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20633738? ago

Synopsis: In June, a retired State Supreme Court Judge, Charles Apotheker, wrote a letter (see other comment link) revealing to Rockerfeller Institute that a pediatric endocrinologist Reginald Archibald, who died in 2007, Dr. Reginald Archibald, had horribly sexually abused him and many others. It wasn't the first accusation as 17 men came forward with allegations against him in The New York Times in October 2018. However, as a result of his activities, a window has been opened for one year inviting other victims to come forward. Already 200 more have done so and other organizations have been swept along opening the doors for even more survivors to come forward. Apparently, the cost of the settlements has put a strain on Rockerfeller Institute and they have made an interesting legal move.

Rockerfeller Institute is attempting to prove that their insurers refusing to pay is in bad faith. That could open up deeper pockets for more victims.

21115079? ago

Documentary - British Prince & the Paedophile: Epstein's Royal Scandal. The tv documentary on Prince Andrew & Epstein is now on line