20272920? ago

George Pell loses appeal against child sex abuse convictions, may lose Order of Australia honour



20271366? ago

Ignoramus, you should know that Pell is not the "highest ranked Catholic cleric in the world"

20271524? ago

Ignoramus, you should know that Pell is not the "highest ranked Catholic cleric in the world"

Highest ranked Catholic cleric in the world to be convicted of child sex abuse.

You reading comprehension is poor.

20269597? ago

Cardinal Pell was cleaning up the Treasury at the Vatican. He closed many accounts that were attached to nefarious people and activities. The accusations began when the bad guys saw what he was doing. Australia hates Catholicism more than Islam. The man is innocent, he was set up.

20270579? ago

More than Islam?

Maybe they aren't so bad after all...

20269993? ago

Australia hates Catholicism more than Islam

I'm an Aussie and I was unaware of our hatred of Catholics.

I'm aware that we have regular anti Islam protests, but I've never heard of any protests against fellow Christians.

Are you sure you didn't just imagine it because you want to create division among Christians?

20267400? ago

The Catholic Church and their Lawyer calls sexual penetration of 13 year old as "Plain Jane" offences. WTF? That there is the real mind fuck.

Pedo-Protectors are no less guilty and should be castrated. A simple gibbeting in front of the local court house is called Justice.

Children should be forced to spent enough time contemplating the punishment that their cloths smell like a sun bloated corpse.

20266727? ago

This news may be destroying an innocent man.

None of the 50+ comments seem to address that Pell was originally framed by the Pope (Benedict or Francis)

Does anyone know more about the Pell-Pope relationship?

20270022? ago

I know Pell has been central to defending Catholic pedophile priests for 40 years.

Whenever a child raping priests is caught, Pell is in the middle of it, claiming the child is lying and the church is the real victim.

20278367? ago

Duly noted... suppose the Pope framing situation didn't happen... idk... keeping both in mind.

20265137? ago

Justice. FINALLY!

20264643? ago

Catholicism is not Christianity. It is Roman paganism with a veneer of Christianity.

20264581? ago

1st there was Catholicism - FACT.

Catholicism is the anti - SJW.

Men priests only.

Marriage between man and woman only as the basis to the family unit.

'Guardians' of christian treasures.

(((THEY))) want its destruction.

20265828? ago

Your retarded and boomer-ish slavish devotion to tradition is made of fail and aids.

No wonder your shit tier religion is in shambles.

20264895? ago

This is what I am noticing. Catholic superrace.

I’be only ever heard of Catholicism from Protestants and boy are the an ignorant bunch. From what I have recently learn about the Catholic church it is the place to be. You shouldn’t toss thousands of years of history to make reforms. At worst you should be like the Mel Gibson catholics. Who are considered in schism but still Catholic.

20266398? ago

Your "one true religion" bullshit smacks of the same retarded ideology as islam.

20272110? ago

Lol. You guys are so touchy. To be honest it’s orthodox masterrace for the win.

However, none of it is legit. Jesus just represents the triumph of good versus evil over the Babylonian Saturnian death cult. We are like Christ.

20265269? ago


They are mighty.

Take the course, its ace.

Most Catholics leave Catholicism in their youth. I did.

I revisit as an adult and am in awe.

20264570? ago

Apparently, from what I read somewhere else, Pell was an accountant and found money laundering within the catholic church, which was why they targeted him for child abuse. Not sure the accuracy of this info though.

20264422? ago

God and Jesus HIGH FIVE as they KNOW; the Great Awakening is kicking into gear. NOW is our time to walk into the glory and light of God; like never more. Consider happy dancing your way there. This IS our time. BLESSING TO ALL..

20264318? ago

This right here plus JE and NXIVM is what is scaring the muh-arrest pedo shills on QRV. I’m betting that even the retarded fbi-shills are guilty of kiddie diddling. They’ll all get the maximum penalty. ThanQ

20264053? ago

13 obstacles? Give me a break. That's some coded message to insider judges. Seems like message wasn't received... LOL

20263859? ago

The Jesuits are zionists who have taken over the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church teaches Jesus Christ was the son of God and he gave his life for the world's sins. The same as any other Christian religion that I have studied. Just like the Jews wrote the Scofield bible that the evangelicals read. The Jewish Jesuits stand above the Catholic Community. Both Catholics and evangelicals are controlled by Jews right now. This is what I see from all my research.

