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20490449? ago

"We have everything. Nothing can stop what is coming. They can't hide" How much more do they need to prosecute? If this is the case, why no prosecutions? So far we are waiting on Barr, Huber and Durham. If this was all for nothing, our Constitution is meaningless. There are less than a handful of people we can possibly trust in power in our government. Trust that Barr/Huber/Durham are real patriots and will do the right thing according to the law is waning. The Republicans own the Senate. The Democrats are the minority. Yet, the Democrats seem to control everything while the Republicans have been exceptionally silent about everything. Many know the crimes and the corruption that has been the 'norm' in our government over the last 5 decades but have done or said nothing. The whole Epstein thing was a sham. Now two people who should have been arrested have vanished. Epstein's ranch has yet to be raided. He brought in cement trucks to fill in the tunnels then his island was raided well after they definitely cleaned the crime scene. Too little too late. We are at 50% - meaning we will get elite prosecutions or watch another massive cover-up. Defaming their legacy is not justice for the evil and crimes they have done to America and its citizens.

20490611? ago

So the wikileaks pizzagate crap might have some truth to it? Little Saint James Island: SECRET phone line...Tara, Sasha Bouis, originally from Indiana & Manhattan respectively... a guy named Dick Zebo...We're very excited to tell you about a special promotion

20490617? ago

You wrote ' So the wikileaks pizzagate crap might have some truth to it? Little Saint James Island: SECRET phone line...Tara, Sasha Bouis, originally from Indiana & Manhattan respectively... a guy named Dick Zebo...We're very excited to tell you about a special promotion '