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20423651? ago

Covfefe, wow!

Isn't it nice having a normie who can play as barometer on certain things, to keep an eye on the public's "pulse" (or in this case dig further? ;))

And you're right - a storm will be every reason to have troops & road closures, etc.

Excited for the next ones ~ ThanQ! <3

20431275? ago

A snack while you wait for the next big drop later today:-

20459369? ago

Deleted? :'(

20459404? ago

Read further into the comments and you will have your answer

It was posted with an error. That is something I can't tolerate at all, so I am re-doing it and putting the details in my next big post today.

This was my reply:-

Yes. I found a small but catastrophic error, that I could not find the solution to, as I have lost all the data pertaining to that decode, that was gone when my machine went down. Too many tabs open (at least 100+ lol). It's better if I leave that one, and keep working on the next one, as they all connect anyways.

You see, I found an error of four letters that I am sure went in there for a reason, but I could not work out where I got them after the fact, so I deleted the entire post in order to keep my work perfect. Otherwise I will get torn to shreds on here Anon.

My reputation is the most important thing, or people won't have faith in my decodes anymore.

It was a minor issue, but in my eyes a disastrous failure.


I am deeply sorry. I hope you understand.

Kindest regards,

The NumberFag

20459634? ago

No no, that makes sense. I know how it can be, and will keep reading & ask questions as they come up. I'm not good with numbers so I have to go veeery slow, lol.

Thanks kind anon :)

20459675? ago

Take your time, and ask me many questions. No matter how insignificant they may seem. ASK ME.

Put it this way: Whilst I may have abilities that make Normies fall over, I don't have Dibbs on brains, no matter how smart people might perceive me to be. I'm human.

Peace > Love > Unity > Respect > PLUR <3

20464638? ago

ThanQ so much <3

20473824? ago

Hot, Fresh, Golden, Delicious Bread - Part 1: >

20480953? ago

It's Friday nite and you're already making me crave fresh coffee tomorrow ;)

20481125? ago

Please read all the material, and all the links therein. I have been board slid into oblivion, and nobody much seems to have read this work. I have so much more, but I am feeling very discouraged. :(

Here is the latest: >

20481206? ago

Please don't be discouraged. Like I said, me and lots of numbers all at once aren't frens. So I need some coffee and a device other than my phone is all. Don't give up on us!!

20481310? ago


20481482? ago

No room to explain synchronicity here. Will find you soon ;)

20524729? ago

As promised. Please get back to me with your thoughts after reading all of this material, and my previous work.


The NumberFag. <3