20270039? ago

This is what I see from all my research.

Can you please provide some of your best sources?

20272317? ago

I've got over 25 years of research so if you have 25 years I can teach you everything I know. What are you looking for a YouTube video that explains it all in 5 minutes or you ready to do some serious reading? Start by reading the Bible King James version, then read the Scofield bible so you can see what sort of changes were made, then read the talmud book of maimonides. Secret history of the Jesuits by Edmund Paris. The transfer agreement by Edwin black, 51 documents: the Zionist collaboration with the Nazis by lenni Brenner. When you're done with those I'll suggest some more, you won't read a single one of them anyway. Maybe you can find it in a YouTube video good luck with that.

20264490? ago

Let's not lose sight of the fact we need a solution to the real problem, Catholics.

The final kind.

20270225? ago

Must be diggernicks at work here.

20264612? ago

99% of Catholics sitting in the church pew would give you the shirt off their back. Like in most situations it's the 1% at the top that must be removed. These are the Jesuits who at first were the Vatican police and could never achieve rank of Pope by Vatican law. But somehow right now a Jesuit or policeman is Pope. The zionists took over the Vatican police through corruption and now control the whole Vatican.

20262943? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=95D3kiI-M9w :

George Pell loses appeal against child sex abuse convictions | ABC News - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

20263184? ago

20262917? ago

Before the shills start shilling, let's make something clear:

Unlike Islam and Judaism, Christianity DOES NOT permit child rape or hurting children.

You can not judge a religion by those who don't follow it's laws.

20281606? ago

In fact, Matthew 18:6 tells a completely different tale than those other two!

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

20272885? ago



They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


20273079? ago

This is a truther community.

If you hate facts then fuck off back to your politically correct Reddit safe space.

20266367? ago

You can judge a religion by the special olympians that keep supporting it despite all the upper echelon being pedos or pedo enablers.

20264529? ago

And Catholic priests actually get convicted and media attention. If it was a Jew or Muslim, you never would have heard about it.

20264849? ago

And people think the Catholic Church is evil. When the media attacks it the most. I don’t get the double standards some people have.

I want to hear from ex Catholics about the Catholic Church not ignorant Protestants.

20265949? ago

Fuck you. It would be so easy for the Catholic Church to say "we will help prosecute any child abusers in our ranks to the fullest extent of the law" and actually do it. But they don't. They shuffle them around to different jurisdictions where they can't be prosecuted and the locals don't know they are child rapists. You want to blame Muslims and Jews for your sick priesthood? Your entire religion is built on false fatherhood. Sterile priests want to be called "Father" because children trust their parents.

Fucking spineless coward. Stand up to these people now or get taken down with them later.

20266422? ago

I say this politely because I believe it matters. The Catholic Church is not one individual who is calling all the shots. There are many bishops and they meet to make decisions. I’m not super familiar with how it works honestly. But saying “the Catholic Church” as if it has but one mind is not accurate. There are many Catholics that are upset about the events that have taken place in the church and even the changes since the second Vatican counsel.

Just do everyone a favor and learn about the Catholic Church and how it works. A richer discussion would be beneficial for everyone. Don’t be a part of the division. The pope is a faggot lucifarians by the way.

20265808? ago

Id rather hear from ignorant catholics than ignorant protestants

Bad news, Catholics are just protestant jews.

Never change special olympian boomers.

20266429? ago

It’s the Protestants who act the jewiest. Catholics are unapologetically not Jewish. Where as most Protestants and all evangelicals stand with Israel.

20264573? ago

And fucktarded boomers and Mexicans keep filling up their churches every weekend.


20264462? ago

The Catholics are Jewish pawns and have been since the Templars were removed and Jesuits brought to power.

20270058? ago


20263705? ago

It would seem that the Jews lost their way when they began to follow the Talmud instead of just the Torah, which is the Word and the Law of God. (Not to mention their failure to recognize the Messiah who was Jesus Christ.)

20270105? ago

Nothing you said makes any sense.

The Jewish Talmud has existed since the first day of Judaism and is a compilation of religious teachings from Judaism's most respected scholars.

The Talmud had always defined Jewish laws and history.

It was passed down verbally from one generation to the next until it was eventually transcribed into a physical book.

