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20334587? ago

bbc news does the right thing occasionally, not often enough. they are a major, old, influential news org whose only real corporate interest is themselves. they are staffed by real professionals who sometimes do real news and others who are unaware of what the management is actually up to. IMO margaret thatcher made a mistake in not using some of her peak political capital to knock the 'beeb' down to size. they spend alot of time on sports and pop culture and such nonsense.

as far as big media news goes, for most events outside of the US i would give more (skeptical) credence to BBCnews than the big American sources, which isn't saying alot. they just have more people on the ground in more places and a massive state budget for cameras and other tech.

20336562? ago

Epstein and his ties all laid out in one format - You have more than you know