satan jews. Anyone who sides with jews or israel is siding with evil. God is watching.

20740030? ago

Thank you OP for providing a source! OP is NOT a complete faggot!

20742387? ago

But Anon IS a complete asskisser !

20742794? ago


20740167? ago

You're welcome. Wifeanon agrees. NOT a faggot

20739929? ago

Fresh Bread anyone?


20742379? ago


20745894? ago

That's Hillaryous new asshole Fren! I like you, let's keep playing.


20747408? ago

Ooohh, the shill gives me the downvoat, scary stuff.

Salty is as salty does, my phishing shill.

20747426? ago

Schilly is as Schilly does my Fren.

20747483? ago

Your signature above says it all, thanks for the kind warning.

20749875? ago

You're welcome! ;)

20739659? ago

Rush alluded to this, but I was already thinking it. I believe this latest hysteria may be the gateway for Hillary to enter the 2020 race to “save the day.” It won’t be in the next 2-3 months, but this manufactured crisis will still be front and center in say January and entre Cankles.

20743254? ago

She will be in way too much hot water to run. She is done along with the Dem party. Q said this whole thing would destroy the Dem party and we may be looking at someone completely unknown today or not even remotely thought of.

20747843? ago

Disagree. It’s (((their))) only hope / last chance. She will lose again - no rigging allowed.

20739658? ago

Noticed this immediately after scanning Breitbart

20742366? ago

Did you print it first and then scan it or how did you go about ?

20739622? ago

gee , I wonder who the fuck runs the media, the banks, half of congress. Stupid fucking boomers i swear

20743268? ago

You are a total idiot shill.

20745090? ago

POTUS constantly complains about the news media, and people acting shady in congress, yet still doesn't realize almost every one of his enemies also just so happen to be of the jewish persuasion.

He constantly surrounds himself with these vipers then complains when everything gets subverted and leaked.

20745381? ago

You are spreading doubt and disinformation which puts you in the class of shills and dividers. Next.

20746272? ago

what is there to doubt, and what are you talking about disinformation? Explain specifically

20742352? ago

I really don't know what you're talking about ... :)

20739477? ago

You fucking statists. Yeah, the press is crooked. The "press" that he's referring to is a propaganda branch of corrupt government, all owned by the same people.

nobody’s called it out like I do

You've taken an oath President Trump, and so have those who have betrayed us. Pursue justice, or you're just another one.

20739568? ago

Save the attitude.

Unlike others who have no real skin in the game, Trump knows damned well that [[[they]]] would like to jail him for life or execute him.... and any family member they can do the same to is better than nothing....

Pretty sure he's doing everything he can as fast as he can.

20739573? ago

nobody’s called it out like I do

20750827? ago

He has woken hundreds of millions world wide. The goal is to wake less than that domesticity.

Baby steps or it will play into the control freaks hands as a way to become a one government rule of law. A magnet for evil control freaks to rule them all. Is that what you want? Instant gratification over an evil as old as modern civilization?

20739460? ago

Future proves past.

20739458? ago

The spy, listening in on the call, could that be related to the mobile spy equipment located in DC?

20739274? ago

I actually think this is a good indication of where things will go. It seems they are setting up the press to take the fall for all of the corruption. When this all comes crashing down the narrative will be, forget the banks, forget the zionists, forget the human trafficking, forget 9/11 and the wars... ITS THE CROOKED MEDIA'S FAULT!!! All focus will be forced on the press/media and the decision will likely be to further restrict press/media so no more free press, everything will be state media now like in 1984. I mean we don't have free press now because the Jew zionists have corrupted it completely but on paper we do, and that is the part that will change. They'll convince people that a free press on paper always leads to corruption so it's best to just let a government full of pedo elites to control it all with an iron fist.

20743299? ago

Another disinformation hired gun working from his basement for $12 an hour.