The Talmud is to Jews what the Hadith are to Muslims.

The Talmud is how Jews interpret the Torah.

20270213? ago

you are making my point. the Bible is God's Word. The Talmud is mans' idea of what it means. Also, just what is the first day of Judaism?

20270297? ago

just what is the first day of Judaism?

What part of that do you not understand? Which words confuse you?

20281726? ago

otheranon here, you said "since the first day of Judaism" and then refuse to state when that is?

20285927? ago

Wednesday, 3rd March 1522 BC at 2:35:08 pm EST.

20264504? ago

It's more than that. Most of the original Isreali population, which was White, converted to Christianity and had left Isreal by the time of the Assyrian invasion. They became known as Scythians. The Jews call them the "Lost tribes" to hide the fact that they were White. The remaining racemixers of the Southern Kingdom and Edom became the race we know as Jews.

20264852? ago

Judah and some of Levi and Benjamin - It is my understanding those are the Southern Kingdom. The tribes of the Northern Kingdom were banished for idolatry. They became the Scythians and were scattered to the ends of the earth.

20265826? ago

Yeah. They were banished for "idolatry" for their belief in Christ as Messiah. They followed Christ's directions and brought the Gospel to all the world. Judah is where the term Jew comes from, as in the Kingdom of Judah or Southern Kingdom. They racemixed with Cannanites as well as the invading Assyrians. They are a race in a sense, but actually are some of the most mixed race people on the planet, having mixed with whoever they were parasitically living with. However, they push the narriative that Isrealis have always been of their racial makeup in order to tell the lie that they are "chosenites" who deserve to inherit both Isreal and the Earth. When in reality, these things are promised to Christians under the New Testament.

20266425? ago

You need to check your history. They were banished many HUNDREDS of years before Christ was born, after the time of Solomon. They were not exiled for following Christ. They were exiled for following the religion of the Ammonites, which involved the worship of the Sun, Saturn, Moloch, etc.

20299701? ago

Those are the ones that I'm referring to, and they most certainly were persecuted for being Christian.

20263648? ago

Catholic teachings permit anything, as long as you believe in "god" and go to confession every week confess your sins and "repent".

20281636? ago





(they screwed up single-spacing...)

20263623? ago

Sounds like Catholics and muslims have alot in common!

20263174? ago

God has Mary impregnated at age 13.

20263723? ago

You brainwashed catholic niglets sure do get butthurt over the truth.

20263201? ago

Nobody knows how old Mary was when he gave birth to Jesus.

Sorry to rain on your pedophile parade.

20263110? ago

Catholics aren’t Christian. Catholicism is perverted “christianity.”

20266202? ago

Pretty sure Catholicism is full on anti-christ at this point. Have you seen the giant serpent's head the pope hangs out in? I'm an atheist but even I can tell that shit is as evil as it gets lol

20264830? ago

Why do you say this?

20266451? ago

Look at it from both perspectives. Believe it or not Catholics sympathize with Luther. And did at the time.

20268137? ago

Oh yeah? Is that why they fought a Thirty Years War against the Protestant states who simply wanted freedom to practice actual Christianity, killing 8 million?

20272125? ago

It’s not just “practice real religion”. The church had combined itself with the state. There are other issues related to this. The matter is not so simple.

20269852? ago

They did it for "their own good" obviously.

20266198? ago

The catholic church has always and will always be a criminal organization.

20264024? ago

Jesus even warned us multiple times in The Bible about the pharisees and structured religion, but NOoOoOoOoOo

20263411? ago


20263650? ago

Looks legit to me.

20262890? ago

Didn't watch the video because I can't at work and I'll wait for a bot to provide a link to a non-NWO site, but how in the hell did this happen? I thought all of the satanic, illuminati, pedo shitheads stuck together in their sick crimes, including judges.

20263704? ago

Fucking scumbags, Church taken over by criminals and pedophiles

20263733? ago

Taken over?

It's always been criminals and pedos.

Fuck you for supporting a criminal organization.

20262941? ago

I'm not sure and it won't matter which news source you watch, the court ruling will be the same.

Cardinal George Pell will appeal to Australia's High Court, which will be his final chance to avoid justice.

We don't yet know when that appeal date will happen.

20263629? ago

You misspelled ausfailia