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20246455? ago

SB2, where are you? This is right up your gematria alley.

OP is right. These reviews with the caps at the beginning of each word is hard as hell to type. Takes a concentrated effort and you make a lot of errors, especially if you are used to typing "normally." I used a computer...cannot even fathom trying this phonefagging.

20247818? ago

I sent this to him. I can't do this, we need SB2

20248298? ago

I am the NumberFag, and I don't need SB2 to do this FFS!

20295308? ago


20296767? ago

Oh yeah! You'll see shortly. I will post some decodes that will blow you guys away. D5 coming.

20304699? ago

Not here every day, but if you can remember this and post a link to new stuff - I'll repost your analysis elsewhere and we can just let it fly.

20304928? ago


Thank you for your reply.

I have saved your comment Anon, among those of many other Anons requesting this information. I have much to do, and I am only one person.

Look my Fren, I don't know you, but I can give you my word that I am on the verge of something incredible. A HUGE decode.

It may amount to literally a key to decode the Cypher we are being presented since Q went down. I am seeing everywhere.

It's so much data. Very hard work.

In the full interest of full disclosure, not only do I do the technical work on all this Numerology and Gematria of all the messages we are provided, but I am being provided guidance and insight from The Holy Spirit directly. It matters not whether you are a believer or not, but I can assure you, this is the ONLY game in town ATM >

Pleae be patient, as I am one person, and I have over 25 decodes to do at least by monday for posting on QRV.

8chan Anons have not disappeared, and we are NOT idle.


Kindest regards,

The NumberFag.


20336294? ago

Yeah, I'd figured y'all were still at work ;) Would have been greatly out of character for everyone to just fade away just because one venue is temporarily Out of Service!

Thanks again

PS: Yes, I know how informative the Holy Spirit is :D

Here's a couple fun ones for you from Him -

a couple of months ago I was listening to music and a song came on that started with a soft "BOOM!". And immediately there were a giant nickel just hanging in the air in front of me. Like a big half a foot in diameter nickel. Monticello side. More soft booms, a new song came on and I could feel the extreme pleasure and joy of the Lord. He was happy about something.

Didn't know what any of it meant. So I looked up the name of the two songs. The first was "Before the Storm", and the second one that blended into the first was "Sky Above, Voice Within". Both were composed by Jeremy Soule - Skyrim soundtrack.

Looked up Monticello. Got nothing. Finally the Lord said look at a nickel again, Monticello side. And there it was! E PLURIBUS UNUM

Out of the many, one.

In other words: where we go one we go all.

Unity is coming, and that delights the Lord.

Second one later that day: a massive beige/grey spider, on its back, legs broken. It was about 3 feet tall with its legs sticking up in the air (you know how spiders always wind up on their backs when they're dead?). The spider was going to die, I knew that in the vision. In the past the Lord told me something that is specific to my family (so: spiders don't always mean this). Spiders represent corruption via deception. Pretty sure the meaning is this: the worldwide media is going to die, and it's ALREADY dying. It's legs are broken and mangled. No more deception, no more propaganda. The spider will die.

Oh, the BOOM songs:

20408423? ago

Fresh bread from the Baker.

20430187? ago


20460916? ago

20473575? ago


20473819? ago

Get your Bread: >