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20324220? ago

operation 6 degrees

Op6d #0p6d

operation 4 colors

Op4c #0p4c

operation 64 squares

Op64s #0p64s

re hashtags

hashtags are good for collating info across space and time.

hashtags can start with either the number 0, or the letter O,

depending how you want your hashtags alphabetized...

hashtags maybe suffixed with other numbers or letters to help filter, collate and organize

for example, if i wanted my hashtag to be alphabetized at the top of a list, id start with the number 0, like #0p6d

because if i used the letter O, my hashtag would be buried half-way down an alphabetized list... #Op6d

if i was researching something specific, like John F Kennedy, i could suffix the hashtag like #0p6dJFK

so i may hashtag my tweet, or whatever, with #0p6d to put it in the general bucket for operation 6 degrees...

then i'd add the #0p6dJFK hashtag so that i can find my specific tweet months later when i go to look for it, or if someone else is following my bread crumbs

an obvious next step might be to make a #0p6dRFK hashtag to do an operation 6 degrees on JFK's brother Robert F Kennedy

so to do an operation 6 degrees, we merely start with the name of our "target", in this case our target is JFK...

then we start reading about JFK, and learning about his various social networks, and "hashtagging" each relevant persons name equally, until w have a list of names that is maybe 20 names long list.

when you have compiled a list of names, "the truth" will start revealing itself to you, not by any one data point, but by the big picture of how all these people fit together...

once we have a target selected, (in this case JFK), we can also select any name in the world, living or dead, and perform a "network analysis" between those two people,

and before we even start the operation 6 degrees, we know that there will be at most 6 degrees of separation, between our 2 people we have targeted.

for example, we could start with JFK and then randomly select Barack Obama aka #0p6dBHO

since both men were presidents, we could easily do an #0p6d on the series of presidents from JFK to BHO,

or we could do an #0p6d on the series of First Ladies from RFK to BHO

we can literally take any path imaginable...

but creating a 6 degree social network path is just the start.

the next step is to find shorter paths.

so instead of every president from JFK to BHO, we could skip some presidents, since each president knows multiple other presidents...

and pretty soon, we are looking at GHWB pretty hard...

and GHWB's connections to the family of the man who tried to assassinate Ronald Wilson Reason (RWR) (RR?)

thru these social network analysis, we begin to learn to construct narratives, based on peoples names, to makes sense of what we are seeing.

if done correctly, many people can collaborate, with each person doing a different task, and presenting it to the rest of the group.

so one person could work on #0p6dJFK while another person works on #0p6dRFK, and both present their work under the common umbrella of #0p6d

operation 6 degrees has already been in use for many years.