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20498962? ago

Read this drop! It connects marker 1 to 11.3!

Now search with the term "11.3"!

I think this reads like it's meant to be together. That possibly 11.3 isn't a date but a reference to something else.

This is all talking about the arrests of Podesta and Abedin beginning the start of the Q drops being publicly proved and the msm having to ask POTUS the question. "Who is Q?!"

20498999? ago

113 is a confirmation code to Anons.

20502204? ago

can you elaborate?

20524721? ago

Sure: -

As promised. Please get back to me with your thoughts after reading all of this material, and my previous work.


The NumberFag.

20525641? ago

You numberfags/SB2 hurt my

113 is a confirmation code to Anons

Confirmation code to what? What does 11.3 in these posts confirm is what I'm confused about?

20525694? ago

11.3 can = (1+1)/3 = 2/3 = 23

This is the number of the Patriots and also the number 11 on the 24 hour clock.

23 is also the MIRROR of The Skull and Bones/Enemy number of 32 (short for 322 or 666).

Also 13 is a key occult number.

20525754? ago

Ok so does that mean Q's confirming the Q posts? I assume that we all know these posts are confirmed without needing extra code.

It looks to me like some major shit is supposed to happen Oct 3. And re: the mentions of NG in these Q's drops.. I had a comment from someone who said they checked with their friend who is in the NG and he 'is' called up for Oct. But the rumor is that the friend is going to somewhere in the Middle East.

This video is along the lines of thinking I'm coming from

20525847? ago


The Mil guy is lying to your friend. He has to. Just as my MIL friends do to me, yet I know the truth and tell them after they get back. He is NOT going to the ME, unless on rotation, and besides: The US is pulling Troops out, not putting more in en masse.

The White Hat Alliance which includes the Q Team POTUS and the MIL/INTEL apparatus are sending the confirmations, so we receive contact. It's a new coded language based on the things I describe in this post: >

It also prevents the Black Hats using this method of communicating, as we know it now. They're proper fucked.

Please read my post.


The NumberFag.

20526169? ago

Omg thank you! So they're going to 12 cities across the U.S. then like Q drop says. Hmm This is getting very interesting. Now that I'm aware of your coded language it makes it even more dumbfounding wth is going on. Wow. Thanks again for explaining this to me. Please feel free to link me to fresh bread as it's baked on other threads that you think I might be missing. I will try to continually check in on this thread daily.

20526182? ago

You are most welcome Anon. And yes I definitely will link new Bread. Thanks again.

Peace <3