'97% of climate scientists' DON'T AGREE. This was completely debunked yet they still use it to push muh global warming!!! (wattsupwiththat.com)
submitted 5.5 years ago by 3391071?
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20252844? 5.5 years ago
So called Climate Science is/was slush fund for money spent on secret space programs. Every human on this planet paid approximately 25% of his all earnings to pay for this shit.
https://voat.co/v/QRV/3391389 Q2222 Are we alone ? No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. Q
20252915? 5.5 years ago
Fucking kek. Trying a bit too hard to sell your gaia.com disinfo.
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20252844? ago
So called Climate Science is/was slush fund for money spent on secret space programs. Every human on this planet paid approximately 25% of his all earnings to pay for this shit.
https://voat.co/v/QRV/3391389 Q2222 Are we alone ? No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. Q
20252915? ago
Fucking kek. Trying a bit too hard to sell your gaia.com disinfo.