20739395? ago

Yeah that’s great and all ... but just holding the press accountable for their bullshit is a start. “Trump has told 10,000 documented lies.” The media said it, over and over again ... since it is not true, they should spend a month in the slammer ... after two of them go down things will change quickly

20741026? ago

It's amazing how many people I know and consider semi-smart, not wicked smart) that believe everything the MSM says. They are the greatest danger to this country. Even after they are proven time and time again to be fake news, people still are quick to believe them over Trump.

20742836? ago

It’s rediculous ... sedition bordering on treason ... I don’t blame the boomers, cause they only grew up with three TV channels ... but anyone else has no excuse.

20739165? ago

Sexually deviant pathological violent psycho/sociopaths... that’s what we’re dealing with... pure evil 😈

20740877? ago

Exactly! We are looked upon as objects. Like the car in front of me. Some are more valuable to them than others. But even the expensive won't serve a purpose anymore and will get traded in for a newer, brighter, faster model. It is, pure evil.

20739125? ago

Also worth mentioning that "these people are sick" Q posts are mostly related to human trafficking.

20741692? ago


20742983? ago

Liddle infant massage non profit.

20743121? ago

Liddle Adam Shit.

I cannot wait for this prick to be publicly exposed.

20746942? ago

Tick Tock [LLC]

20761988? ago



Project Pandora – will you live?



You have come far, you and your team of survivors. Now here you are, where it all started, where it could have ended. Where it will end – if only you are brave enough, if only you are clever enough to put the pieces together of Doctor Maria Thanatos’ final work: an end to the infection she accidentally unleashed upon the world.

Yet nothing is ever easy, as you have no doubt discovered on your journey to this almost forgotten laboratory, and the lab itself will be no different – for there with you will be the final test-subject, its chains weakened by the unrelenting strength of the living dead.

It is there, then, in your hands that the fate of the few remaining members of humanity lays. Unarmed and faced with the gnashing teeth and grasping hands of a hungry infected you must piece together the puzzle left by Dr Thanatos who, while already secretive, was driven mad by guilt and grief.

Only you can save humanity!

Tags: Escape Game, Zombie




Escape Game Zombie

20761871? ago


Tick Tock, LLC.

"Tick Tock, LLC manufactures behavior & adherence tools for the children's healthcare market. Our products are dated sticker charts that hook onto a medication bottle. As medication is given, a sticker is removed which indicates to all caregivers the dosage has been taken. Tick Tock was conceived based on my own needs as a working mother, who found it challenging to remember if dosages were administered. Helps track + rewards kids, who when not feeling well could probably use an extra smile!"

Description Source: MassChallenge 2015 Applicants



20761796? ago




Data Updated February 24, 2014

There are 2 parties that go by the name of Tick Tock LLC. These parties collectively are associated with 4 UCC filings in Hollywood CA and Studio City CA.

California UCC Filings

Company Name: Tick Tock LLC Address: 12268 Ventura Blvd.

Studio City, CA 91604

Entity Type: Limited-Liability Company Party Type: Debtor

Filing Number: 137356301372 Filing Date: 04/16/2013

Filing Status: Active (Unlapsed) Filing State: California (CA)

Filing Type: Financing Statement

Company Name: Tick Tock LLC Address: 12268 Ventura Boulevard

Studio City, CA 91604

Entity Type: Limited-Liability Company Party Type: Debtor

Filing Number: 137348557386 Filing Date: 02/13/2013

Filing Status: Active (Unlapsed) Filing State: California (CA)

Filing Type: Financing Statement

Company Name: Tick Tock, LLC Address: 5555 Melrose Ave

Hollywood, CA 90038

Entity Type: Limited-Liability Company Party Type: Debtor

Filing Number: 9929860660 Filing Date: 10/15/1999

Filing Status: Active (Unlapsed) Filing State: California (CA)

Filing Type: Financing Statement

Company Name: Tick Tock, LLC Address: Marx Bros #208

Hollywood, CA 90038

Entity Type: Limited-Liability Company Party Type: Debtor

Filing Number: 9929860660 Filing Date: 10/15/1999

Filing Status: Active (Unlapsed) Filing State: California (CA)

Filing Type: Financing Statement

20761775? ago



For Rent



Why Tock, LLC?

