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20409385? ago

Of for fucks sake. This is just bullshit.


You choose randomly when to apply gematria and when not to, then you try to link it to anything that fits whatever you want to say.

You are a shill meant to paint the Q group as crazy and to drive newcomers away.

20413703? ago

Clearly you did not read it. Go back, re-read it all and my previous work, then start thinking deeply. Boy have you missed the boat. Otherwise it is YOU who is the Shill...

20414939? ago

I did.....and I see you make up rules randonly as you go.

You place the dates how you want and you pick somwthibg randomly to relate it too.

This is all garbage.

20414968? ago

That's fine. It's up to you. I respect your opinion regardless of whether I agree with it. Thanks.

20416586? ago

No seriously.

Where did this come from?

And how would you know to link it to the mumber adding of dates?

"23 -The Patriots and reverse/Mirror of Skull and Bones 322/32 - *(2300 hours is 11 pm at night FYI, i.e. 11 o'clock)"

This is what I mean, the rules everywhere are random, so you could make up whatever you want

20416694? ago


Because I have been watching and following all the time stamps in Q's/Trump's posts et al, and noticing the patterns for over two years now. I am saying to you this is the system I have managed to identify.

BTW, 23 is used by Patriots, that has long been established, as has 17, and 11.

The 23 is a play on the reverse of the Skull and Bones number of 32 (322 to be exact).

Adding numbers in dates (ie Root number Mathematics) is what they do, and gives the message writer the ability to mark/date something to send a clearer message, when it isn't that date. Like November 9th, can be used to send a message to 911 perpetrators for example. It's a MIRROR of the original date - 9/11-11/9. Get it?

It's hard I know but I do use the same system through out. If I stray I will let you know why, and the reasoning and evidence behind it, along with all working notes. That is why I provide so much detail. I have very serious OCD FYI, and this makes make look much deeper than any normal person ever would. Pattern recognition is my main ability, and discernment of the data.

I will do better with respect to explaining it all, as clearly I need to.


The NumberFag.

20417520? ago

You are doing a wonderful job, and you are kind even to the shills. They really don't deserve your patience.

20473854? ago

Fresh for you: >
