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20246455? ago

SB2, where are you? This is right up your gematria alley.

OP is right. These reviews with the caps at the beginning of each word is hard as hell to type. Takes a concentrated effort and you make a lot of errors, especially if you are used to typing "normally." I used a computer...cannot even fathom trying this phonefagging.

20247205? ago

When Gematria Fag gets here and sees this he will pop a boner.

20247272? ago

I (The NumberFag) AM here. Already posted a decode to start of both her reviews.

20247354? ago

Glad you made it. I was worried you would miss this opportunity.

20247368? ago

Nah, I am here nearly 24/7/365. This Numerology and Gematria gig is a big job. Too many data points coming in at the moment to do it all.

Thanks BTW.

20247395? ago

Is that your post above us?

20247446? ago

Yes. I did all that, and am doing the summary now.

I am The NumberFag.

20247476? ago

That is amazing work fren! DAMN IMPRESSIVE! I have followed your work on here for quite some time (I am sure it has to be you). But do not completely understand how this works. Now help me here. I see many things listed. How do we know which would be the actual message or all of them the message???

20305354? ago

Updates to check pout:-

Here's another taste updated:-

Check out this result in the first Review:-

1) Q If You Do Not Think

That Gematria Can Defeat

The Fallen You Are

Greatly Mistaken 3592 4518 753 13

Uhm... This is a direct message from Q that her comms. have been compromised.

There are more Q results in the 3rd review...

2) Q A Most Unfortunate

Group Of Souls Ever Born 3028 3138 523 255

3) Q The Second Death

Because Of Pride Two

Thousand Nineteen 2800 3138 523 93

4) Q Again The End Is Being

Written From The

Beginning Fate Sealed 2361 3138 523 147

5) Q See You Have All Done A

Good Job At Damning Your

Souls 3850 3138 523 197

6) Q Days Weeks Months For

What Takes One Day G U I

L T Y 4480 3138 523 148

7) Q Hypocrites Their

Actions Are Both Immoral

And Illegal 1963 3138 523 141

8) Q See Mk Ultra Mind

Control Handlers Roasting

In Hell 1764 3138 523 131

Random result but relevant:

Hey Its Your Friendly

Neighborhood Numbers Guy 3273 3138 523 130 (This is a direct confirmation to me - The NumberFag I reckon)

9) Q Can You Just T H I N K

About The Risk Youre

Taking 3478 3138 523 123

10) Q Math Is The Key

Prophecy The Secret

Numeric Proof 2511 3138 523 107

11) Q In Denial That They Are

On Trial G U I L T Y

Going To Hell 2358 3138 523 107

12) Q But The Wicked Really

Do Not Know What Awaits

Them 5439 3138 523 95

13) Q Eike Gezelah And

Yiphtachel Mesonuktion

Correlation 2366 3138 523 271

14) Q Hebrew Name Gematria

Value Of Three Hundred

Forty Five 4256 3138 523 67

15) Q The Word Of God Reveals

That Yhsyk Is The New

Godhead 4588 3138 523 59

16) Q They Record Own Death

Dates Two Thousand

Nineteen 3900 3138 523 57

17) Q And Again Daily

Buffoonery Witnessed From

The Heavens 3817 3138 523 51

18) Q Korean Child Was

Clothed With A Vesture

Dipped In Blood 3996 3138 523 51

19) Q Yhsyk The Newly

Appointed Ruler Of Heaven

And Hell 4083 3138 523 51


20306131? ago

Wow! You have been busy! Very interesting stuff. You really need to do a post on this with all the other decodes. You have some really good info that needs to be spread far and wide.

20309393? ago

Yes I will, but I do need to make it more condensed or set it all out better. There is too much data to look at alone and I am working on this every waking moment. That's where you guys and discussions come in.


20433046? ago

Dude! Did you delete your newest post? The title is there but the discussion part has been deleted!!!!

20433055? ago

Yes. I found a small but catastrophic error, that I could not find the solution to, as I have lost all the data pertaining to that decode, that was gone when my machine went down. Too many tabs open (at least 100+ lol). It's better if I leave that one, and keep working on the next one, as they all connect anyways.

You see, I found an error of four letters that I am sure went in there for a reason, but I could not work out where I got them after the fact, so I deleted the entire post in order to keep my work perfect. Otherwise I will get torn to shreds on here Anon.

My reputation is the most important thing, or people won't have faith in my decodes anymore.

It was a minor issue, but in my eyes a disastrous failure.


I am deeply sorry. I hope you understand.

Kindest regards,

The NumberFag.


