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20227820? ago

I like the idea of umbrellas! Yellow vests in France, umbrellas in Hong Kong, yeah, that's a good symbol, and it wards off tear gas cannisters too.

20230657? ago

Trump making comments in one of his pressers about umbrellas last week. Now I know why. I will dig now and decode. TBA...

20231392? ago

Let me know if you decode anything Patriot!

20232565? ago

I have already, but I need to go back with fresh eyes, and new happenings in the News and in trumps speeches, and impromtu White House Lawn departures to the press.

You see, since Q and 8chan went down, his cryptic messages have increased by a HUGE amount , and also in significance.

Those time stamps of the speeches, and pressers are put out by The White House.

They are very exact about it too.

The codes for confirmation from Trump and Alliance White Hats to us, is as follows:-

Confirmation codes sent to Anons from White Hats: -

711/117/17/71 - The first part of the key to the code - Part 1 of 4

11/11:11 - The second part of the key to the code - Part 2 of 4

13/313/311/113 - The third part of the code - Part 3 of 4

5:5/555 - The fourth part of the code - Part 4 of 4

There are others like 222, which break down as 11:11:11 > 1+1:1+1:1+1 > 2:2:2

Note: All these values can be MIRRORED as per Q's post "Think Mirror", as this is what The Satanists do, and by doing it back to them, and using numerology and Gematria to communicate etc., it Trolls the living fuck out of the [DS], and bypasses the MSM nicely, while not jeopardizing Nat_Sec.

Also using variations of these numbers (using root mathematics) is the name of the game. It's a language.


Like 2:2:2 can = 11:11:11 providing confirmations >

Thus 11:52 AM can = 11: 7 (as 2+5 is 7).

Why am I not adding up the 11?

Because it stays the same. It's one of the key occult numbers, along with 7, 911, 322, 88, and other doubles.

Numbers can be halved, doubled (rarely), and mirrored in particular ("Think Mirror" - Q).

I posted that last bit about the numbers in another post.

Trump is using Gematria to talk to us, and the bad guys use this method too.

My next big Gematria decode will come later today hopefully (it's a lot of work Anon), and I will post the link to you to decode along with me, and I will make it more clear and shorter this time I hope. I will do the decode on Trump's remarks regarding 'Umbrellas' recently. TBA...


The NumberFag.

20244559? ago

Thanks for the share.

Trump and Trump team is sending a lot of decodes.

I'm seeing 17 like everywhere now. It's like Q's tagging all their work. Eg 1.7 Billion. That can be considered 17 too? Even thought it has a decimal? I forgot where that 1.7 Billion came from, but it had to do with something which wasn't relevant, but it just stuck out.

20244605? ago

I am glad people are FINALLY catching on to this form of communication. I have been doing this since Q started posting, and copping a LOT of shit for it to boot. I will persevere. Over the target.

20245529? ago

You know about Serial Brain 2? SB2 uses lots of timestamps to link to Q drops. Gematria is also used for decode confirmations.

20247490? ago

Good stuff Patriot!

Also, I dont think SB2 is part of the Q team. Just another Patriot that's fighting for Good.

How do I think that? If you look through SB2's posts, you can see SB2 is learning the comms and teaching us.

You don't have to agree with me or disagree. I'm just giving you my opinion. Also note when Q used disinfo, SB2 didn't pick up that disinfo.

We only learnt of the disinfo when the news unlock the map, and Q stated why disinfo was used. This was regarding Mueller whitehat/blackhat awhile back.

20247566? ago

SB2 ain't perfect, but at least he worked out that they are using the capitalized letters, and to analyze those.

Wait until you see what all the file names of the Q post pictures come up with! I have been doing these for two years. I have posted very few.

20247622? ago

Did you know that all of Q's tripcodes are links to books? :D


20247645? ago

Yes and they also come up with hectic results in Gematria. I will post some when I have time. Blows your mind.

Behold a Pale Horse is one that comes to mind.

20247713? ago

Do you post in the other subs? So I can follow?

This is SB2:

20247815? ago

No just QRV.

Here are some of the posts I have made:-

Enjoy the show!