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20276666? ago

Miley Cyrus Claims ‘Satan Is A Nice Guy; He’s Misunderstood’

Satan is a misunderstood guy who has been judged on his outward appearance rather than by “what he has to offer us as human beings” according to Miley Cyrus, who detailed her relationship with the devil in a Swedish radio interview.

Going as far as to claim that Satan is a “really nice guy“, the singer described Satan’s relationship with her as “fatherly and nurturing” before stopping abruptly and asking the radio hosts, “You guys are liberal, right? Uber liberal, right?“

After the hosts laughed and one of them said “Err, yeah, I guess you can call us that,” Cyrus laughed too and then admitted that “sometimes he [Satan] can be a bit naughty too. He can be pervy. But that is natural. It’s only religious maniacs who see a problem with natural things.”

“I have reached the point where my relationship with him is stronger than my relationship with my earthly father,” Cyrus said, making reference to her biological father, Billy Ray Cyrus.

Asked how Billy Ray feels about “taking a back seat to the devil“, Miley Cyrus said, “He doesn’t feel anything, I don’t think so anyway. I haven’t asked. But it’s not like my relationship with anyone else takes away anything from my relationship with Dad. It’s just different.”

20279620? ago Click on "connections " and look at the people shes connected with. Almost all private profiles but the profile pics alone are fucked. Two girls sitting inside a pentagram (mel and steph hausberger) , a little toddler covered in black ink standing naked in a bathtub, some ither fucked up looking ones