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20854063? ago

OMG, I knew there was a reason I saved this in a background tab all this time!

And how crazy is it that the top response is exactly what caught MY eye as well.

I hope we can find that frequency and use it at the right time. Maybe the next SOTU? LOL

Honestly though, great work NMBRFG <3

20856200? ago


That's awesome! Thank you Anon. I do my best, and I receive A LOT of flak as a result of theses posts. Regardless I push on.

There is 5th Dimensional thinking to learn. I am hoping to spread my Synesthesia to other Anons. A 6th sense. That's the point of these decodes.

Your kind words are most appreciated.

God Bless.

Kindest regards.

The NumberFag.



'o-o' <

20868018? ago

Did you literally see the Q in Tomorrowland? What is that?? It's blowing my mind a little.

Have you thought about a website to put all this work of yours onto? It's a ton of work ya know, and it would really suck to see anything happen to Voat.

For now though, do you have a list of your threads for people like myself with the interest but who tend to miss a lot here? And who aren't very good frens with lots of numbers and need to go really slow?

I love what you do, and have much appreciation.

My very best to you and your family, kind Anon <3

Nite nite :)

20869362? ago

21055014? ago

I'm going to find a way to archive these for offline, easily shareable viewing. Will update you once complete. It will be after I get my garden/home all buttoned up for Winter, so give it some time. But it will be a priority once I can breathe again, lol.

Thank you for everything you do dear Anon <3

21057217? ago

Thank you so much. I only have time to do the decodes and put them in one place.

Thank you for the support.

I am fine tuning my process, and they may get a bit more technical, as I tie together all the decodes.

Speak soon.

Kindest regards.
