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20325429? ago

I hear a lot of MK-Ultra went to Aus when it started to get exposed in the States, NZ is also a place that tends to be a magnet for the religious cults. Australian Fabian Society who knows, Nicole Kidman's father who fled to Singapore, the Scientology thing again ... The typical big abuse scandals I seem to come across are some weird Masonic Satanic rumor stuff about kidnapp of Aboriginal kids and then Roman Catholic pedo crap in Aus. Not sure about this Ordo Templi Orientis occult Australian organization, other scandal Aus might connect to is the world wide entertainment industry, Jerry Sandusky at Penn State and those of famed British entertainer Jimmy Savile a Criminal Ring Protected by Corrupt Police and Self-Serving Twisted Demonic type Intelligence Agencies, a lot of conspiracy around Presidio military base in San Francisco a Lt. Col. Aquino was the founder of a satanic church known as The Temple of Set and what of Ordo Templi Orientis ... LV shooter Paddock and Australian , the AUS connection is there

20327768? ago

Seriously; look into Fiona Barnett, and a lot of your questions will have answers.

Here is a HUGE post I did lst week or so:-

You're welcome.