20433064? ago

Completely understand. Thanks! I was starting to worry that you were being censored!!! LOL

20433068? ago

No, but if make any mistakes I will end up in the river...

20433094? ago

HAH! I know, there are a lot of skeptics out there. But you do have a pretty good following. I was noticing the comments on that last post you did.

20433123? ago

The next one will be PERFECTION, and will blow your minds away completely.

It's a big one.

I need to quit my job and do this full time, but sadly I can't do that.

YouTube is out of the question as is revealing my identity. And I would prefer not to be receiving any money for doing this work. It's for the kids and for humanity.

You would be very surprised indeed if you knew who was speaking to you right now.

Think reality Television...


20433153? ago

Nice! I am always looking forward to anything you got to post. Do not quit the day job man. Gotta pay those damn bills! Now you got my mind wandering LOL! I have said many times on here that one day we need to have a convention. No name tags though! I honestly do not think voat is completely anon. If it was they would not save these comment replies that are tied to your acct name. I do not think anyone can be anon anymore, anywhere. big brother is always watching!

20433177? ago

White Hats know who I am for sure.

I have received at least two strange replies to my work. One was asking me to post my work again politely.

Another one was on my last big post, and whoever it was, said they were watching me closely, that emotions cloud judgment, and to keep going, as I would come under heavy Shill attack. Boy were they right. It could be nothing, but I have a sense of knowing things that others don't, and I am sure this was from them. This Gematria decryption project is totally NEW, and is as big (I think) as Enigma, and the Navajo Code talkers in WW@, by the time we are done: Mark my words.

20433227? ago

You know I had a thought after I got that reply to my comment. I will bounce it off you. VOAT went from running about 1200 online all the time to 300 or so now, since the safe mode transition. That seemed a bit strange to me. It is almost as though the site was cleansed of unwanted peeps. Although we still have our fair share of porn posters. But I was thinking that White Hats may have culled the crowd for a reason.

20433263? ago

Yes I noticed a lot a bad characters are gone now. Like "POOF" into thin air.


Most of the Shills still here are just idiot time wasters. I have even made friends with a person on here that was questioning me greatly, and it turns out he/she is interested in my work after much explanation, that are going to write me some software to do the decodes faster.

20433286? ago

I saw his comments on another post the other day. I have not spoke with him as far as I know but I caught on to what he wanted to do. That is cool. Yes it is a shame that we still have a clouded community. I lurked on 8chan a bit but found it way too confusing to keep up with. I just hope this site stays protected. I did a post the other nite because we were being bombarded by shills. I told them that their mission here was compromised and they were to be reassigned. To Venezuela. Did you catch it?

20433300? ago

Yes I was on the bus and laughed my ass off. I saved it.

20433329? ago

I might do a follow up. I just got to a point where I thought being creative like that might discourage them a bit. Kinda poke fun at em in a way that would make them see how stupid their "work" is. Their "work" will not stop what is happening. What I am worried about with this site is that they will attempt a similar attack, like they did 8chan. Make this site look like we are all extremists, antisemitic or somehow make us look violent.

20433348? ago

They will fail. We are a TOTALLY different crowd than 8chan. I have been to 8chan often posting Memes in the great Meme War of the last two years. AI can't recognize Memes, and the Left can't Meme for shit. So I use my well honed skills to make devastating Memes to Troll the living fuck out of the 'Soup du Jour". I leave the Memes for others to spread like a cold virus. You can't unsee them, and they are funny AF.

Nobody Trolls like DJT. NOBODY.

20433385? ago

I know it is so damn refreshing to have a POTUS that fits in with us. It is almost like he could be my Uncle Don. You know, that uncle, that asks you to pull his finger? HAH! Well I got to get to bed, got work in a few hours. We will be chatting more fren. You can count on it. Keep up on your work here. It is very fascinating to me. I have this feeling that you are going to reveal more than you expect. CN

20433411? ago

Thanks so much Patriot.

I will have fresh Bread ready for your breakfast.

Hot, Fresh, Golden, Delicious, Chewy, Crusty Bread, straight out the oven.

By the way... I was a professional baker for a while and a pastry Chef. LITERALLY a Baker. Oh the irony... lol.


Kindest regards,

The NumberFag.



20433455? ago

Looking fwd to it!!!!

20460904? ago

Hungry? Fresh Bread>

20473002? ago

peeps are watching now! "CNOTE" 50 percent times two. after!

20473016? ago

Please explain?

20496882? ago

are you here right now?

20524717? ago

As promised. Please get back to me with your thoughts after reading all of this material, and my previous work.


The NumberFag. :)