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20431038? ago

Amazing work buddy! Loads of info in there. Thank you.

20431220? ago

Thanks. I did this one on the fly, whilst I was doing a bigger one related to Trump's latest press conference on Dorian. Then I noticed the correlation to the results from Ghislane Maxwell's book review, which is outlined in detail in that HUGE decode I did by itself. Co-incidence...?

FYI, my latest research project >

President Trump Receives a Hurricane Dorian Briefing

KEY words accentuated by POTUS I am researching are: CATEGORY FIVE & GASOLINE.

There is a lot in the Gematria results of both comments.

I will post and let you know ASAP. Thanks.

Kindest regards,

The NumberFag.

20432975? ago

Did you delete your post bro?

20433034? ago

P.s. - I will re-do the decode from scratch and post what I find. Obviously I can't have any errors in my work. Zero.

20433052? ago

OK. I just sent you message from another convo we had in the past.