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20555054? ago

You know how people like to eat grass-fed beef? Cannibals like to eat vegetarians no different. You are allowed to eat only what a grazing animal would eat, because you are food.

20556567? ago

Wow I never thought of it like that. Now I'm REALLY starting to get it.

Also I was thinking last night about Trump calling MS 13 "Animals" and "Not Human".

Trump speaks in code and riddles, in this case he is referring to the Satanic Cabal, in that (((they))) are not Human at all, but Draco and other Alien species, often hybridized with Humans (The Elites). Hence the importance of bloodlines, and the need to eat flesh. They are reptiles and insects

When Trump talks about Illegal Aliens, he is also talking about the ET problem.

When he talks about The Wall, he does not mean just bricks and mortar/steel, he means the Space Force, Solar Warden and the Space fence, preventing further incursions onto our planet.

I can see the real picture now, and it ain't pretty. These "people"/things are meaner than a hat full of assholes.

20558134? ago

Finally somone mention 4d or 5d communication, my brother and i were talking 4 d 10 years ago.

20558206? ago

Please read my work. There are some bombshell insights in the comments I made today especially regarding 9/11 and what it means : >

20558555? ago

Do you know about ushia the lady ontop of the capitol building who she was and why she was removed and a new one pit up?

20558786? ago

Statue of Freedom

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Not to be confused with Statue of Liberty.

Statue of Freedom

Freedom 1.jpg

Statue of Freedom (model, 1854-1857; cast 1860–1862)

Artist Thomas Crawford

Dimensions 5.9 m (19.5 ft)

Weight 15,000 pounds (6,800 kg)

Location Washington, D.C.

38°53′24″N 77°0′32.4″WCoordinates: 38°53′24″N 77°0′32.4″W

The Statue of Freedom, also known as Armed Freedom or simply Freedom, is a bronze statue designed by Thomas Crawford (1814–1857) that, since 1863, has crowned the dome of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Originally named Freedom Triumphant in War and Peace, a U.S. government publication now states that the statue "is officially known as the Statue of Freedom".[1] The statue depicts a female figure bearing a military helmet and holding a sheathed sword in her right hand and a laurel wreath and shield in her left.[2]

They took it down as it representys FREEDOM.

Who took it down? When? What statue replaced it?

It reminds me of the Goddess Athena (Pallas Athena), but Athena (goddess of War) has a spear in her hand not a sword. Not sure here.


20558995? ago

Haha the info was whiped off the internet. I have ben franklins autobio. Over 100 year old book. Hard copy he says he commissoned the statue ontop of the us capitol building becasue she was the mother of all natives but she was known for being the space mother. Round about 12 years ago she was taken down and a new statue was put in her place. Forever changed and so was the internet. But funny thing about my memeory and a 100 year old book . Smiles back at you.

20559593? ago

Wow thanks.

So about 12 years ago BHO came to Power, they take down the symbol of freedom on our 'Highest' building, The Capitol Building. The SYMBOLISM of that event (removing FREEDOM literally) rings very loudly indeed, when you know their comms. Filty scum they are.

20558688? ago

Not at all. But I will look at it now for you. BRB...