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20387070? ago

Regardless of anyones opinion on him, this is big. He has a massive following and the current political air along with recent developments brings a lot of weight to his words. The Epstein thing isnt going away no matter how much they want it to - and when a celebrity (regardless of who) brings it back into the forefront of public conversation, I see it as a good thing. Very happy to see this today.

20387419? ago Masons and the Jewish Sabbati? Is there a Connection??

20394677? ago

"1666 Redemption Through Sin," by R. Sepehr

20388468? ago

About as much connection as Nazis and Jews. Important to understand lodges differ GREATLY in their membership. CA masons are your typical devil worshipping child fucking kikes. East coast Masons on the otherhand, have been STRONGLY in support of Trump (88 generals - are you really that stupid? They broadcasted his win before he even ran).

Sorry that not everything you understand is apparently evil.