The name "Tock" comes from the name of a character in Norton Juster's 1961 book, "The Phantom Tollbooth". Tock is a watchdog. Tock, LLC is something of a watchdog, looking out for the needs of our tenants and our properties, so Adam thought the name just seemed to make sense.

Who is Adam?

Adam Goldman has been managing properties since 1994. A West Philadelphia native, Adam has lived in the area his whole life, other than living in Boston during college. He is a responsive landlord who works hard to keep his tenants as comfortable and happy as he can. "If my tenants have a problem, then I have a problem. I hate having problems."


© Tock, LLC

20771306? ago

Wrong Tock [I’ve been down that rabbit hole]. The other one see Amazon [amazon.com/stores/TickTockLLC/node/9386546011] is the one of note. It aligns with POTUS reference to Adam Schitt. Also not a typo by POTUS.

20771361? ago

Thank you Anon.

20754094? ago

Place your order today...

Sick fucks.

20738986? ago

man its on the tip of everyones toungues!!!

its not the media or the press


20741320? ago

Israel is last for a very specific reason not mentioned once.

20743439? ago

from: doglegwarrior

ok hope yall are right.

20739229? ago

It's still not ok for you to persecute Jews.

20745512? ago

holding jews responsible for their actions is "persecution" to them so...it is ok to "persecute" them by their own logic

20753098? ago

Hold individuals who do bad things responsible and administer justice accordingly. Don't hold whole demographic groups responsible for the actions of a few of it's members. Not everybody in that group is partaking of nefarious activity.

20753800? ago

dude, the country of israel as a whole could best be described as a criminal empire with tentacles all over the world.

furthermore, there is a whole history of jews partaking in criminal behavior.

however, simply stating that jews control the media and are pushing fat acceptance doesn't even mean that all jews are pushing fat acceptance or that all jews control the media.

it simply means that the people who control the media happen to be jews and the jews who control the media are pushing fat acceptance.

it's that simple and really you are only showcasing your own inability to reason here

20739760? ago

It IS okay to send them packing to Israel.

20753110? ago

Is it ok to send us Whites packing back to Europe so the Native Americans can hunt and gather all they want?

20754289? ago

Why would the Europeans go back to Europe when stone-age Europeans were the first to set foot on North America, beating American Indians by some 10,000 years?

20756330? ago

Shssss. Nobody is supposed to know about that. They quite literally buried the evidence during the Clinton years in 1996.

20740791? ago

By deception, they shall wage war against us.

They will only come back to haunt our descendants after we are gone.

20739653? ago

executing aint persecuting

20753269? ago

Execute convicted criminals who committed heinous capital crimes, not someone merely because they came from a particular demographic group.

20742279? ago

One includes the other, which one would that be ?

20740762? ago

The Salem Witch trials was not about witches. It was about sexualizing and then raping children. The Jesuits just controlled the Printing presses and (mail/goods) shipping. So they recorded all proceedings and execution of the historically revised convictions.

20742861? ago

I’ve wondered. Do u have any sauce at all?

20750656? ago

Based on the school of hard knocks and personal paradigms. As are all educated guesses that attempt to improve wisdom based on instincts and experience.

Is my uneducated opinion based on facts? Not at all.

It is the only way to insulate oneself from mob rule and established group think.

It's not like the victors would have the audacity to rewrite history in real time. (wink).

All one has to do is see how easy it is to rewrite history that happened just a few months ago with our present technology. Tech that is too easy to manipulate in real time.

Think of the power from old school Jesuit leadership who (still) have the power of hero worship to change the narrative through fear, guilt, and emotional baggage.

