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20277085? ago

Told you fags. Trump is seeking reparations for NATO shortfall. Bretton Woods is destined to end soon. NATO will be worthless then. No reason for us to continue paying.

20277180? ago

Denmark delinquent give us Greenland and we'll call it even.

20277863? ago

Throughtout this whole Greenland discussion no one has mentioned how it could be purchased, especially by a nation with $20T in debt. My thought was that the US has enough evidence on Denmark's royal family and elected leaders being envolved with human trafficking that confiscating their property per POTUS's EO would cover the cost.

20278003? ago

War reparations. The Danish Royal Family are The Enemy in Europe.

They have LOST the War.

Trump has smashed (((them))), and now he wants his shit. Period.

20278029? ago

But don't you find it odd the MSM is not discussing how we could possibly afford such a purchase?

20278109? ago

That's because they owe the US the money due to BETRAYAL. The MSM is shell shocked right about now, and WILL NOT discuss it. Lovely.

20278142? ago

Exactly right. The truth of the matter is in what they are not reporting

20278449? ago

Let's start to learn the Comms., and I will get back to you with much more...

20291714? ago

seeing the fallout from that was awesome!

that being -- that the gematria site's database had a whole bunch of matching phrases added which start with "Q " (i.e., Q then a space, then other words telling the deep state they're in deep shit)

20296322? ago

Yes and that Trump/Q, is what I call pure genius! Not shitting you, this is Epic, and my friends who watched my do the deocde and find those messages the other day, were stunned silent. That have not spoken to me in 3 days, as they process the gravity of the discovery.

Lovin' it!