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20343915? ago

At airports, the fueling guys are all actors. They are not putting gas in the plane. Nothing is coming out of the nozzles. Planes don’t run on jet fuel anymore. It's literally THEATER. Enjoy the show!!!

This is such bullshit. I was pretty excited to read the start of this post because I actually know several Boeing whistleblowers that have been recently talking to attorneys and the FBI about the fraud Boeing and the FAA cooperated in to get the Max certified even though lots of engineers objected as far back as 2011 (and were then subsequently retaliated against) so I was going to be able to lead you to specific attorneys but now I see you are just a shill trying to dilute the real bad news coming out of Boeing (that the media refuses to cover accurately despite having it spelled out for them over and over) with flat Earth chemtrail nonsense. Fuck off. On the very miniscule chance that you are being sincere; your son and his "friend" (is he a technical fellow at least?) are totally fucking with you because you're functionally retarded and they thought it would be funny.

20347775? ago

I am for real, but I am starting to think that it’s just a guy that works at Boeing that is a truth err that is confusing my son telling him stuff saying they are “facts” when its only what he believes to be true, and not giving inside information because he is “in the know”...

20350373? ago

Let me give this some thought on how to safely do this. Boeing could be trying to snag people that are talking. Are you familiar with what they did to this guy? They are a seriously scary military contractor/money laundering company and nothing is beneath them as far as I'm concerned. I'll respond to you again tomorrow afternoon. I'm nearer to Boeing Field but can travel easily enough.

Semi proof of my legitimacy: I'm the "Boeing has done this to whistleblowers" and "it is SO huge" poster

20354047? ago

The more I think about this, the more I think I should 10-foot-pole it... I don’t want to poke the wrong bear.

20356453? ago

I don't disagree. Also, in the meantime I accidently found a great example to show you WHY I was so sure you are just clouding the news about Boeing with insane bullshit.

Look at the comments in this submission:

Notice the user "eathotdogs" comment, and then click on his username... Can't find that comment, can you? This constantly happens with these stories. It's just basic shilling/voat brigading public relations damage control, but look at how quickly mods are happy to bury any discussion about the issue here:

To think they would do that, but NOT send idiots out in to the world pretending to hate boeing because they are using some magical levitation fluid instead of gas, and that the world is really flat is HARDLY a stretch, you know?

20365542? ago

I stared remembering back in 2002, with J. L. In LV. I don’t want to go through anything like that again. If the guy has been talking for 6 months, Boeing has got to know. I think I’m done with that idea. I’d rather talk to some snowflakes about POTUS!