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20254668? ago

The arrest of Epstein has brought the reality of child abuse into the mass consciousness of humanity:

According to sources, the Cabal has considered Epstein to be a security threat and he was taken out of his cell by the Cabal agents on August 10th, a lookalike was put into the prison cell and murdered there, whereas Epstein was taken to a secret Cabal location in Manhattan, interrogated, and ritually sacrificed to Moloch the next day, August 11th.

Illuminati were doing many rituals on August 11th, 2019, to connect with the energy of the grand cross solar eclipse which occured exactly 20 years earlier, on August 11th, 1999:

The grand cross solar eclipse in August 1999 took place during the fixed grand cross astrological alignment which involved Sun, Moon, Mars, Uranus and Saturn:

20257606? ago

Hi Anon.

The date 11/08/2019 breaks down using root number Mathematics to :-

Note:- 11 stays unchanged, as it is already a strategic occult number to (((them))). Thus >

11/08/2019 >

11/(0+8)/(2+0+1+9) >

11/8/(12) >

11/8/(1+2) >

11/8/3 >

11/(8+3) >

11/11 >

Thus 11:11, another occult number.

They do this often, I have been watching them very closely indeed.

20262410? ago

Hello anon

There are many ways to foretell the future

What you pasted is just your way of doing that

Can you write more about use cases ?

20263256? ago

Yes I will and am trying. This is all a huge amount of dedicated research and work. It takes time.

20263275? ago

What is your biggest find?

20263337? ago

That Q is coding Gematria messages in Ghislane Maxwell's Amazon book reviews to Troll her and the [DS].

Much more confirmation on breaking the comms. code.

It's real.

20263346? ago

Wow G.Maxwell Amazon gematria you say?

20263363? ago

This is my work in the comments. I am The NumberFag.

20263405? ago

In mathematics when function produces array of results how do you choose which is right in this case?

20263488? ago

I also use intuition, news events that are current, and history of the messenger to create context and information richness. This creates "Triangulation" and it is easier to decode.

BTW, I pray to The Holy Spirit as I do the decodes. That's where the brilliance and insight is coming from.


20263468? ago

This is another post I made earleir on that thread I sent you:- Relevant.

See the 3rd review decode. It's in this thread. Lot's of Q stuff:-

Check out this result in the first Review:-


Q If You Do Not Think

That Gematria Can Defeat

The Fallen You Are

Greatly Mistaken 3592 4518 753 13

Uhm... This is a direct message from Q that her comms. have been compromised.

There are more Q results in the 3rd review...


Q A Most Unfortunate

Group Of Souls Ever Born 3028 3138 523 255


Q See You Have All Done A

Good Job At Damning Your

Souls 3850 3138 523 197


Q Days Weeks Months For

What Takes One Day G U I

L T Y 4480 3138 523 148


Q Hypocrites Their

Actions Are Both Immoral

And Illegal 1963 3138 523 141


Q See Mk Ultra Mind

Control Handlers Roasting

In Hell 1764 3138 523 131


Q Can You Just T H I N K

About The Risk Youre

Taking 3478 3138 523 123


Q Math Is The Key

Prophecy The Secret

Numeric Proof 2511 3138 523 107


Q In Denial That They Are

On Trial G U I L T Y

Going To Hell 2358 3138 523 107


OK. Q has taken over Ghislane Maxwell's original message, by encoding a whole heap of results beginning with Q, to troll her. LOL!


Hey Its Your Friendly Neighborhood Numbers Guy 3273 3138 523 130

(This is a direct confirmation to me - The NumberFag I reckon).

20263451? ago

There are confirmation codes we keep getting sent and they keep pushing them:--

I posted earlier last week:-

Number key I have developed for the message (I have received several confirmations in the Gematria of these numbers, and also that Gematria is the key BTW):

23 -The Patriots and reverse/Mirror of Skull and Bones 322/32 - *(2300 hours is 11 pm at night FYI, i.e. 11 o'clock)

322/32 - The Enemy/Skull and Bones - Bush Family,

911 - The Enemy and perpetrators of 911 terrorist attacks

119/19/1911 - The Patriots hunting 911 perpetrators

17/71 - Q Anon and Q Team

Confirmation codes sent to Anons from White Hats: -

711/117/17/71 - The first part of the key to the code - Part 1 of 4

11/11:11 - The second part of the key to the code - Part 2 of 4

13/313/311/113 - The third part of the code - Part 3 of 4

5:5/555 - The fourth part of the code - Part 4 of 4

There are others like 222, which break down as 11:11:11 > 1+1:1+1:1+1 > 2:2:2

Note: All these values can be MIRRORED as per Q's post "Think Mirror", as this is what The Satanists do, and by doing it back to them, and using numerology and Gematria to communicate etc., it Trolls the living fuck out of the [DS], and bypasses the MSM nicely, while not jeopardizing Nat_Sec.

Also using variations of these numbers (using root mathematics) is the name of the game. It's a language.