20751253? ago


20739611? ago

from: doglegwarrior

but it is ok for them to trick us into how many wars? how many millions of americas finest have died because of jew bankers tricks? and i dont call for violence against jews.. i call for limites on their destructive influece.. i call for stopping their evil blood ritual cutting babies dicks up? i call for no duel citizens in our federal and state goverments. all of these things are reasonable

20753233? ago

How about this? When a bad guy does a bad thing, hold him accountable. I think people think that there is an easy fix to all this by sweeping away an entire demographic group, but it is not so. For one, you will sweep away a lot of innocents who did nothing wrong, thus spreading the message that it doesn't matter how you behave, if we declare you bad, we will punish you no matter how good you've lived. The second thing you will do is miss all the bad guys who aren't in your targeted group. You will indicate to them that no matter how nefarious they are, they will not be punished, The Left already does this. This is why their solutions are so sick and twisted. They punish r reward people for things they cannot help or control. You are White? You need punished. You are Black? You can do no wrong.

20753659? ago

from: doglegwarrior

im agnostic. i dont believe in jew jesus or any of the sand nigger gods/religion that had infected western white civilization... but the christ cucks and white nationalist will want to hang me for my agnostic stance.. which leans heavily towards their being a creator just not the jew god or his son jesus or mooohamod

20742251? ago

I got you, but why are you dueling the English language ?

20743429? ago

from: doglegwarrior

not sure what you mean? im a little slow and typing from my phone.

20743796? ago

Read again (slowly) and then correct and then pretend there was no error. :).

Many of us type from phones, tablets and other non-desktop PCs. That's no excuse (as they say) in the current year !

20746054? ago

from: doglegwarrior

ya I get it. some times im just in a hurry and just smash out a quick text.. but thanks for being civil about your complaints. i nornaly go full grammarkike on people but your comments seem to be in the right place.

20750709? ago

Wisdom is a beautiful thing. Baby steps.

20747418? ago

You're welcome.

20740449? ago

Admit it, you love Jews, don't you puppypisspuddle?

20750760? ago

I love Jewish Church as much as I love Jesuits. Todays Jews are yesterdays Jesuits. Same hidden agenda, different name.

Yet I was raised Catholic who is still a Christian. I now understands that "any" politically motivated Church is a magnet for Satanist to gain control. Does that make the individual guilty of corrupted leadership? If I empower the church with only money and NOT my blood, sweat, and tears to observe any who manipulate my communities children.

20750878? ago

Anyone who gives money to a church is a sucker.

20740758? ago

from: doglegwarrior

well the only way to defeat them is with love because gassing 60,000,000 million didnt work.. and they are u touchable to even name in america.. so just love them and accept them as gods choosen people.. thats what the christcucks books says..

watch the true believer one of the best red pills about jews ive seen. self hating jews are the best at explaining how disgusting judiasm and jews are

20746088? ago

just want to say that I like that you sign these anon qrv posts. :)

20746144? ago

from: doglegwarrior

i respect the Qanons to not sign and all they do is threaten to kill me and other crazy shit just because i put my name on it. have met a lot that were good goats..

20746226? ago

qrv has drawn some nutty zealots to be sure.

20749474? ago

lol... from: doglegwarrior

its not like im trolling yalm either. i agree with and hope you are right but i will call shit out when i see it.. if the emperor has no cloths on thedog will be ther first one pointing it out.

20738923? ago

because clown world.

20738736? ago

I think you have the nail on the head Fren <

'o-o' <

20738679? ago

Baker, notable

20744358? ago

We already know this. Wtf? U guys just getting into Q or something? Shit is fking stupid on voat. Can't wait for 8chan.

20755523? ago

Have you been to endchan?

20740037? ago

Q+ Is calling on us to be more vocal against evil.

Can do Mr. Prez.

20747538? ago

It’s what people should have been doing and we probably won’t have a swamp that needs to be drained.

20742173? ago

Anybody tired of winning?

20747388? ago

Not posting it. YW! I just had a memory of hrc doing the "I ain't nowheres near tired" with that ridiculous contrive accent... but I ain't nowheres near tired! :D Gonna need a truckload more winning, and I'll still be ready for more.

20750393? ago

Fuckin' A bud. The world is watching!


20742040? ago

I can't, I'm banned from GreatAwakening for talking about the ritual murder the satanic jews did during the middle ages and how that related to today

20747361? ago

You’re banned for being a shill.

Stop focusing on one religion. They’re all fucked at that top.

