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20386635? ago

Seems like a guy who was fucking Mariah Carey, who shows MKUltra behavior, and was on TV for quite a while on prominent shows, he'd already know some of this stuff?

20387407? ago

Wicked Wizards, hordes of Goblins Praying to an Eye in Flame..... was J. R. R. Tolkien Woke !?

20395314? ago

JRR Tolkien was one of the translators of The Jerusalem Bible. I think he was "awake" - not "woke" (which is more on the dark side, IMO) He focused heavily on Dark to Light. Overcoming Evil with Good. Recognizing it's not the "pretty things" that matter, but the soul, the heart, the larger vision. My sense of him was that he was a good guy. But one never knows, right?