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20434193? ago

Why did you delete the thread after sending me the link? I wanted to read it!

20456566? ago

20461143? ago


20461163? ago

I am being heavily censored, and there is MASSIVE board sliding going on hard ATM. My stuff does not seem to exist. It must be still early in the USA... :(

20461349? ago

Its 5:30 am currently

20461426? ago

Oh thank God!

Cool. I was starting to get worried. I have just spent over 100 hours working on this decode, and I have another HUGE summary to follow.

I'd prefer to not think I have wasted my time.

Next, I am literally decoding POTUS' words into ANON talk. Thank you for replying. It's lonely here... LOL.


20461488? ago

Honeslty, there IS some validity to Gematria, but I also think one can look to deeply.

Just my $.02

20473827? ago

You sure can! Here's some more for you to look "too deeply" into. Cheers. <3

20461555? ago

The Patriots have formulated a code based upon Gematria. That is what I am doing here Anon. Decoding it.

"Learn our comms. - Q"