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20460458? ago

Thanks for your latest decode NumberFag. Always interesting. Lots going on WW so will mention the following in case it's of any interest.

Yesterday at UK parliament everything reached a whole new level of crazy. No one has a clue what's going on now. But .... during the live tv news coverage (outside Westminster in press area) a large, white box type lorry drove slowly past the tv camera... In large black letters along the side of it was "Balmoral Laundering Ltd" . There may be nothing to it all. Though it did seem a bit weird and deliberate. Like the timing was too perfect or something. Just mentioning cause of the castle also called Balmoral and laundering can mean different things !?!

I ran it through the gematria thing and some interesting results came up. Don't know if it's relevant or even means anything. Never used the gematria thing before. Maybe nothing to it at all?

Happened during BBC 24hr live news coverage, about 6 or 7pm, Wednesday evening. Maybe someone else out there caught it too?

Just mentioning, in case it's of any interest. Can't reply as I get 1 comment/24hrs. Thanks for all your digs and decodes.