20328495? ago

Oh fuck... No wonder we're getting DDOS'ed up the wazoo ...

20326557? ago

3-6 months tops

Even YOU will forget.

20326566? ago

Don't Forget!!!

20326578? ago

557 566 = same poster, because it's me

don't forget.

20325994? ago

I am happy to tbe the sauce if you need it. This is common knowledge knucklehead. No offense to the non-shills ITT

that actually didnt know this...

20324420? ago

These people are doing the work of Hell. We laugh at them with extreme derision as we watch them plummet, head long, into punishment that lasts forever.

20323661? ago

There are no coincidences, everything is connected.

20323248? ago


This is a sales tactic called "thinking past the sale"

That's why they aren't stifling the conversation on foul play and calling it "dangerous"

He's alive; either in witness protection, a more secure prison or unpredictable prison location, or he's living comfortably in Israel.

20321746? ago

Better if it's written before the suicide then date and time stamp it. That way can run it by Jeffrey first.

20321677? ago

So? Lots of people flew on the Lolita Express. Doesn't mean they are guilty of anything until proven by a Court and a Jury of their peers. Lol.

20321533? ago

Are liberals finally doing their own digging? This is awesome. I'll love to see when they discover some stuff that Q has been telling us.

20321224? ago

He's an entertainment reporter, they all fall into that category however loosely some may be.

20320869? ago

Well, this is more than just a little interesting. Sounds like this guy has been the Deep State's inside-man at the NY Post for quite some time. How the fuck did all these big scoops just fall into his lap?

Kubrik was all smiles when he died, and this guy was there to see it...

First to report John-John's "mysterious" death...

The Epstein "suicide" stories...

And now we learn he was flying on Diddler Express.

As the Brits say...Funny, that.

Excellent catch OP! I'll be doing some digging on this guy...




20320750? ago

Nice dig dawg.

20320662? ago

LARRY CELONA , New York Post reporter

20320391? ago

Why would they photoshop that movie poster in? What the fuck? What is with all the photoshop?

20320748? ago

They like to provide clues to the people who are clued-in.

"Yeah, that was us."

20319953? ago

For the uninitiated newfag, #pizzagate is real. Dive in

Pizzagate 101




Newfag rundown on the players


It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker


Comet ping pong connection


Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further


On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail


And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL


Comet ping pong false flag shooter



HRC Moloch sacrifice chicken. Comet Ping Pong #ChickenLover


Elsagate rundown


The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL


Men Who Hate Women: The Franklin Scandal and the Truth About Our Leaders





Unknown source, NSFL



They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband


It's all about the adrenochrome


Justin Beiber snaps because he was (((pimped out)))


Child actress Heather Orourkes, 12,  raped to death by (((Hollywood executives))).


The Child-Rape (((Assembly Line)))


The Jeffrey Epstein Scandal: Anatomy of the Zionist-Illuminati Sexual Blackmail System



Sex trafficking of children on YouTube


More #pizzagate






Tony Podesta smocking Trump tweet


Anderson Cooper slips up, #pizzagate


Israel children farming


Allister Crowley and human sacrifice


20319861? ago

Here is something else a lot of people don't know. The Associated Press (AP) is a membership organization. All of the media companies belong to it. If some writer (say, for the NY Post) writes an article that is submitted to the AP, the AP will send it out to thousands of media outlets to republish it and give a TV/radio version for those media outlets.

In this way, ONE writer can get a story out to the entire country. By being the FIRST writer to the scene, the narrative can be set, as all those other news outlets are doing nothing more than regurgitating what they have been given by AP. There is ZERO news reporting or journalism being done. Just spitting out what AP has given them, and AP can just spit out what one "insider" gave them.

20328811? ago

I also believe that the AP is owned or controlled somehow by a company called Gannett

Owned by Rothschild s

20326404? ago

Solid post - I save very few, but this one is going in the vault!

20325181? ago

Link to sources?

20321158? ago

The MOS rules the day.

No Name, to the day and hour.

20320917? ago

Wow. Did not know that’s how that worked.

20320900? ago


20319775? ago

Yup, posted the Bill Smith YouTube dig last week.

Larry, if he’s real, is a Mockingbird patriarch. Kubrick was letting us know his articles are an important signal of the enemy.

20343972? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3391586 Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick, and Epstein

20319616? ago

Escaped to Tel Aviv confirmed.

20319551? ago

This isn't even clown world. This is a soap opera. It *has* to be some sort of dramatization, this can't be real life.

20319683? ago

the same race who writes the soaps writes the mainstream narrative

20319163? ago

Supercut of Larry Celona on a tv murder documentary: https://streamable.com/h91tv

20330565? ago

Royal Lancer ... CeLona LaRry or LaRry CeLona its an anagram, what happens if you jumble up the letters a little more https://files.catbox.moe/a6r5b0.jpg

20331050? ago

I usually dont give much credit to anagrams, but this one is spot on. Good find!

20318500? ago

Some great threads on this account. Haven't seen a lot of it anywhere before. Thanks.

20330400? ago

https://twitter.com/jamieleecurtis/status/1160241323644837888 Remember the scene in the Godfather? Tom Hagen who talks of Roman traitors to Frankie Pentangeli who then kills himself... life imitating art? Powerful people didn’t want Epstein to talk. I want to find out who.

20318460? ago

https://archive.ph/5WPqT :

👀💦 ᏔმƦ𝔢ჳ💤 on Twitter: "In 1997 NY Post reporter Larry Celona is hired by Stanley Kubrick as a consultant on Eyes Wide Shut and tasked with writing two fake articles for the film. One headlined 'LUCKY TO BE ALIVE.' The other: a cover-up of the murder of a sex slave, falsely reporting it as a suicide.… /ioxL9P2nTY"

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