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20246455? ago

SB2, where are you? This is right up your gematria alley.

OP is right. These reviews with the caps at the beginning of each word is hard as hell to type. Takes a concentrated effort and you make a lot of errors, especially if you are used to typing "normally." I used a computer...cannot even fathom trying this phonefagging.

20247260? ago

Similar thread on this topic before. Some of the gematria translates to "The Islamic Antichrist Barack Hussein Obama Will Make Many People Suffer" also, more importantly "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”.

20250414? ago

I saw that quote on the back of a shirt worn by a veteran last week. MAGA hat and everything. I can't remember who it said it was quoted from.

20247406? ago

Yep, that was my analysis in response to OPs request.

20247477? ago

That thread I linked caused the massive shill posting bombardment. Always take Flak when you’re over the target

20297485? ago

I just found two more posts Q left in those results.

Q The Second Death

Because Of Pride Two

Thousand Nineteen 2800 3138 523 93

4) Q Again The End Is Being

Written From The

Beginning Fate Sealed 2361 3138 523 147

That brings it up to 12.

I got a confirmation from another source which I can't remember off the top of my head, confirming 12 was a key confirmation number. I will let you once I work it all out, as I have slave Matrix work to go to now.


The NumberFag.

20248374? ago

Check out this result in the first Review:-

Q If You Do Not Think

That Gematria Can Defeat

The Fallen You Are

Greatly Mistaken 3592 4518 753 13

Uhm... This is a direct message from Q that her comms. have been compromised.

There are more Q results in the 3rd review...

Q A Most Unfortunate

Group Of Souls Ever Born 3028 3138 523 255

Q See You Have All Done A

Good Job At Damning Your

Souls 3850 3138 523 197

Q Days Weeks Months For

What Takes One Day G U I

L T Y 4480 3138 523 148

Q Hypocrites Their

Actions Are Both Immoral

And Illegal 1963 3138 523 141

Q See Mk Ultra Mind

Control Handlers Roasting

In Hell 1764 3138 523 131

Hey Its Your Friendly

Neighborhood Numbers Guy 3273 3138 523 130 (This is a direct confirmation to me - The NumberFag I reckon)

Q Can You Just T H I N K

About The Risk Youre

Taking 3478 3138 523 123

Q Math Is The Key

Prophecy The Secret

Numeric Proof 2511 3138 523 107

Q In Denial That They Are

On Trial G U I L T Y

Going To Hell 2358 3138 523 107

20377348? ago

We were talking about Jewish Gematria recently, hence me responding here. I punched in DORIAN, the name of the storm, and in Jewish Gematria, Michelle Obama comes up. I wonder...

20408403? ago

I will post the Dorian decode shortly. Here is the start.

20247862? ago

Absolutely. Thanks for pitching in despite the attacks. They're all done for. Just a matter of time and they will vanish from the scene. WON'T THAT BE FUN? :D

20247492? ago

Yes, that's why I am keeping up all the effort. I know I have these fuckers by the balls now. Time to squeeze.