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20474231? ago

'The ONE having the KEY'---is the key

THe Key of David, the DNA of David, UNLOCKED. Opened the DOOR OF DOORS.

Key to the shaft of the ABYSS.

20474273? ago

EXACTLY. You get it.

FYI > I don't include ANY Biblical/End of Days Gematria, but if I had to tell you a secret: > That's 80 % of what the results are. It would scare the crap out of most people. The truth is coming Anon, and so is Jesus Christ... Peace.

20474318? ago

Jesus is HERE Patriot.... for those with eyes to see.

20474327? ago


"For those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear"

The message is now clear. > Get good with God, and get with Jesus Christ. There is no other path to eternity.

Thank you Anon. Much Love. <3

Kindest regards,

The NumberFag.



20600073? ago

Possible i heard a diciple talk. Crazy thing is he laughs and talks in the same riddles as i do and q. Im having to rethink alot of my beliefs over this.

20600482? ago

Or more like Peanut butter and Jelly saMiches...?

Who's hungry?

20600570? ago

RTO , or WWTO < S. HoE

Lol its all there.

20600694? ago

I am crapping on (((their))) bed.

20600705? ago

Whats the website that cleans photos again? Do you trust it?

20600725? ago


20612256? ago

How are we ?


20612289? ago

I'm fine thank you Sir.

I am having a break. I need a VINO. And a chocolate. or 2 > I love [BOUNTIE] X 2. I LOVE The CoCoNuts inside [1 becomes 2].

I'm really looking forward to getting my TEETH sorted...



20612316? ago

Here s a new one. Would anyone notice 2 degrees of seperation? How about 1 degree? Or .5 degrees per day. I believe its happend. We are in controll. Iv figured out S(0)l and we can change course. No longer a —————— . Any info?

20612354? ago

[iis = 23] -


[REAL] 5D/D5 at it's finest. Let's [shC'o-o'LL] them up..

Autists will think it's a hoot, as AUGUST HOT MAY become [SEPTEMBER CLUES] as you have said before.


20612372? ago

Ahh Sep 13 11:24:53. Messge from top player 11:17:19 EDT ? Crash imbound?

20612501? ago

Hi >


Q Here. C_Code: 9/7/M/1111.

Here is a message from Q. C_Code: 2/8/1 [EXTRA DELICIOUS TIME]?



'O-O' <


20747671? ago

Lol 11 days ago edit 11 days. Did you send me here?

This is my particle physics? Well its a start anyways. The advanced math is bs but hey ill give them. Credit for trying.

Your frien


And brother


20747864? ago

Oh THANK YOU so much my brother! That is some tastyness write there! I am in number, symbol and geometry HEAVEN!! :)

Gonna suck it all like a sponge. Thanks again Sir. Talk again shortly.


Your Pal.

'o-o' <



20747929? ago

Kek for reals 17 sent us there O-O

Pg 18.

[For 2d scattering from oriented cylinders, we define the direction of the axis of the cylinder using two angles 𝜃 (note this is not the same as the scattering angle used in q) and 𝜑. Those angles are defined in Fig. 1.21 , for further details see Oriented particles .

The 𝜃 and 𝜑 parameters to orient the cylinder only appear in the model when fitting 2d data.]

We ^ are ^. .^. Too cute. Mind blown.

20749153? ago

That's fantastic! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it all. I am having a BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks 13:14 (M)

Lot's of LOVE!

'o-o' <

20752840? ago

Lead me 2.

Sorry i cant keep up either. Lol

