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20243873? ago

The second gematria docode of the 2nd review I shared, i shit you not reads....

"The Islamic Antichrist

Barack Hussein Obama

Will Make Many People


20243994? ago

Wait how'd you decode this?

20247411? ago

Ghislane Maxwell book reviews - Capitalized letter Gematria analysis - Review 2

Review 2:-

"This Is A Fun Story Reminiscent Of Stephanie PLum. It's Well Plotted And Has Some Great Characters. I Haven't Read The First Two Books BUt Will Go Back And Pick TheM Up."

Capitalized letters:-


Notable results:-

Results By Jewish Gematria

Word Jewish Gematria English Gematria Simple Gematria Searches

The Islamic Antichrist

Barack Hussein Obama

Will Make Many People

Suffer 3391 3996 666 160

All That Is Necessary For

The Triumph Of Evil Is

That Good Men Do Nothing 3391 4278 713 152

Nick Romah Trafficked

Children With Eastern

Airlines Out Of Upper St

Clair Pa 3391 4374 729 68

Who Have Not Bowed The

Knee To The Image Of Baal 3391 2328 388 63

New Us Slowly Mobilizing 3391 1824 304 54

I Know Where You Live 3391 1440 240 53

Psychotic World View 3391 1494 249 48

Gematria Site Visible

Example Of Spiritual

Warfare 3391 2994 499 48

Prince Andrew End Of

Rosettas Stones Will Be A

Mason 3391 3054 509 45

John Sidney Mccain Eight

Two Nine One Nine Three

Six 3391 2994 499 40

We Will Crush Enemy Of

Allah And Humiliate Them 3391 2598 433 38

Remote Viewing Yourself

In Other Timelines 3391 2886 481 38

The Trojan Horse Of

Socialism Fascism With A

Smiley Face 3391 3156 526 34

Theres Nothing Good In

The United States Anyways 3391 3144 524 24

There Are People Who Look

Forward To My Death 3391 2664 444 23

United States Crossed Out

By Two Solar Eclipses 3391 3204 534 19

We Are Speaking In Code

We Are Part Of The

Construct 3391 2868 478 1

Results By English Gematria

Word Jewish Gematria English Gematria Simple Gematria Searches

The Teacher Of God

Greatest Illuminatis

Member 1500 2580 430 133

Aleister Crowley Edward

Alexander Crowley 4676 2580 430 129

Crystalline Transition Of

The Ascension 1784 2580 430 115

Very Suspicious Fire In A

Lawyers Office 3711 2580 430 110

Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick

Tick Tick Tick Tick Tick 1220 2580 430 105

Come Get Me On The Thirty

First Of August 2074 2580 430 105

China Special Economic

Zones Being Built In

America 1696 2580 430 104

See The Bible Is Nothing

But Theoastrology 1867 2580 430 100

King Kill Three Three

John Fitzgerald Kennedy 2455 2580 430 83

I Need To See You Soon Or

Im Cutting It Off 1992 2580 430 81

Their Own Weapons Shall

Be Used Against Them 3174 2580 430 77

Barack Is Not The

Antichrist Prince Harry

Is 1804 2580 430 72

Turkish Prime Minister

Tayyep Erdogan 2197 2580 430 71

Constrictor Serpent

Spirits In Them 1615 2580 430 70

Non Believers To Death 1970 2580 430 70 

My Name Is Seth

Cypher 2249 2580 430 70 

The Eyes Of Satan Will

Descend Into The Abyss 2896 2580 430 69 

Cattle Mutilations Harry

Reid Bundy Ranch 2323 2580 430 69 

They Will Tread The Holy

City Underfoot 3290 2580 430 69 

Power Of The Dark Side 3710 2580 430 68 

Dirty Little Secrets In

The Mortuary 2323 2580 430 64 

The First Islamic London

Mayor Sadiq Aman Khan 1630 2580 430 62 

The New Age Religion 2288 2580 430 59 

Made Sure Theyd Be Shown

No Mercy This Time 2986 2580 430 58 

Evidence Will Be

Destroyed 3906 2580 430 58 

Trained By Mi Six 4345 2580 430 53 

Keep His Mouth Shut 1695 2580 430 53 

Trump International Hotel

White Horse Black Horse

Green Horse Red Horse 2216 2580 430 46 

The God Of The Old

Testament Demands Child

Sacrifice 1312 2580 430 45 

Good Shape Form Mkultra

Mkultra Mkultra 1764 2580 430 43 

Dark Infiltration Without

Invitation 2984 2580 430 41 

International Sin

Organization Birthday 2125 2580 430 41 

20384504? ago

What in the ever living fuck.

I hope you post this in a new thread anon.


20408393? ago