20747702? ago

I reccomend reading Ariel Toaff's book Blood Passover, The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder. Funny how you immediately jump to the defense of child sacrificing Satanists that have been caught doing it for over a thousand years, as long as they wear tiny hats and are the same race as you shill.

20740194? ago

I cant, I'm banned from facebook for saying kek

20747371? ago

I have been deemed to be non human by a machine!

Post notes with an information blurb and a link on gas pumps, the back of counters and cash registers. Quite the conversation starters sometimes when people see me doing it.

20740219? ago

Badge of honor

20740199? ago

In real life

20741925? ago

And here I thought you were f'n with us

20740391? ago

I mean be more vocal in real life

20742206? ago

What Anon is hinting at is that, for them, Facebook IS real life ;)

20741118? ago

And get banned from public spaces in real life!? You gotta be crazy

20743412? ago

You sick bastard

20740418? ago

Facebook is a bigger net and Fishing is fun

20739548? ago

Baker ?!?!

Ahhhh...You’re making me sad. Lol

20742166? ago

We will ride again, anon.

20738606? ago

And what does this war look like Mr. President? Them attacking you and America, and YOU standing there with your hands in your pocket doing NOTHING about it? You should have had a plan by now, we shouldn't still be talking about these bastards! WHAT are you going to do to make America great again! How are you going to cleanse America of the rot that infests government, education, corporate, legal, and religious America? Your move Mr. President!

20739004? ago

from: doglegwarrior

it is almost impossible to go after the media. hitler did it right he took jews out of the media right at the start. he could reinstate the law that doesnt allow propaganda? i think obhama got rid of that law?

20739069? ago

Correct! These Soros boiler-room shill fags are barking up my ass because I'm calling the president out for his lack of action! Obama gave us pretty words too! Fuck the pretty words! Do something about those bastards that fuck up America at every level! THAT'S what we elected you for Mr. President! Engaging in TWITTER wars, does nothing! Start removing these scum! And you hit the nail right on the head! WHY hasn't President Trump repealed Obamacare or made propaganda in the news illegal?

20739132? ago

how about arrest hillary... that seems like an easy one. how about outlaw circumcision? easy and would savd about 100 baby boys lives a year? simple shit greatest president ever... could cut all aid to isreal and call them our for humanitarian violations because ofntheir apartheid treatment of the palastenians...

just some ideas.. he could out law dual citizenship in federal government.

20739253? ago

We agree that there is a lot that the President should have done by now, but hasn't. If you line up what he says against what he's done, there is a glaring gap! FUCK the optics! Start undoing what the left has done, and start remaking America! As it stands now, the next liberal that gets into office will pick upright where Obama left off! President Trump needs to lay the groundwork for the next patriot to take office and continue to make America great!

20739587? ago

from: doglegwarrior

people think im joking.. but we haveva conservatige hero waiting in the wings to run for president. a true actual patriot... tom fucking brady.. tall.. white.. good looking. leader of men.. speaks well.. family man... has a billionair who is friends with trump backing him.. he would win Massachusetts and the surronding new england states.. he would win tons kf women vote and win the football vote our defscto religion

20742174? ago

The de facto religion is Climate Change (Cooling/Warming/Pouting).

You can still criticize football for the time being.

20738898? ago

don't feed the evil trolls, especially after midnight...

20738744? ago

Your move SHILL. I can see through you like Grandma's underpants.

'o-o' <

20738830? ago

And I bet you've seen allot of Grandma's underpants...

20739620? ago

You'd know, you were there...

20738963? ago

Exactly the type of retort expected from a shill: DEFLECTION

20739108? ago

Do you get paid by the post?

20739373? ago

Like you? no.

20739406? ago

So a Volunteer fag...

20739931? ago

So, how does your boss' asshole taste? Sweet and sour? Yummy. You get another shekel.

20738709? ago

Crybaby shills are so obvious at this point. Part of the beauty of the GREAT AWAKENING Dark to Light. Crybabies like this to fade away into the ash bin of history

20738749? ago

TRANSLATION: You're a shill working in a boiler room for soros, and the TRUTH hurts you...