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20555054? ago

You know how people like to eat grass-fed beef? Cannibals like to eat vegetarians no different. You are allowed to eat only what a grazing animal would eat, because you are food.

20556567? ago

Wow I never thought of it like that. Now I'm REALLY starting to get it.

Also I was thinking last night about Trump calling MS 13 "Animals" and "Not Human".

Trump speaks in code and riddles, in this case he is referring to the Satanic Cabal, in that (((they))) are not Human at all, but Draco and other Alien species, often hybridized with Humans (The Elites). Hence the importance of bloodlines, and the need to eat flesh. They are reptiles and insects

When Trump talks about Illegal Aliens, he is also talking about the ET problem.

When he talks about The Wall, he does not mean just bricks and mortar/steel, he means the Space Force, Solar Warden and the Space fence, preventing further incursions onto our planet.

I can see the real picture now, and it ain't pretty. These "people"/things are meaner than a hat full of assholes.

20557151? ago

Think it's a coincidence that MSM = MS13? M being the 13th letter of the alphabet

20557342? ago

Exactly. Now you get it.

Try this from me to scramble your eggs. I have much more. Read the comments between me and Code Anon in the comments there. Peace.

The NumberFag.