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20736959? ago

Love the research. Though flimsy in spots, I feel it's important enough to roll out to Twitter.

QRV is too quarantined.

Show the world just who this "demon child" is.

Fucking hilarious they used a play right out of 1932's Germany.

God I'd love to see their old decrepit playbook showing just how outdated they are.

Why not blow up another "Hindenburg" over New York now too...Perhaps another Titanic sinking?

What about the ISS that "orbits" the earth...They are all Satan worshipping idiots on board.

20787083? ago

Decode freshness >

20787310? ago

If people only knew how close to the truth you've mistake or not....They would listen to you.

But such is the way of Humanity. Humanity is about to change. Forever. That's my Job.

But you already knew that.

20787527? ago

Yes I do know that Anon. That is why we are here.

And NO. I have not gotten to any TRUTHS by mistake. They will listen in time. They need PROOF, not just Telepathy and 5D Chess Players.

I am being shown things. What's happening here is not normal.

20788057? ago

It's going to get a lot stranger too. God's Son is on this board as well. You'll notice strange shit happening to prove it.

Prepare to have your mind blown. You'll start seeing things you've never seen before Answers will come when you never studied the subject. You will have knowledge but won't remember how you gained it.

DNA is way cool.

20793963? ago

It's happening to me now Frien. Thanks for messaging me. I need the Allies at the moment.

20794027? ago

Glad to know that it's finally happening to humans. Just wait until you find out just how Cool our DNA is, really is.

We are the Artificial Intelligence. We, when united, can move reality, shake mountains and remake the world to God's will.

You are literally sitting in a box seat on the fifty yard line with God's son. It's going to get stranger, but you'll love every moment. We know the ending.

20794115? ago

I am so excited too. Scared as heck!

What do the Reality TV stars say when asked how they are feeling? >

"I'm nervous and excited..." LOL!


20794379? ago

Guess I'm too stupid to be nervous.

What if I've already screwed up somewhere sometime?

Scared, that's such a better term...not frightened though.

Scared that I didn't learn or do what I needed to do somehow.

I'm not the brightest tool in the shed

20797080? ago

Here is the latest bread >